
Jinn slayer

Joey has lived his whole life in the gutter. Nothing seems to make him happy. And in a world where curses rule it’s not safe to live an upsetting life. Joey can attract all kinds of jinn to him…now he just need to find out why evil spirits want him and him only

Jast_123 · Fantaisie
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83 Chs

Joey and Kebushie

Kebushie threw a black ball at Ahana. Ahana used her eye to reflect the ball. The ball let out a thick smoke that covered the area.

"I can hear your thoughts, Kebushie. Is this really all you have to offer?" Ahana laughed as she reached behind her back and blocked Kebushie's sword.

"You're too cocky, Ahana!" A well-sized jinn jumped and grabbed Ahana. (Oh?)

Kebushie summoned a spear and jabbed it at her. Ahana broke free form the jinn and threw it at him. Kebushie jumped to dodge, but Ahana waited for him in the air and pushed him away with her eye.

"This is the end Kebushie. Everything I've done…was for us!"

"Hahaha, you kidding me? You're a red-eye user. Everything you've done is for your own benefits."

Ahana rolled her eyes. "I've planned everything. Ever since the first paradox I've made! You all are the final step I need."

"Final step? The hell are you talking about?"

"You want to unleash the army of hell onto Earth, right? I have much…much more plans than that. Hell, I believe you even wanted to give jinns to the people who need them, correct?" Ahana held out her hand. "Join me, Kebushie. We can finally safe them."

Kebushie stood a few yards away with a straight face. "I'm trying to save the world and make it equal. You…are not. What you're trying to do or what you've seen…is a war. Jinns Vs Angels. That is what's coming. You want this war….for what? I'm still unsure."

Ahana fell into silence and rubbed her eye. "To be honest…I…just want to kill every single human on Earth. That's the truth, Kebushie. However, there is another reason. I don't know why…but…I also want to save my brother and sister."

(What did she just say?)

"What did-"

"I read your thoughts. I want to save my blood. But…if I do that…I know something terrible will happen. Maybe it's the yellow-eye getting to me. I just wanna see how it all ends." Ahana chuckled.

(Brother? Sister?!? Wait…oh, I see! It…all makes sense now!)

Ahana tapped her fingers on her head with a smile. "Finally got it? I was surprised when I first found out!"

Kebushie turned around to see Joey standing a few buildings away. "There goes Joey." Ahana said.

"Joey…GET AWAY-"

Ahana dropkicked Kebushie in his stomach.

(They're fighting! I'll join in! This is for Jackson!)

Joey used jinn energy and ran towards the two. The only thing on his mind was to kill Ahana.

(Amber and Lily have Jackson's body! After they burry him…Amber will join. Rock is close also. This is where she dies! This is where…we end this curse!)

Joey threw a powerful punch. Ahana leaned backwards and kicked Joey in his chin.

"Slash." Ahana whispered. Joey could feel a sharp pain on his stomach. He looked down to see that he had been cut.

Kebushie pointed at Ahana. "Rainbow dragon…COME!!" The giant dragon appeared as Joey landed on it's head. Joey have Kebushie an awkward look. "We shall work together…for now. Even with all of us…she is still holding back, enjoying the moment. This dragon will change that. I also sense her energy has decreased, along with her energy output with attacks. Must be the reason you weren't cut in half with that old attack." Kebushie explained.

"It was a guy. Jaden has halted her abilities. We can thank him when he and the others join us."

Kebushie looked at Joey differently than before. "You sure…do remind me of myself when I was younger."


"Calm your self. I know how you feel. It hurts. You feel lonely. Like all is lost. Joey… promise me to keep your head on tight with what im about to tell you."

"What is it?" Joey asked while staring at Ahana with a killer look in his eyes. "Ahana-"

"No need to spoil it, Kebushie. Joey doesn't know about what I did. I'd like to tell him myself when we are alone." Ahana said with a smile.

(Alone? Does that mean…everyone else including me is gonna die? Defeated?)

"Now, then…shall we continue our fight?" Ahana asked.

Kebushie let out a tiny chuckle and clapped his hands together. "Rainbow breath!!"

Joey jumped off of the dragon and charged Ahana.

(My eyes have been pretty accurate. I know all they moves and everything. The only thing I worry about…is-)

"Infinity punch!"


Jaden and Amber stood over Lily. "You wait here. We will return, Lily. Have faith in us." Amber said.

"I want to help! I've done nothing…I also don't want to be alone." Lily said.

"You are not coming. Joey would literally go crazy if anything happened to you."

"I'm coming with you."

Rock and Amber ignored her and disappeared in thin air.

"COME BACK!!" Lily screamed.

A whisper was heard in the darkness. As a pale woman emerged. "You…are Joey's sister, right?" Jinx came out and approached Lily.

Lily backed away. "Who are you? I thought you were with them. I think I've seen you before."

"Yes, my name is Jinx."

Lily wasn't a fool. (Why would she wait for them to leave?) "why are you here?"

Jinx smiled with both her hands behind her back and ignored Lily's question. "I…have to return a favor."

Lily backed away even more. "Wait, you went with my brother to the island. What happened?"

"Nothing. I just have to…save the world, Lily Castle. Forgive me for what I'm about to do to you. Now is my chance while no one is here." Jinx showed her chainsaw and cranked it up. "I'm here to kill you. Based off of what I saw on the island…I can't let that happen worldwide. I have to kill you, Lily. I must…I will."