
It’s not that easy

Gabia_Braz · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


Taehyung was now walking in school with his books in hand and bag on his back. He hates school as he has no friends nor anyone likes him.

Taehyung was walking perfectly fine until he was pushed by his bully.

"Watch it nerd" I picked up my books as they all fell.

I was about walk away when I was stopped by the bad boy named Jungkook.

Jungkook pushed Taehyung against the lockers and trapped him with his arms. Jungkook leaned closer to Taehyung and whispered in his ear.

"Can daddy fuck you here" Taehyung's eyes widened and he quickly shook his head no. "Why? Is it because you know I will go hard" Taehyung yet again shook his head no.

And out of nowhere Taehyung had this strange feeling in his stomach that gave him confidence to speak up.

"I know that daddy will not want to touch me" Taehyung pushed Jungkook back a little and walked away. And kept walking after he heard what Jungkook said next.

"Don't worry daddy will fuck you hard even if I don't want to touch you. Get ready baby boy" Taehyung looked down embarrassed as everyone stared at him weirdly.

Taehyung soon walked inside the classroom to see Jungkook's friends seating with Jungkook beside them. Jungkook for some reason smirked.

Taehyung sat him his seat and got ready for class to start, and it started not too long after.

Time skip

Once class was over Taehyung went to the schools rooftop to see the bad boy. Why you may ask well that's because, Jungkook said if he didn't come and get beaten then he will kill Taehyung's father.

And yes Taehyung hates his father but He somehow still loves him deep down because he know that maybe just maybe his father still loves Taehyung.

So here he is getting beaten up and thrown everywhere. Taehyung was now bleeding from his nose, from his head, from his mouth and will 100 new bruises that are not seen by Jungkook.

Once Jungkook was satisfied he walked away and headed to class as the bell rang. While Taehyung laid on the floor waiting that maybe just maybe someone would help, just this once. But nope no one was there to help the poor boy.

Taehyung did his best to get up and once he did he looked at the time and noticed that he missed 2 of his classes. Taehyung sat back down and pulled his bag closer to himself. He opened the bag a pulled out a first aid kit.

Everyone would think it weird that a boy has a first aid kit in his school bag, but for Taehyung it was normal. The amount of times he gets beaten every day he finds it normal to have a first aid kit on hand.

As soon as Taehyung finished cleaning his wounds he stood up and walk downstairs and out of school.

And the poor boy didn't even go home to rest, no he went to work.