


As Rhys moved through space alongside Eternal Paragon, he felt a pull, and before he noticed, he was outside of the void. In fact, he was in the world's atmosphere. Whatever world they were in.

As Rhys realized they were in space and was about to hold his breath since he is not strong enough to protect himself from the wild space that lies on the other side of the world barriers. Eternal Paragon grabbed his shoulder and protected him, again, with her warm energy that made Rhys calm down.

"Listen, boy, this is a Supreme World, according to what you people rank things, anyways, make sure to follow me and stay quiet. Disguise yourself better." Her words were calm as she looked at Rhys's free-flowing hair and physique which stood out, he already had the mask on his face, so at least that was good in her eyes.

Rhys understood and for the first time since he can remember from his memories, he grabbed his hair and made it into a high ponytail. Soon, Rhys put on a regular black coat over his robes that went to hide his refined physique. Of course, that is as long as no one tried to pry him with their senses.

'A Supreme world, powerhouses of all levels will be gathered here, I should make sure not to bring any attention.' Rhys realized this fact quickly, he put on his coat's hair to cover his hair.

Eternal Paragon slightly nodded as Rhys's 'disguise' and held his arm before they both descended, dozens of prying eyes immediately surrounded them but all vanished went they felt Eternal Paragon's mighty aura.

'Those senses were all of powerhouses at least at the Divine rank...' Rhys gulped, he felt pressured by such senses and strength, he was only an Earthly Saint, he would only be able to scream before he died.

They both landed inside a platform in the middle of the city, Rhys could see there were many divine and a few celestial beings all were clasping their hands and bowing with respect towards Eternal Paragon.

A group of 5 walked forth, clearly the strongest within the city, or so Rhys thought, "We welcome the seemed Paragon, Eternal Paragon to the Supreme world of Vim." A woman spoke, it seemed she was the proxy as the other four men stayed silent.

The woman looked at Rhys and her brows furrowed, naturally, this did not escape Eternal Paragon who merely smiled like a teenage girl, "Ah how nice of you. Worry not, I only came to obtain some things. Afterward, I'll be on my way."

Her words were like a fuse as the hundreds of divine beings immediately moved away, clearly, they were preparing for her arrival.

'Power truly does command.' Rhys's thoughts were simple.

Eternal Paragon let go of Rhys's arm before she started to walk, naturally, he followed behind her, Rhys felt many gazes directed towards him as they walked down the city towards the business district. Hate, Jealousy, Greed, and Lust to name a few.

Clearly, Rhys was a target for many due to his ambiguous relationship with a Paragon. Many were tempted to peak, but his close distance to Eternal Paragon made them erase the thought from their heads. After all, her senses were good enough to pick up anything in the world with ease, so if they dared to do anything like peeking at Rhys, she would be able to easily solo out from the rest.

Yet that wasn't enough to stop some stupid people from acting out. Fsh! Rhys felt a have weight fall upon him from the senses of many Immortal and a few Divine beings, Rhys chuckled inwardly, 'Curiosity killed the cat as they say.'


The sound of heads exploded echoed as the individuals who had dared to peek at Rhys were instantly killed. Blood, gore, and brains exploded out and covered the surroundings.

Before anyone could react, a heavy voice fell in the surroundings, it was Eternal Paragon, "You arrogant people! You are not worthy to lick my shoes, much less try and find his identity. Try that again and this world won't live to tell the tale!" Arrogance, might, and majesty. Those were the three things many people saw in Eternal Paragon as she spoke, but a few schemers also noticed the few hints in her words.

'She said we aren't worthy of licking her shoes, not feet, we really are lowly enough not to fall in her eyes. Heh, but she also said 'much less' find his identity... does that mean that whoever that person is, is worthy enough to lick her feet?' Many had that thought when they heard her words. Yet no one dared voice anything out.

'Truly...' Rhys felt more awe growing towards Eternal Paragon as her long purple hair fluttered in the wind as they walked, her steps were free and unbound. She seemed to be the incarnation of freedom from the way she acted as if the world was hers.

No one tried anything funny, after all, one warning was enough. At least from a Paragon.

It took a few more minutes for them to reach the business district, but when they did, Rhys felt it was much livelier than it would normally be.

'Guess they can't miss the chance of making some riches from a Paragon, or even make connections with her.' Rhys felt like laughing at the way the world moved to try and curry any form of goodwill with Eternal Paragon.

Eternal Paragon entered the district unbothered, her senses spread and scanned all the items, some were discarded as her senses focused on more rare or otherwise important objects that caught her interest.

Many of the objects here were acquired in the long journey of many, the items they found and were on sale had no use for them or they had no idea how to use it, thus they decided to sell it to Eternal Paragon, who with her millennia of life, would naturally know what to do with them.

Indeed, Eternal Paragon recognized many, if not all the treasures that she had her senses focused on, the rest were things she found unworthy.



That was how Rhys would feel, it had been hours since they arrived at this world, yet Eternal Paragon was still focused on choosing things, so they both remained standing, Rhys felt like he was getting tired and his muscles were also getting sore.

'Hah...' Rhys wanted to sigh out loud but refrained.

'How can she take so long with her strong senses?' Rhys did not know Eternal Paragon was already having private talks with the owners of the items she was interested in.

She would not go up to them, so she used her soul to make a stable connection with them and communicate mentally, she was doing this for around twenty people at the same time, her mind could easily pull that off.

While all of this happened, Rhys thought she was still choosing, but that was his error. Well, anyone would make that error as well, after all, who dared to try and judge a Paragon's thought process?

