
It's So Cold Here

This is my first novel so bear with me... Read about a Paladin of Death struggling with modern life and the absence of his diety.

Im_a_van · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter Two: Gaining Followers

It was strange how quickly they accepted the offer without being at least a little questioning... but two of the four new members immediately got to work with Penelope and Derik reading in the library. Ognar, with his well maintained strength, was set to be the bell ringer, for when I need summon others on the brink of death. Blackmane actually became the Hearthkeeper and tended the entrance hearth as a beacon welcoming beings all of draconic origin.

On another note, Derik was fully human, this could only mean that he had a draconic sacred gear. With the list albeit small there is only a few sacred gears that could possibly be in his possession. Starting with weakest to strongest we have Twice critical, Dragscale Shield, Grandin, Sulfurous Magna, the 5 Vritra Gears, Divine Dividing, Boosted Gear, and finally Dreaming Reality, a sacred gear made by Great Red since she was bored.

So out of all of these, I suspect all of the weaker ones since Derik's draconic soul is a whole lot lighter than a kobold. But what did not surprise me was that Derik and Penelope were inseparable. They even began addressing each other as siblings.

It was after the next day and every other day afterward that we rang the bell again and summoned groups of six to seven kobolds on the brink of death. Most of which had grievous wounds and even amputations which lead me to believe a territory war was occuring... how sad, to throw away their lives for the greed of dragons. They did convert to the temple rather easily and even powered up Nul enough to give me various whispers of suggestions.

On a sad note, I need to investigate this without leaving the temple without a healer, so on the tenth day of summoning I managed to get a group of healers in a stroke of luck. Allowing me to go on a missionary trip to the mortal realm. Although they were frightened of my appearance at first it only took them a few days to recognize me as not a lich, but more of an elder kobold.

Elders in kobold culture are very rare, since most do not live past the age of twenty and die in either accidents and other gruesome ways. But if a kobold lives past fifty years, they become an elder, a wellspring of knowledge to guide the next generation. One of the greatest ELDER kobolds was named Box... his parents were not imaginative... but he was one of the only kobolds to reach the age of 122 years old and helped rebuild thirteen kobold tribes under the protection of Bralzryntyn the Cold, a polite German Ridgeback who's domain was multiple mountain ranges in Europe.

Back to the matter at hand, I was preparing my ver meager luggage for my trip to the mortal realm when Derik entered my room with Penelope pushing his chair. "Mister Zserich, Mister Zserich, before you go I have a gift!" He said cheerfully while holding something in his hands. "I spent all night with big sis making it for you!" He said thrusting his hand out, a pendant in his hand. It was a draconic rune made of metal nails that said 'Luck'. A sweet gesture of the boy. "WHAT a wonderful gift Derik, while I'm gone I'll try to get your prosthetic legs, then you'll be able to run with the other children," I said in a happy voice.

Speaking of the other children, there is now a small orphanage of half dragons and kobolds that reside with Derik and are always goofing off around the temple, under the watchful gaze of Penelope who began to take a role of mother over them since she was actually infirtile. She was overjoyed to be with the children and always welcomed more, bringing respect from those around her.

"I hope you return soon Mister Zserich, I bet some of the kobolds are planning a small city on the asteroid we reside on and might begin construction in the coming years," said Penelope as she rustled Derik's hair. I nodded and returned my attention to Derik before casting a small spell, [Create Familiar], a small blue dragon with butterfly-like wings flew around the boy's head eliciting a giggle from him as it landed on his shoulder. "This is Thrim, a friend dragon, he shall watch over you with Penelope. Be safe and don't forget to light the flare when in trouble," I said before ushering the two out of the room, and locking the door behind them.

Turning to another side of the room I look to a set fo curtains and drew them aside as I gazed upon the gate.

This was no ordinary gate, but a [Greater Gateway], a solid connection that will not cause any downsides with the mortal realm from the gap. Channeling my mana into the magical structure, a blue portal forms in the center, growing til it fit the gates arch revealing a damp cave on the other side.

Peaking my head through I checked for any wildlife or fae before crossing and closing the portal behind me.

