
Jujutsu kaisen:RE LIFE

Inzo dies while clutching two manga books in his hands and gets reincarnated in the world of jujutsu kaisen with a twist in his life

Darius_Wing · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

The improvement

its been a whole month since Inzo was admitted to the jujutsu high,during this month Inzo has come a long way from before.

Mainly his curse energy underwent a qualitative change,according to Satoru his curse energy is now not leaking out and thus its hard for normal sorcerers to discern his location while using invisibility.

Although its ineffective against most Grade 2 and above sorcerers who have trained in their curse energy proficiency and sensory type sorcerers.

But Inzo believes that he can still make use of his invisibility against such people,since even rhough they know he is their,they wont be able to see him attack them.

He can use this to land some strikes against cursed spirits as well.Imagining him fighting curse spirits qith his bare fist and then going invisible, using a sword and severing the head of a spirit.


its afternoon and we are going for our daily spar.we reach the training ground and see that Satoru Gojo is not here yet

This has become a normal occcurence for us.we all know hoe much of a lazy guy that Gojo is,his strength more then makes up for it though.

I dont know why but i feel something is different today,mainly because today i am seeing someone other then Gojo coming to teach us.its Ijichi sensei.


Just as i thought,today is our first task,it seems Gojo sensei has chosen a task for each of us as a pair.

Me and Maki ,Panda and Toge.

We will be a pair ,each will be given a location to go and exorcise a spirit .

'This is your time Inzo,dont get scared remember what mom taught you,they are just like ugly potatoes that need to be gotten rid of so that the world doesnt go bad'

Needless to say i was trying to calm my mind,and seems like everyone found out i was scared...or nervous.

"You dont need to be so scared Inzo,Grade 4 and 3 curses are not too hard to defeat,Grade 2 curses are a little tricky so you need to be careful and besides i have defeated several garde 3 curses in my first form and i think according to that you can rest easy" Panda said to ve trying to assure me ,though it calmed me down,it made me angrier

Angry and ashamed,here i was being all nervous while these guys might have already faced their fair share of curses while i was too busy being a scaredy cat.

Ijichi sensei dropped us off at the location of the cursed spirit,when we were close enough i could actually feel the chills.the same as when i was a kid,my first time seeing a cursed spirit.

"Lets Go" Maki said as she took the lead.

I followed behind are incase some thing tried a sneakshot from behind us,definitely not because i was scared

"Inzo...turn on your ability,maybe we can use a surprise attack" said Maki as she looked at me.

i silently used my ability and became invisible,as we started exploring the abandoned mansion,i started feeling like something was creeping up at us.

Looking around i found nothing,out of the blue i heard Maki warning me that we were clsoe.Just as she told me to be careful,a chair flew at us at blinding speed,before i could do anything Maki chopped the chair to bits and pieces.


"Its here"

A huge golem made out of Metal surfaced from the walls,i couldnt help but look at its lustrous body and gulp

"This is gonna be a hard one"

"Ehehehe,humannn,tasty tastyyy"

"No thanks" Maki said as she launched herself at the golem that was easily twice our size,contrary to what i thought she was able to land several hits on the golem,effectively chipping away at it.

As she was fighting the spirit i still felt a nagging feel at the back of my head.i dodged just in time to see small golems with their hands raised ,small bullets were being shot from their hands and accidentally i got in the way.

I dont think Maki will be fast enough to avoid rhe bullets.besides these small guys look way cuter then that big golem,i think i can take em.

with that thought i lept at the golems with the sword in hand,i coated it with Curse energy and succesfully beheaded two of the cursed spirits and the third one was able to dodge in time

it began looking around in panic,good,my invisibility did not break ,thats an improvement right.

"Good job Inzo,you are finally able to pull it off,haha"

"Yeah ,thanks to you guys constantly beating this into me that is." i said sarcastically, but still couldnt hide the happiness in my voice.

Just as i thought everything was under control the small golem released a shriek and charged an abnormal amount of bullet which shot through his arms and breaking him in the process.

My heart skipped a beat as i saw the big projectile rushing towards Maki who was busy fighting the big Golem.

As i was about to raise my voice to Warn her,i felt my curse energy rapidly deplete ,as if it was being sucked.not knowing why i kept thinking'If only that bullet wasnt their,if only that bullet wasnt their' and before i knew it i was falling unconscious, the big golem was decapitated and dismembered while the big ass bullet disappeared.


On a tree opposite the fight area was a human standing,with blind fold on his eyes.

"Hmmm,interesting....it seems like you are more then you let on,eh ,Inzo"

With that said Gojo disappeared from view.