
Innocent childhood

Far away in the world, specifically in Morocco in a village. There lived a little girl of 8 years old, a girl with beautiful black hair, brown eyes, and a small mouth. She was living with her large family, her father was married to 4 women, one of whom died a long time ago, and he has 9 daughters and 5 sons. this little girl has only a sister and two brothers from the same mom, and she used to live with her mother in the village with a brother from her father who is married and has a child.

That girl's name was Iman, she was different from the rest of the children, she can understood everything, she was alone despite the presence of her brothers with her. If you approach her, you will notice sadness in her eyes, yes sadness. Because her father used to spend with them only 3 days a week and some of them spent with his wife and other children. Her father was a great and just man, he love all his children. But his love for Iman was more, because she is his young daughter, he is not hard on her, and she exchanged the same love with him. With the passage of two years, Iman fell ill with a strange disease, when she was young, and she did not know that. it was the reason for her misery for the rest of her life.