Exiting the cave I was met with the scent of fresh air. It was an odd thing for a skeleton to smell, but what was even stranger was that I could taste too, but I don't like the feeling of food and drinks dirtying my ribcage and spine. Back to the surrounding area I was on a hill that looked over a Lithuanian countryside filled with lush woods and various plants. It was a great feeling to be back, to feel the breeze, mud and even the sun on my bones. It was only after a few minutes that I heard the clash of battle nearby. And when I looked southward of the cave, I saw vampires. You have got to be kidding me... I hate these stupid bloodbath. They consider themselves the 'apex of all races' despite being weak to the SUN. I mean seriously, the only polite vampire I've met was Nosferatu but I heard he died somewhat recently from the other kobolds... making my way over I noticed a clearing where they were fighting. I saw classic vampire spells such as [Absorb Life] and [Reflect]... but no decent blood magic for some reason. I mean Nosferatu was an average vampire but could cast [Summon Greater Daemon] with a quick blood ritual. Seriously, they were pathetic, I then ignored them and made my way towards the city of Krakow, one of my favorites to travel back in 1023 AD. One of my favorite battles that I saw was The Battle of Grunwald back in 1410. When the banner of Kraków waved over those soldiers it was like some sort of moral magic! Anyway, it was strange to see modern Kraków but a quick [Minor Illusion] and the natives thought I was a kid.

It was really interesting to look around museums and libraries to read up on the current happenings.

Last time I checked I sat down in my chair to rest back in early 1600's but it seems to be the early 2000's now. Not the biggest nap I've had. Making my way down the street and entered a bar called 'Wawel's nest' and inside I made my way to the counter and produced a token with the draconic rune 'hello' on it. The barkers nodded before flipping a lever revealing a secret stairway down beneath the pub.

The human attendees had no idea with a quick flick of [Minor Illusion] and [Quell Sound] spells. Below was a bar filled with kobolds and other draconics of various kinds.

Heading up to the bar dispelling my disguise I was greeted with a warm smile by the barkeeper. "Hello old friend, what can I do for ya," said the woman in Polish. "Melissa, same as ever, I hear dragons were here," I say cryptically. She nods before saying, "Indeed, so how is Nul doin?" I shake my head, "We're rebuilding, we had no more visits since Artoria... and Nul was fading. But with the influx in followers we prevented the collapse," I said woefully. "I should pay my respects then... I pray every so often, but I had no idea," she said with guilt. "Too many kobolds die, they forget to teach, Elders are becoming scarce, wars between dragons, did I hit the nail on the head?" She nodded in response, "Da, two greater dragon lords in fact, one of which died ironically," she said as she passes me a glass of spirit ale. ""Through the cycle they will be punished, through the cycle they will repent"" we said clinking our drinks together.

Spirit ale is the only drink that can go into the soul and give the "effect" of being drunk to spirits and undead. Unlike them, I am unaffected, and continued speaking. "I look for Dragon-King class draconics, their souls produce more belief than kobolds... though that is rude, it is fact." She nods in response, "The wielders of the heavenlies are in Japan, though if you go their Amaterasu will go after you again~" she teases. I sigh in response not giving any more words out of embarrassment.

She laughs at my expense before also saying, "There is also the underworld, they have a familiar forest overrun with pygmy dragons," she says before a snort leaves my mouth "Those weeps are only leaches to the powerful, I have no respect for them," I muttered in a hushed voice to her. She nods in agreement but continued. "Dragon-king Tiamat resides there too," she says as I reminisce over the name. "Ahh, I remember when she was a little Wyrmling hiding behind my leg~" I said aloud as everyone I the tavern goes silent and turns their head in my direction. "GET BACK TO YOUR THOUGHTS!" I shout before the happy chatter resumes.

"If you have a map of the Underworld I would be happy to take it off your hands, for a price of course," I say before sliding a bar of gold in her direction "the rest is tip," I say before Melissa takes the bar and hands me an newish rolled up piece of paper. "Here, tell her I said hi," she says before turning to another customer. Taking the map, I put it in my sachel before recasting my disguise and leaving the establishment.

Ahh, what a wonderful day for a walk to hell... I wonder if it is cold there...