Rhys lost himself in thoughts, while the many Divine beings around them started to leave once they saw Eternal Paragon did not react to their objects. The 5 Celestial remained standing, as a sort of guard and tried to initiate a conversation with Rhys, who knows, maybe they would be able to gain favor with him.

Rhys only gave one-worded replies such as yes or no. He would also not answer something too personal.

"So, have you known each other long?" An old man asked from the group of five.

"Yes." For Rhys, it wasn't long, since most of the time he was on his own, Eternal Paragon was too free to stick with him.

"I see, so what is your relationship?" A man tried the waters, yet made a bitter smile when Rhys stayed silent.

"Who are you?" The woman spoke out for the first time in a long time.

Rhys did not reply and shrugged, that shrug though, revealed much of Rhys's physique from the movement of the robe on his body, it was something only people as old and wise as them would be able to tell.

The woman smiled, thinking her probes finally worked in helping them find his physique type, combined with his voice and stature, they thought they would be able to find Rhys's origins.

Rhys made a smile behind his mask before he stopped and looked forward again. Eternal Paragon was starting to move, she turned around to face Rhys.

"Mhm, let's go. We are leaving." Rhys did not reply but merely nodded and opened the way for Eternal Paragon by moving aside to let her walk before he followed behind her.

The 5 Celestials were shocked when they saw she was leaving so soon.

"My lady, allows us to host you in our finest Palace! We promise you will enjoy it." The old man tried to ask as he bowed repeatedly. He was desperate. Yet Eternal Paragon did not stop and continued to walk.

Rhys who saw this tried not to laugh, 'Are they that desperate to gain benefits from her staying longer on this world?'

That was indeed their goal, if she stayed long enough, then that would mean she enjoyed it. That would mean the world would become more famous and be under the protection of the Heavenly Eyes, a group of righteous people.

Since a Paragon took a liking to the world, they would naturally protect it as to not incur her wrath for letting something happen to it. This had happened in the past as Eternal Paragon had stayed in multiple worlds in the past.

Rhys looked back before he shook his head.

Eternal Paragon suddenly stopped, making Rhys bump into her. Because of their size difference, his pelvis hit her plump buttocks, which wiggled from the hit.

"Ouch." Eternal Paragon let out, a short, but clearly not painful ouch.

Rhys froze, but he wasn't the only one, everyone also froze as they thought she would go mad from being touched like that, even if accidentally.

"Amitabha, I am dead." Rhys prayed as he felt his life was sentenced to end from this mistake. Rhys felt like his soul would rise, but instead, his little brother woke up from the impact and was seeking freedom, thankfully, the robes hid it well, that was from everyone but Eternal Paragon who made an unamused face.

Eternal Paragon's face was calm, she could bear being touched like that accidentally by Rhys since she knew he would not do that on purpose, but to see such a reaction, she felt some form of satisfaction, but it was overshadowed by the anger and disrespect she felt.

How could she, a mighty Paragon allow someone to touch her that way!? But if it wasn't enough, Rhys also had a biological reaction, which wasn't his fault, really. His libido was at an all-time high from not having sex in so long, so even that little stimulation was enough to turn him on.

Eternal Paragon's neutral, devoid of any emotion face hid the anger and probably beating Rhys would get after they left, so, she took his hand and in seconds vanished.

The people who saw this happen felt like they saw something unholy and swore to forget it, lest they attract her anger towards themselves.


In the void, one could see the sorry figure of Rhys flying at full speed as Eternal Paragon followed behind him by taking mere steps, space bent to her will and her steps took her leaps forward, which made her never lose out to Rhys's flying speed.

'I'm sorry!'

"You will bet." Eternal Paragon spoke with a devilish smile as she neared Rhys who felt like he would die for something he would have trouble even trying to control.

'Fuck! What are you a virgin!? Acting like this from a biological reaction of mine!?' Rhys moved his mouth as he felt anger rising from feeling like he was going to die.

Eternal Paragon stopped and her face turned slightly red, but it was very noticeable due to her purplish-pale skin, 'Oh she is. Fuck.'

Rhys thought she would've lost it by now after living for so long, but in the end, it seemed he was in the wrong, he realized he probably made her madder.

'Ai, I'll simply allow myself to be beaten at this point, she won't kill me... I hope.' Rhys thought when he felt a suppression hit him, he looked at Eternal Paragon to see a frown in her beautiful face, the blush being long gone and her eyes being filled with anger.

"You will stay like that for a month, a punishment. Even then, you will not rest! You will work hard to try and break out of there, understand!?" Her voice was stern as she vanished before Rhys could reply, leaving him all alone in the silent void.

'A month!? Fuck this shit! I'm supposed to remain standing for a month!?' Yes, still, for Rhys could not move an inch.

Rhys slowly calmed down and gave up to his fate, it was only natural, although the previous incident wasn't his fault, the latter, Rhys calling Eternal Paragon a virgin, definitely was.


In another part of the void, Eternal Paragon remained standing as her body lightly shook, not from anger, but from embarrassment.

'How dare he call me a virgin!? So what if I am!? Is it wrong of me to wait for the right person!?' Eternal Paragon pouted cutely as her face was flushed from the embarrassment she went through, she stomped on the void, as cracks formed every time her foot was brought down on the air she 'stomped' on.

'Hmph! He'll suffer for that now.' Eternal Paragon thought, she had not been with him for long enough to have any feelings for him other than interest. But she could not kill him either, mostly because Rhys was like her successor in case she died.

'I should start training him on a few things seriously after the punishment is over that is.'


Author's Note:

Daily chapter.

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