
Jaune Arc. Knight of the Nine

When the dream no longer needs the dreamer, what happens? Jaune Arc found himself in Remnant after becoming the hero he always wanted to be. But now, he is a nobody in Remnant. What would this poor Knight do? Easy! Be a huntsman like he originally wanted.

Chirith · Anime et bandes dessinées
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11 Chs

The Divine Crusader

Jaune Arc landed on the ground near the outskirts of the Forest temple, blue eyes scanned the entire area as he lowered the Amazon in his arms. "You okay?" 

His partner, Pyrrha Nikos, nodded with a slight blush. She held onto the Blonde during the tree-jumping Jaune did and they reached the Temple in a matter of minutes. 

"Where did you learn to do that?" Pyrrha looked at her partner. 

"Some forest rangers of a deep woodland area taught me," Jaune replied as he remembered how some short people with pointed ears taught him how to move in terrains with grace during his stay at the Thieves Guild and Fighters Guild. Gently securing his sword in a better position around his waist, the young man held the pommel as the same raven from earlier landed on his shoulder. 

"Maybe you can teach me sometime after the initiation?" Pyrrha offered with a smile. While she was a champion fighter, she enjoyed learning from other people and the way Jaune moved... if he used a gear with no metal on it, then she would not be sure if she would win in a guerilla battle with Jaune. 

"Sure, I don't mind," The Blonde answered with a smile while the Raven shook its head. 

As the Amazon and the Knight walked towards the Relics, 

"Vomit boy! Cereal Girl!" A familiar voice caught their attention. Turning to the source of the voice, the Knight and Amazon found a mane of Golden hair belonging to a beautiful woman with a figure that would allure men and women alike. 

For Jaune Arc, a memory appeared in his mind. A meeting between a crimson reaper. A crimson reaper who happened to be this girl's sister. What was her name again? Oh, right! Yang!

"Yang," Jaune greeted with a nod.

"Hello again," Pyrrha greeted.

"Jaune, I want you to meet my partner, Blake," Yang said with a grin. She had taken a bit of a liking to the poor Blonde. Sure, he looked like he was not good in a fight but he was Ruby's friend. "It's not fair that you got here faster than us, what's your secret, huh?" Playfully elbowing her fellow Blonde, Yang missed the way Pyrrha twitched. 

"I'm sorry," 

"Pyrrha," Ignoring how his fellow Blonde elbowed him, Jaune looked at his partner. "Yang's just teasing us. Nice to meet you... Blake, right?" 

Yang's partner, a beautiful young woman with long black hair and a bow on top of her head nodded at him. 

'Why is her bow twitching? And why does she remind me of a Khajiit?' Jaune thought as he focused his attention back on his fellow Blonde. 


Lie Ren was a simple young man with a secret. He preferred a simple, not quiet, life with his best friend since childhood, Nora Valkyrie. Using his semblance to hide them from the Grimm, the young man kept his attention at the ready. 

By his side, a young woman with fair skin and orange hair accompanied by a pair of turquoise eyes. She held a hammer on her hands as the two walked with each other. Seeing a bear-like creature with bones acting as a sort of armor and red eyes, the two looked at each other. 

A bright grin formed on Nora's face as she raised her hammer. 

"Nora, no." 


Feeling a headache form in his head, the young man felt his chest tighten up as he ran after his partner and friend. 


Ruby Rose was not having a good day. She found out that their partner for the next four years would be completely random, and then she got partnered up with a person who hated her for some reason. Well, she made them explode but it wasn't completely her fault!

Why couldn't she just partner up with Yang, her reliable older sister, or Jaune, her first friend in Beacon? Sure, he did not seem reliable in a fight but they got along well. They could repair weapons, read comics, and play video games all the time!

"Ruby!" Hearing her partner's voice, Ruby opened her eyes and she felt the wind grind on her aura as she and Weiss rode a giant avian Grimm. "I told you this was a terrible idea!" 

"We're fine!" Ruby shouted as she kept her focus on the ground, looking for the forest temple. "Stop worrying!" 

"I'm so far beyond worrying!"

"In a good way?!" 

"In a bad way! In a very bad way!" 

Spotting her target, the Forest Temple. "Well, why don't we just jump?!"

