
good boy.

I couldn't deny how badly I was scared when I was brought into yet another room. This room was painted with slate gray paint, the ceiling decorated with little star stickers and shaped into constellations, real and fake alike. I could make out the Little and Big Dippers as well as a cat and a regular spoon. It seemed that whoever put those stickers on the ceiling knew what they were doing, because it was absolutely beautiful and scenic despite just being little stickers on the ceiling.

Min kissed me, slowly and gently unwrapping me from the blanket Tae had put me in so sweetly and lovingly. Min unbuttoned my shirt and began kissing my torso, starting from my Adam's Apple and going down to my lower stomach. He unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans before pulling down my underwear. I whimpered, immediately knowing what was about to happen: more rape. So much more fucking rape.

He kissed my cheek, smiling as he stood and undid his own jeans before sliding those and his underwear off. He climbed up onto the bed and sat his ass on top of my cock, moaning softly as its length went further and further up his anus. I whimpered from pain as he began raising his body up and down quickly and harshly, my cock going in and out of his body as if it were some kind of fucked-up popsicle.

I grunted, trying to pull away, but his weight was too much for my body to just fling off. He had to weigh almost 150 pounds, and that was way too much for my body to even handle. I just stood there, suffering as my cock began to grow erect. My body obviously thought that this was a pleasurable experience and wanted to show Min. And it did, because I came straight up into his asshole.

Min moaned and leaned over before he made his way closer to my face and kissed my lips. "Mmm. Such a good boy."

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