
JoJo's bizarre adventure part 9: The saint

"The young and arrogant saint who will claim ultimate power 2000 years in the future shall rise from humble beginnings. He will have 2 companions, one named Joestar, and the other named Zeppli. The saint shall face countless challenges, but he will ultimately succeed in his quest. His growth from arrogance to wisdom shall be a testament of the true power of humility and perseverance. His ultimate victory shall be a boon to all those who live in his era. All glory to the saint!" Thos where the words spoken by the prophetic witch Enyaba. Follow the journey of our saint in a Jojos bizzare adventure part 9 alternative.

ace_monkey_0410 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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The Bastard

"Hey JoJo, i found a golden arrow by the river d'you think we can sell it?" A young boy, our protagonist would speak to his greatest friend Joanne Joestar. "it seems like this time we really hit the jackpot huh." "hell yeah we did! Now we need to bring it to that pawn shop" "here catch" "ow what the hell that arrow hurts" Joanne would say, not knowing that the arrow gave her an ability that she would find out only years later.

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Years later the two would be walking across the town, they were celebrating new years. It was now the year 4000, technology had advanced to very high levels, stuff like climate change and war and all other things had been solved when a company single handedly took over the world with its inventions, and slowly it became a political party, then it started conquering other countries. Now they have united the world. 

"Hey Franklin, come see this. It's the all new L-Box 720! Can you buy it for me?" 

"Fuck no, we need money for school and stuff like that, we can waste it on an L-box when we don't have a tv!" 

"whatever, lets just get to school" 

After their brief exchange, they would bike to school on their X-bike model Z, the cheapest one available at 150 dollars. As they would arrive at school they would get into class. 

"hey there he is, The 'Saint' and his 'devil' "

"the fuck do you want now chris"

"to beat you guys up"

"never gonna happen"

As they would exchange their banter, a professor would hear them and come in between them and break up their fight. "Joanne you can't always be fighting, I'm going to have to give you another detention!"

"ugh whatever, lets go franklin" Joanne would scoff turning on her heels and go to class with franklin following silently.

 "Why do you always let them get away with insulting you"

"Because I am a model student, it would be unsightly for me to fight with a bunch of failing drug addicted delinquents."


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After finishing their class Joanne would go to the teachers office. "Joanne, you are a beautiful young girl, you can't keep getting in trouble like this, you need to pass with a 3.7 GPA at least to get into state college."

"What, they said it was 2.9."

"well they increased it"

"Well what the fuck can I do then"

"you are very beautiful and naughty, if you just helped me satiate my desires I will higher your score"

Hearing this Joanne's eyes would widen in disgust and without knowing it, her stand would appear. However she knew assaulting the teacher would get her in prison. So she quickly left. 

"heheheh I know she's desperate to go to the same university as that boy Franklin, and with my ability being used on her its only a matter of time." The disgusting professor would be thinking this.

His stand The Bastard, when attached to somebody it will slowly corrupt them to be more accessible to debauchery and loyalty to the user.







I don't know what to do! I need to have a sufficient GPA but it is hard and there is no way i will ever give my body to him that fat ugly ba-

Joanne what the fuck is on your shoulder! 

Huh wha- OH MY GOD! Get it off of me, stab it or something.

All of a sudden a tall figure would appear from Joanne's body and take the little insect and crush it. 

The figure would be tall, 6,5 ft, wearing a black wedding gown however the face was blurred and all you could make out of it was bloody eyes that stared at you with a sort of vengeful glare. 

What the fuck are you! 

I am The Vengeful Maiden The voice would speak, broken and distorted but somehow clear enough to hear.

I am your stand

what is a stand?

I don't know 

how? Also was that thing on my shoulder a stand? 

I don't know how but I just don't know, the thing on your shoulder was indeed a stand.

So what can you do?

I don't know

whatever. Looking over to Franklin she would say

Why are you just standing there so quiet.

You don't see that? 

I see her if that's what your talking about

No the images behind her.

What do you see! Tell me!

I see a vision where *$# !@( * *!&# @#*

What did you just say, i can't understand what language you're speaking

*$# !@( * *!&# @#* Franklin would try again but he wouldn't be able to say.

Something weird is happening around us, and I don't know who is doing this or what is happening, but we will get to the bottom of this. Starting with who was the owner of the stand on my shoulder, and what was the stand doing to me.