
Chapter 1


3rd POV*

In a small village within the kingdom of Thalassia, there is a boy that is currently clenching his head in pain. His parents are looking at him in worry as they patted his back to comfort him, though their attempts were useless as the boy stayed squirming without any sign of stopping. "Gaaaaghh!!" The boy began screaming alerting his parents about his state. "Ascella! Are you okay? Please be strong!" The mother said revealing the name of the boy, "My son! Don't fall for something like this!" The father shouted while trying to check what is wrong with his son's body.

Both of them only stopped when the boy Ascella froze on his spot. The boy looked around confused only to gain understanding when he looked at the faces of his parents. "What happened? Is your head okay? Are you hurt?" His mother asked while checking for injuries. "...M–Mother.. I am fine, please let me be alone for a moment.." the boy asked after some hesitation. His parents were surprised by his words before they looked at each other. This is the first time that their son requested something from them, he is usually always meek and would just accept anything thrown at him without any complain. They were even worried that something might have happened to their son, they thought that maybe their son was cursed since he felt like an empty shell from them.

Tears gathered in their eyes as they embraced the boy making him surprise. "This is a miracle.. thank you God of Creation.." His mother muttered some words that he somehow understood, he guessed that they were from the other memories that he just gained right now. They stayed like that for a few more minutes before getting out of the room. The boy saw them closing the door as he sighed in relief. Everything that happened so far was nerve wracking for him specially when he can't get the feeling of closeness to the couple since he is not even his original parents anyway. "Still.. this is unbelievable, who would have thought that the things that I read from light novels were true. Besides.. I got a new name huh? But Ascella? Isn't that too weird for a name?" Ascella muttered, this monologue of his explained his origins as he is not really the true owner of the body.

"His memories are weird. Like how could a guy live like a doll for many years? Even the neighbours are weirded out by his actions before they finally cut connection with him.. I can't get picky now can I? I'm even lucky that I was given an chance like this" He said as he closed his eyes trying to organize the new memories. The informations that he gained were quite stunning as just knowing that supernatural exist in this world. There is Magic but it was only limited to certain people who could comprehend a little about the mana in this world. Mages were rare, too rare that only 8 of it existed in this whole kingdom of Thalassia. 'So this world is not the type where genocide happens too often huh... Well, that is more favorable to me, trouble is always a hassle' Ascella thought.

The world that he is currently standing is called Farside, Ascella is in the continent of Southern Isles. It is the continent of carefree and relax people, they are well known for their love of music and art along side with their skills in seafaring. In this kingdom, Thalassia has many nobles where women are the head of the family. 'How interesting, I wonder how people accept a woman ruling the kingdo- oh, got a little bit of sexist there' Ascella shook his head in amusement before he stopped. 'What the hell am I doing? I should be down right because of what happened to me. My reaction is not amusing at all, even though I don't have anything left in that world there are still memories that I am quite fond of. Was there someone who made my emotions calm when coming here?' Ascella thought.

His reaction is indeed unbelievable, he just died a few minutes ago and here he is accepting everything without even thinking properly. Worse, he even thought of playing around when he still didn't fix anything about his past. Ascella closed his eyes reminscing about his former world, thinking about how that world is too entertaining for him to part with it. "Ahh, this is so troublesome.. I would rather laze than thinking seriously. But this situation is saying other hand, if I stop here then I will really adapt this mood later on" Ascella shook his head before he began thinking more carefully. He finally composed his thought after an hour as he stood up from the creaking bed he has.

"They might not be my real parents but they will be from now on. I need to familiarize with them more to ensure my existence in this world. I don't know how they would react but I am quite optimistic about this, I hope they won't treat me as an abomination for suddenly gaining an sentience from being an mindless doll who only accept orders" Ascella said with determination before walking towards the door. He took a long breath as he opened it where he saw the unhidden joy in his parents eyes, "Mother.. Father, I am sorry for worrying you like that" Ascella said while bowing his head. Apologizing is the only thing that entered his mind upon looking at the hagard expression on their faces, clearly worried about him.

"Ascella.. you've really grown.." Mizar the mother of Ascella said, she couldn't believe everything that is happening because it was too fast for her. Early this morning, they were just having their usual day only for her son to start screaming in pain making them worry. Ascella's father whose name is Alioth is just watching with a smile on his face that shows many emotions. He is in the same situation as Mizar as they were just suddenly bombarded by surprises that they didn't expect would arrive. "Is that so? I don't think he changed. And no matter how he change, the fact that he is our son will never change" Alioth said while patting Ascella's head. The three of them were having the time of their life in this situation.

"You should not apologize son, we were just overreacting. What matters now is that you recovered, what happened anyway? Did you perhaps awakened as a mage?" Alioth said jokingly trying to lighten the mood, "I think its just a very strong head ache father. It's not something worthy to worry about" Ascella shook his head in denial. "Of course we would worry! That thing is unusual you know? We never experienced an headache that would result like that. Even we who just looked at it could already feel how strong it was.. I think you should rest first Ascella, your mind might be exhausted right now" Mizar said as she led Ascella back to his room. He wanted to refuse but eventually gave up when he saw the firm look on his parent's face.

Ascella back to his room looked at the ceiling. "..I'm glad nothing happened. That was scary even for me, being deemed as an abomination is what I worried the most as being an 12 year old kid talking like an adult is rather creepy. I should probably thank my parent's airheadedness in this" Ascella muttered while smiling gently, that worked pretty well. 'Still, father's guess is not far from the truth at all.. I mean who would've thought that just an hour after transmigrating I would be able to see this' He thought as he looked at the air full of colorful particles, he somehow understood that those are mana, and him being able to see it means he had the qualification to become an mage.

"Becoming a mage is an intriguing thought but the trouble it would give is something that I really want to avoid. Being in the middle of attention while people showered you with expectations.. I don't want to repeat what happened in my past" He shook his head erasing the thought. 'Practicing silently without gathering the attention of various strong people would be the best. That way, I could live my peaceful life far from trouble.. first I need to read some books. The previous owner of the body didn't really tackle much about the information of magic, so that would be my first priority' Ascella thought as he began looking for books in his room, he was surprised when he found 3 of it in a cabinet.

"Are my parents that wealthy? Based on the memories that I have, people in this era are not even aware of the process of making papers. So having 3 books for their child is already amazing enough for me" Ascella said outloud while looking at the 3 thin books laid in his hands. The only people who could process papers are mages, most of them are also freaks who loved gathering information so they just thought of an object that they could place their findings leading them to make the paper. Of course making a small book is already something that would make them fall in exhaustion, that is how precious the papers are in thid world. "Now that I thought about it, I never really learned my parents job in this world. The previous me was always in the house as the concept of 'Curiousity' wasn't with him" He muttered.

Back to the mages, their power in this medieval era is enough for people to worship them. There are no technologies in this world leading them to rely against the mages who took advantage of it gaining the position in the caste. But for Ascella.. "Weak.. their powers are not even special. Making a small fireball already granted them the priveliege of calling themselves 3rd class mage? That's far from what I saw in my former world. Or is my information not enough? There might be strong person in this vast world and I'm just not aware of their existence" He stopped there as he can already feel exhausting devouring his body and mind. He was excited of the thought of traveling this vast mysterious world as he looked at the ceiling before smiling. 'Still.. how am I supposed to sleep with this colorful things swimming all around my view?' as if sensing his thoughts, everything returned normal. He closed his eyes before succumbing to the pleasure of rest.


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