
Just A Mirage

A young girl got rapped at the age of sixteen and was forced into pregnancy. She developed trauma from the horrible event that her stress caused her a miscarriage at the 7th month of her pregnancy. She became broken emotionally, physically and mostly mentally. She undergone therapy with the best psychologists in the continent and even overseas but nothing seemed to be effective. She finished her secondary school and went to University of South California. She obtained friends that cared for her more than herself. But did any of them know who and what she is inside?

_Mercy · Urbain
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1 Chs


In a dark alley, brunt footsteps were heard. Heavy breathing heard, both deep and hoarse. An attempted scream squeaked but it was interrupted by a breath of exhaustion. In an abrupt speed she was turned around and fell to the hard concrete which she urged against with force. She grunted from the impact. She tried to breath but something was restricting her breath to enter her lungs properly. A heavy weight on her forced her to open her eyes like a turning switch. Only to find the man that was chasing her on top of her.

She thrashed against him and the concrete beneath her trying to escape. He was too heavy. She was still too young to handle this kind of strength. But she didn't give up and continued thrashing until she felt a burning sting on her left cheek causing her to become frozen in the middle of her action.

The man had slapped her. And it stung. Tears were at the brink of her eyes only needing a blink to fall down her temples. She looked into the man's dark onyx eyes with her doll eyes. His eyes hooded with lust, all he could imagine was her screaming while he entered her. He couldn't help but chuckle at his thoughts as his hand instantly went to her breast region thus touching her and feeling her. She wanted to escape but she couldn't push him off. Her wrists became caged between his large palm above her head. The next moment her shirt was around her neck exposing her bra and her big breasts hiding behind it.

Everything happened so fast for even her to process. Her skirt had been lifted and her underwears torn, revealing her privates. Her legs drawn apart from each other and the next thing she knew she was invaded. She screamed loudly because even the dirty man didn't even have the sympathy for her to be gentle. No, no, no all he did was just rape a teen. Her tears finally fell off her eyes' brink and down her temples. With her clenched teeth and clenched hands she tried to hold her screams in as the men began to thrash into her like a mad animal.

She made no sound only muffles which made the man frustrated and resulted to him moving in a miniac speed that forced her screams to tore open her mouth. She swore she heard him chuckle which caused her to be disgusted. Why me? She thought.

Why can't she have a normal life again. Why did she even have a thought that moving to America was a good idea. Oh yeah her mom. She got married to some businessman she met while he visited South Africa for some business matters. She wasn't sure about the details because she didn't care at first. And still doesn't.

They moved to America in California, Los Angeles. Of course she was excited at first because she had an opportunity to enter in USC. Of course she missed her friends but somethings just needs a person to do them alone. It's not like they haven't communicated, well till that day. The day she got assaulted.

She became mental. She stopped going to school and was home schooled, she didn't go to malls or go out at all. Everything outside was done for her. She distanced herself from people and her friends from South Africa and the ones in California. She became a lone wolf.

Even her mother threatened her. She stopped trusting people especially men. When she finished her metric. Her results were astounding and was accepted to a lot of universities and colleges. She chose the University of South California. She wasnt that traumatized at the time, she could go out and communicate but she still let her guard up everytime when she is out of her house. And now it'll be all the time.

She was excited to go to USC. Well lowkey but still was. She didn't have the excitement she thought she would have but she was greatful that at least she had an excitement even though it was a little one but still counts and matters to her.

The week before she departured, she spent her time with her family. They were so happy to see her smiling again. It wasn't full like before but they appreciated the little that they had. Her stepfather was just caring and supportive. He wasn't strict towards her or creepy. He had a fatherly love that she had never experienced before. Her stepbrother was goofy as always. They played online games, watched movies and ate just the two of them. And her mom is just the best. Her mom and her went back to South Africa and did the things they used to do when it was just the two of them. They visited relatives and she finally saw her old friends. They were happy to see her, of course questions were included. But she couldn't help but lighten up. They spend the whole day together and the next day they went to a spar to relax and pamper themselves. Her days in South Africa were just her final tint to put her in a better mood. The next week they went back to L.A.

