
Jaune the Barbarian

Juane has always been wanting to do his barbarian clan proud. now he can! but to do so he must understand the secret to his soul. his aura is unlocked but that's not all. He needs... something.... someone... someones? Maybe? Follow along as Jaune the Barbarian has to figure out that sometimes. Even the greatest warriors... need a hand from their friends.

Silverfang · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

Initiation part 1

Jaune woke up refreshed.

He stretched and flexed his muscles making them poo into place as he sees all the other students waking up, putting away their bags, or currently changing their shirts or socks for heading to breakfast before the locker rooms.

He grins as his blood begins to pump faster at this. It was initiation day! Time to show the world what he has got!

He rolls up the bed roll he used and readies himself with some sandals and a basic short sleeves shirt to head to the cafeteria with.

In the cafeteria he sees everyone milling about eating cereal, bacon and eggs, or even some waffles or pancakes.

He watches as Nora hums happily as she walks by with a tower of 12 pancakes. She nods to him as he waved back and says, "Finally someone who gets it! Go big or go home!"

Nora smiles wide as she says, "I know right?!"

Jaune chuckles before grabbing food for himself.

He grabs 5 eggs worth of scrambled eggs. 12 strips of turkey bacon. A steamed potato. 5 waffles. 5 pancakes. And a gallon of orange juice. And a pitcher of water.

He sits down with his mini buffet next to Nora and her friend Ren. Who was sipping on a green vegetable smoothie and some mixed fruits before he raises and eyebrow at the scene before him.

He gulps down the smoothie before asking, "Greetings. I'm Ren. I assume you are Jaune Arc who talked with Nora on the airship here yesterday?"

He nods happily with a full mouth as he has demolished half the potato already.

Nora is halfway through her stack as Ren chuckles and says, "Well thanks for keeping her company. She can be a handful."

Nora pouts playfully knowing Ren as her brother and that he had no heat to the comment.

Jaune chuckles before dropping the bomb as Pyrrha sits next to him, "Well when you have 7 sisters. You get used to having all that energy around you. To me? She is a breath of familiarity here."

Pyrrha pauses before she looks to him. Nora is smiling happily at that news. While Ren goes wide eyed at him.

He simply says, "Huh. You might be overqualified to be here then."

Jaune guffaws at that before continuing his breakfast while giving Pyrrha a playful nudge to show he noticed her.

Pyrrha smiles at him as she enjoys her oatmeal and fruit breakfast. They eat comfortably before they all chat a bit and then make plans to hopefully be on the same team.

Jaune and Ren gear up their armor and clothes in the boys locker room area before heading to the coed lockers for weapons and armor.

Jaune finally finds his locker and is about to grab his weapons before he feels a decently large hand on his shoulder.

He turns to see a smirking Cardin and his cronies who are all nervous at this.

Cardin opens up his pitch as Jaune crosses his arms waiting to see what he will say. "Hey buddy! I noticed you were being surrounded by those weirdos earlier today. So I figured that you would prefer to be part of a nice powerful team instead of freaks and misfits to like them. How about you join the hawks knighthood like us? We could use someone like you with us! The benefits include-!"

"No thanks. I'm good." Jaune turns around leaving a mid sentence and flabbergasted Cardin behind him as he grabs his chest armor and his shield to his back. He brings out his sword to slide into a sheath on his shield and turn to see Cardin is now red faced and pissed.

He goes to yell at Jaune before Jaune grabs his chest piece and lifts him the remaining foot and half difference between them and glares right into the bullies eyes, "I have my clan. I won't change my name. My family is my pride. So I won't join a knighthood! I am proud to be a barbarian who knows what is worth something! And those misfits as you call them? Are real honest people with great strength of their own! So leave them alone or you will face my wrath!"

Cardin gulps as he is thrown back into the lockers behind him and he scrambles with his men to get away from the pissed off barbarian.

Jaune huffs as he closes and licks his locker door. But not before he feels his back burn with a familiar sensation as his tattoos grow from their circle formation to up to his shoulder blades and down to his upper hips.

He checks his stats and gasps happily as he sees.

Congratulations! You've defended your honor! Your families honor! And the honor of true friends who will gladly return the favor and be loyal to you!

You've unlocked the next soul tier and the next ability!

Jaune Arc.


Str: 100

Agi: 60

End: 85

Mentality: 95


Third tier soul seal:

Better Regeneration: enhanced natural healing. Heals three times as fast as others.

Tougher bones: your bones are thrice as hard as normal people.

Tough muscles: your muscles are thrice as strong as normal people.

Better senses: you can hear, smell, and react better than normal people.

Jaune huffs proudly as all stats did improve by twenty and he had improvements to his skills and a new one to boot!

He couldn't wait to find the catalyst for the fourth soul tier.

He knew he would grow further as he trained but nothing beat a nice stst boost like getting more of your true soul ability unlocked.

He chuckles as he heads to the meeting point and finds Pyrrha in her gear on the way. With her blushing slightly as he armor hugged her body tightly showing him her muscles even through the playing and leather.

He grins and gives her a thumbs up. While Pyrrha oogles his physique in his armor.

Truth was she, Ren, and Nora had come to look for him when they heard Cardin bad mouthing them. She was ready to pummel them with the aid of her two new friends before suddenly they heard Jaune stand up for them.

They all smiled and she told them she would walk with him to the meeting point as they went ahead while smiling the whole way.

She enjoys the closeness she is getting with Jaune as they make it to the starting point for the initiation.

Ozpin greets then as Nora dn Ren show up in their normal gear. Only with Ren having dark green shoulder pads and combat gloves on his hands. And Nora having some thick leather gauntlets and boots to protect her limbs. Colored bright pink of course.

Jaune nods at them in appreciation to see them. As Ozpin explains the initiation.

He says, "We will only be allowing 40 of the 80 applicants in this year. As we want to see your skills. Your character. And your teamwork in action. Choose a partner now. You will be launched together into the forest below. And your objective will be to hunt down 100 Grimm before three hours are done. You can team up with more people if you want. But just know for every additional person to your unit of the original two? You will need 50 additional Grimms defeated. Am I clear?"

Nods all around right as he sees Jaune gather Pyrrha, Ren and Nora as a group for their team already.

He chuckles as the Barbarian, Amazon, Valkyrie, and Martial artist. Have formed a powerhouse team without them even realizing it.

He motions to Good witch to bring the counting bracelets to sync with their scrolls to keep their counts for each team to pair of people.

Once that is done they wish them luck as they begin to fling the young adults into the forest.

Jaune tells his team to hold onto his shield straps on his back so they aren't separated as he begins to use his newfound durability to the maximum.

They are flung off and into the air. Ren stays quiet. Pyrrha whoops. Nora screams in excitement and Jaune hollers in eagerness at the upcoming battles.

This was going to be a fun initiation.