Ice blue eyes snapped wide open, "What are you, Insane?!" Looking to where Ruby should have been, Ruby's Partner, Weiss Schnee, a woman with white hair and ice-blue eyes, gritted her teeth. "You insufferable little-,"


"What about a cute little pony?" Yang asked as she looked at her partner.

"Sure," Blake replied with a small smile. 

"What did you two pick, Vomit Boy?" 

For his part, Jaune looked at the Castle piece on the pedestal. Castle Kvatch, the Oblivion Gates... A white chess piece represented by gold. A castle piece that looked like a tower. Heh, a White-Gold tower.

Silencing his memories, the Blonde picked the relic with ease and showed it to Yang. 

"Wait, can you guys... girls hear that?" Jaune asked as he looked at them. That sound... it came from. 

Blue eyes looked at the sky and a missile of black and red... 

"Ruby?!" Jaune said in shock at the sight of his friend.

"Heads UP!" Ruby screamed as she slowly fell to the ground. 

"I got her!" Yang shouted as she raised her arms to the sky to try and catch her younger sister. Hearing this, Jaune, being the taller of the two, calculated where Ruby would land and raised his arms to catch his first friend from Beacon. 

"Huh? She's pretty light," Jaune whispered the moment Yang bumped into him, and how he caught Ruby with his hands over his head. Surprised by how he caught Ruby without budging just by his hands alone, the young man blinked and lowered the girl to the ground next to Yang "Lighter than I thought," Hearing those words, Ruby turned to him with hollow silver eyes and an ominous air around her. 

"I'm not heavy!" Ruby said with a pout as she looked at him. Ruby Rose, the first person Jaune befriended in Beacon, is a young woman around the same age as Yang with black hair and red tips. She has a striking pair of silver eyes dressed in a black gothic Lolita dress and a red cape. 

"Sheesh, Vomit Boy! Are you a steel wall or something?" Yang asked as she rubbed her cheek, while she had her aura active, she was so eager to save her sister that she would have gotten a bruise by how fast she bumped into Jaune if she had no aura. 



As the two sisters embraced each other, the second Divine Crusader smiled at the sight and remembered the time he helped a pair of brothers reunite.

"Yang, did your sister just fall out of the sky? And did Jaune just catch her?" Blake asked, Amber's eyes blinking several times as she looked at Ruby and Jaune before glancing at the sky and back to Yang.

"We got company," Jaune said as Blake's ears twitched at the sounds of heavy footfalls and cheers echoed in her ears. Taking a look at where the sounds came from, Blake saw Jaune in front of the girls with Pyrrha holding a rifle in her hand, the raven on his shoulder now soaring in the skies. 

A hulking mass of Black muscles and bone broke out of the wood with a roar and in that instant, Blake saw an image overlap on the back of the knight as she saw him hold his sheathed blade and the sheath on on his waist in a manner resembling the fighting style of... An image of a figure with a black coat and a red rose on it with a mask. 

'Taurus!' Blake thought as she looked at the back of the Knight. 

"Yeehaw!" A high-pitched voice pierced through the silence as a pink flash hit the bear, causing the entire group to lower their guard, except for Jaune who merely raised a golden brow as the bear fell to the ground with a young woman dressed in pink, white, and black rolled off the bear. 

"Aww, it's broken," Only Jaune and Blake managed to catch on to the sad words that the young woman whispered. 

The group could only watch as the woman seemingly teleported on top of the bear-like Grimm. While her partner(?) tiredly panted and leaned on the dead(?) Grimm. As if it happened in an instant, the second Divine crusader, honed through countless fights, turned around and saw the same woman on top of the Grimm, now leaning towards a white-gold, tower piece.

"I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!" The woman sang. 

Jaune was impressed. 'She's like a Khajiit high on Skooma,' The blonde thought as the woman seemingly teleported to a pose and another in an instant. Her balance was insane and she did it so fast. 


"Coming, Ren!" The girl, Nora said with a salute as she let the piece slide off her head and catch it without looking. 

"Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?" Yang asked, feeling more and more annoyed by the nonsensical things that were happening just now. 

Unknown to most of the group, Jaune felt a familiar jolt of electricity the moment the girl skipped past him. He caught a whiff of her scent and he smelled the scent of a storm on her for some reason. 

"That was so cool! We should do that sometime, Jaune!" Ruby said as she looked at her first friend, unaware of what the Knight was thinking.