She was currently in her room laying on her bed lost in her complicated mind. She didn't even hear the knocks on her door until they came rough causing her to look at the door for a moment before saying come in, knowing who it was. Her brother Jayden entered her room with furrowed eyebrows and a creepy smile on his lips.

"I've been knocking for like...." He raised his fingers teasingly counting his fingers to show how long it has been. "...more than a minute I had been knocking" he dramatically shouted.

"Creep" she mummered.

"What was that" he asked.

She raised her arms in surrender thus shaking her head with a teasing smirk.

He ran his hands through his silky almost white hair. He was a weird one. His hair colour was a blond but when he reached the age of 7 it turned platinum blond. Well according to his father. At first she thought he dyed it but turned out false. She admired him a lot more. With his natural tan skin and aquatic blue eyes he looked like an anime character. He was hot as hell. Well according to her first reaction. But when she got to know him. She realised he had a strict side and a goofy side. Which she liked both. It made her laugh when he became goofy and made funny jokes. And when he scolded her for coming home late from school. She felt the care in his actions that him and her got along instantly. It took awhile with their father though. Patrick had always been nice and tried making her and her mom happy and to feel welcomed in their new home.

It wasn't as awkward as she had read from novels or from the movies she had watched. She guessed that maybe movies like to exaggerate sometimes. Oh well she was glad that it was not the case for her.

"And she zones out again" Jayden complained laying next to her.

She shrugged.

There was a silence that felt comfortable. Peaceful.

"What are you thinking about" he asked staring at the ceiling.

"I don't know. I'm just thinking"

"So many thoughts" he stated.

"Precisely" she agreed.

Another moment of silence engulfed them. It wasn't uncomfortable but it was tempting.

"Are we going to the uni together" she finally broke the silence.

"No sorry, dad has asked me to pick and sign a load of contracts from the companies he has shares in allowing the increase of interest. Dad says his companies had sold them a few car parts. In the contract showed a few changes, like the interest being risen and the exchange. Plus I have to check in with the one of the companies seeing as they have financial miscalculations" he stated.

"Oh I understand, when will you come" she lowly said.

"Apparently I'd be in New York so it'll be a week or maybe I'd come early but just put your hopes on the week part cause anything can happen when it involves business" he advised.

"I guess I'm all alone" she sighs as she stretched her limbs kicking and punching Jayden.

"Briella the heck I'm sitting here" he complained.

"I wasn't the one who asked you to lay next to me and invade my privacy" she joked.

"As if you aren't glad I'm here, I know you miss me from time to time" he smirked knowing he was right.

She sighed in defeat.

"So what, it's not like I don't stay in the house alone when mom is at work" she stated.

"Well you are going to uni tomorrow are you prepared" he asked.

"How should I know you are the one that packed my cases"

"Oh yeah"

"You even quadruple checked it" she whinned.

"Yeah yeah I get it" he wrapped his arms around her since she was about to get off the bed. "Don't"

She sat back down closer to him and closed her eyes.

"I love you Bree just know that alright. And I'll protect you no matter how far or busy I am. I'll always be there for you" he whole heartedly said.

"I love you too Jay and thanks for helping me out. You are the best sibling well the only sibling I've ever had. But I'm glad it's you" she smiled into his chest thus taking in his colone.

"Me too"

The next thing they knew was darkness. They had fallen asleep in one another's warm embrace.

'Yeah tell yourself that'


~hello everyone ^-^💙💓

I'm a new author and I hope we could get along just fine💫❣

thanks for giving my novel a chance❣

And if there are some errors please feel free to tell me so that i could fix my mistakes but please understand that I'm still a beginner in this whole thing so please have MerCy on your comments💓💓

Thank you for supporting me and I'll do my best to publish as many chapters as I can💓💓