
Journey of the Octane Render

Summoned by the will of 5th Dimensional being Noah find himself involved in the race of throne for the position of only 6th dimensional being in entire cosmos . Given the power to create his own skills , Noah creates [REALITY RENDER - The skills/talents you create will become real as long as enough people believe in it] and a System which has its own intelligence and freedom . Join Noah in his journey as he visits Archanos - a world filled with secrets and wonders beyond one's imagination and as he discovers secrets regarding himself. Note:- The story will not be rushed (medium pace) for sake of character development and starting chapters may be boring as I will be making plot bigger and interesting for novel . novel will have a fantasy build with powers and system made by protagonist . MC will be smart and cunning and i will try to give explanation if needed -The quality of chapter increases as number of chapter increases , so give it it a try till 30 chapter before coming to a conclusion!

OctaneRender · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

Poisonmancer's Grace!

"Fine! man , I forgive you not that I have any other option" Noah said while sighing , as pushing this topic further would not yield any result.

"So, you shared information about other players to her , correct right?"

[Yes, only two out of three , if I would have shared more details , who knows what would have happened to you]

As Noah heard system message he felt a chill run down his spine and he said "Hey don't do this again , without telling me" with a stern voice

[Sure , sure but believe me when you see the results , you would be licking my toes not that I want you to]

"Lame jokes , and about the results , we will see if it was worth it" Noah said

[Remember I have your personality and now also your emotions . So, my jokes being lames means... ]

Noah who didn't wanted to admit swiftly ignored the message and said "So, what about this weird cultist ritual I am in?"

[Oh this , I find a loophole in systems punishment]

"What? that kind of thing is possible?" Noah asked bewildered

[That's the thing as it was system's first time having a outer enter Archanos , it can't predict our thought process ]

"Woah! , that really does gives us quite the edge "

[Yes , it does but remember every time we found a loophole it learns about it and replicating or repeating is not possible]

"So , its like one-time only thing , huh.. but its still is good , so what loophole did you found"

[That you are banned from leveling up to 20 years age but that time starts from when you wake up]

"Yeah , so I can't level up for 5 years from now" Noah said with a frown as did not like the idea of being stuck in the same level for freaking 5 years , when the others will be improving

[Yes but that does not mean I couldn't power you up when you were asleep]

"Wow! that thought didn't cross my mind " Noah said as his mood took a 180 degree turn

[Heh , you look like a little child right now ]

"Oye! , wanna get some sleep? , stop teasing me these emotions are new to me" Noah said

"So, care to elaborate"

[Yeah , so as I said I found it out that I can make you stronger but as the method I found was quite unorthodox]


[The method I used was used by one of the extinct species , they used blood of different beast and species to make them stronger by taking bath in their blood and as for those organs , they are Dragon's heart used to increase your affinity with mana]

[But alas there was one problem]


[That species had an innate skill that neglected all types of poisons as the blood of such magical beasts contain poison in high amount and quality]

"Hmm , that's something new , so how did you solve it?" Noah asked as he was curious how did he solved such a problem.

[Hehe , that's where your awesome skill came to work in]

"Reality Render?"

[Yes, I made your mother who is currently a SSS- ranked individual believe that you have such a talent in-built as you are different species from her]

"Woah! that's amazing , seems like sharing my memories with you was really worth it " Noah said seemingly praising himself and his intelligence

[Yo! you narcist , You really now accept about me having your mind but ignore me whenever we talk about your personality....]

And yes he was once again ignored!


[But that's not even the best part]

Noah who heard this message raised a brow , and asked "Then what is it?"

[Oh , instead of giving you a skill to provide you poison resistance I did the opposite]


[Yes , from now on whenever you face a poison instead of harming you , it will be treated as a medicine by your body]

"What!? , such a thing.... " Noah mumbled as he was dumbfounded .

"But I don't think that origin energy of one person can possibly create such a broken skill , can it?" Noah asked after recovering from initial shock

[When did I say it was only limited to one person knowing about your skill?]


[Your mother is one the three SSS-ranked individual of Human Domain , you think it wouldn't be possible for her to deceive the masses? or even the higher ranked people as why would she lie about it?]

"Wow , that does quite make a lot of sense" Noah said he also found doing all this thing by himself to be impossible when he was currently just 15 years old.

[Told you , Anyway I know this may sound a little disgusting but you have drink all this liquid and eat those hearts]

Noah who wanted to retort couldn't help but shut his mouth when he saw system's next message.

[You know its for your own benefit , you won't be able to level up for whole five years , if you are okay with being peaky its your choice ]

"Fine , Fine I will do it , but atleast give me some information about that skill" Noah said as he was curious about this skill description.


[ Poisonmancer's Grace - A skill that converts all toxins and poisons into medicine.

-Type : Passive

- Rank - Mythical (-)

-Once belonged to ???????? , who was hailed as a war hero during Primordial times.

-Grants user ability to converts all known and unknown harmful material for his body into beneficial one

-Increases the Efficiency of medicine and potions by 2 to 3 times

-Increases the efficiency of Elixirs by 5 times

-Nourishes and cleanses host's body of all harmful and useless material

-Note :- Initially this skill was created using Reality Render but as the threshold to create this skill has been completed.

Therefore , Poisonmancer's Grace has been registered as a permanent Skill!]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have a Good Day!

OctaneRendercreators' thoughts