As if some unknown entity, Mehrunes Dagon or some other Aedra or Daedra, wanted to make their lives harder, a pair of hulking wolf-like Grimm rushed through the woods followed by a pack of other smaller wolf-like Grimm running after some of their fellow students. 

"Did those guys just run here with those Grimm pack after them?" Blake asked. 

Feeling the temperature around them increase, Pyrrha and Ruby looked at Yang. Ruby nervously inched away from her sister as he saw her amethyst eyes slowly turn to red while flames formed on her hair. 

"Grr! I can't take it anymore!" Yang roared out loud, stunning all those in the clearing, even the Grimm pack. The biggest of the pack looked at each other and somehow shrugged and looked at the group of humans near the stone structure. "Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something Crazy happens again?"

Pyrrha chuckled nervously, having been trained since a young age, she was not sure how normal girls her age acted. Still, Yang was a nice person and she decided to take things slowly but still kept her rifle aimed at the Grimm. 

Lie Ren, a young man dressed primarily in green, ran towards the group and by Nora. Yang panted lightly as the flames on her hair started to die down while Nora smiled and happily stood in place. 

Remembering where her partner was, Ruby looked to the sky, followed by Blake, and saw the Grimm that she rode. 

"Um... Yang?" Hearing her sister, the blonde sighed in defeat before looking up to see Ruby's partner hanging on the giant avian Grimm by a lone talon... barely!

Jaune, having been focused on killing any Beowolf that was closer with his bare hands or Crocea Mors looked at them while Pyrrha turned her attention towards her partner as she had shot a Beowolf just a second ago. "Jaune! Behind you!" 

Keeping his attention on the group composed of Nora, the green-clad young man, Blake, and Yang, the young man looked to the sky as he caught a Beowolf with his empty left hand and crushed the poor beast's head with a sickening crunch before tossing it away. 

In the two seconds that the group of four used to 'chill out,' Jaune had managed to kill all the Grimm that charged towards their group with Crocea Mors. 'Yang has anger issues and most of them get distracted easily,' Jaune noted as he looked at the girl. She was beautiful, he had to admit, but the fact that she was essentially a 'sitting duck,' did not sit well with him. 

Moving in instinct, the young man punched a pouncing Beowolf away before grabbing it and using it to kill another Beowolf. 'Not good, all of us are not yet used to fighting like this and we're outnumbered,' the second Divine Crusader thought as he killed the last Grimm of the batch with Crocea Mors stabbing it through the mouth and head. 

'Well, my specialty is fighting at a disadvantage!' Jaune thought with a smirk. 'I'm so glad I did not say that out loud,' The young Divine Crusader saw other students arrive to he Forest temple and take their relics but falter at the hordes of Grimm that surrounded the Clearing. 

"Pyrrha, give me a boost!" Jaune said as he looked at the eyes of his partner and gave a glance to a falling Weiss.

Understanding what her partner said, Pyrrha raised her shield in time and the moment she felt a weight on her shield, she bashed it with her might and sent her partner soaring through the air. Catching the princess (he would have to check it later), Jaune held the girl close to the cool metal of his chest plate (a bit too thin for his taste, have to change that later) as the two fell towards the ground, the young man landed on his knees and lowered the girl on the ground and checked her weapon, a rapier with several crystals on the sides of different colors.

"Nora, Yang, Pyrrha!" Jaune shouted as he took his sheet and turned it into a shield. "The four of us will be the vanguard! Ruby, Blake, green, and you, the four of you will pick off those that are too weak or too far away!" Jaune said as the experience he had during the Oblivion crisis returned to him. Turning toward the huntsmen and huntresses-in-training that just arrived at the temple. "The rest of you, join a group where you feel your skills are suited the best! You guys can fight later but for now, Fight! Cling to life!" Jaune roared as he raised his blade and the hordes of Beowolves poured out from the forest. "We'll break through and head towards the ruins, we can fortify ourselves there! Don't do anything too flashy! Keep it simple and neat! Stick with each other!"

Blue eyes roared with life as Jaune stood in front of the group of students. Taking one deep breath, the young man raised his head high to the sky as the Hordes of Grimm charged toward the group of 20 in-training huntsmen and huntresses.

"REMAN!" Jaune roared and the Grimm tide smashed through the vanguard led by the second Divine Crusader, a sword and shield in hand.