
Island X

The island where bad people go. Killers,robbers,rapist, and much more go to this island. Adisa had very little memory of his family. He didn’t do anything wrong. Now him and his fellow troops seek to find the truth about a organization plotting on the island. And the people who put everyone there.

Jast_123 · Action
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129 Chs

The Ten Dark Knights 3

"Shut up and die!!" Adisa roared, channeling his energy as he hurled massive chunks of collapsing buildings at Obsidian.

With a fierce determination, Obsidian raised his aura, forming a dark green force field that absorbed the impact of the debris. But before he could catch his breath, Adisa appeared behind him, amplifying his aura to penetrate the shield.

"Try harder!" Obsidian growled, catching Adisa's fist mid-strike. With a swift motion, he landed a brutal kick to Adisa's stomach, sending him crashing into the ground. In a single fluid movement, Obsidian followed up by slamming a ball of energy onto Adisa's chest, the force knocking the wind out of him.

Adisa quickly regained his footing, spinning to face Obsidian just as a cloud of smoke enveloped the battlefield. The Minotaur burst through the haze like a dark specter, and the two warriors collided, their hands locked in a fierce struggle.

Adisa's black aura clashed violently against Obsidian's swirling black and green energy, each fighter gritting their teeth as they pushed against one another. The ground trembled beneath them, the entire island shaking under the weight of their struggle.

"Show me what you've got!" Obsidian bellowed, the intensity of his voice resonating through the ruins. With a primal roar, they slammed their heads together, a thunderous crack echoing beneath their feet as the earth fissured.

Summoning every ounce of strength, Adisa pushed Obsidian away, darting forward with blinding speed. He executed a powerful kick to Obsidian's chest, sending the beast hurtling through several buildings, which crumbled upon impact.

Obsidian, undeterred, leaped into the air with a wicked smile. He slammed his fist into the ground, causing dark green lava to erupt from the earth, a deadly wave of molten energy surging toward Adisa.

"Tsk!" Adisa shouted, narrowly dodging the torrent as it scorched the ground where he had just stood.

Fueled by rage, Obsidian shot toward Adisa like a missile, and the two began trading blow after blow. Each impact sent shockwaves through the air, causing the surrounding area to tremble and crack, debris flying in all directions.

Adisa's fists glowed with energy as he parried a strike, countering with a swift uppercut that connected with Obsidian's jaw. The Minotaur mythical beast staggered back but quickly retaliated, launching a devastating punch that sent Adisa away.

"Is that all you've got?!" Obsidian roared, his aura flaring as he prepared for his next attack.

Adisa gritted his teeth, determination burning in his eyes as he readied himself for the next round of Obsidian's assault .The city around them was a battleground of chaos, with neither willing to back down!

"I'm still bored, Adisa. Surely, you can do better than this, right?" Obsidian taunted, his voice a deep rumble as he charged his immense aura, a dark green energy swirling around him like a tempest.

*Obsidian is stronger than I anticipated. If this is his power, I can only imagine what the king must be like.* Adisa's mind raced, the weight of his thoughts pressing down on him. *I need to learn more about the Ten Dark Knight ability. It's my only chance to defeat him. This is my power… yet, I can't unlock its full potential. I don't want to summon the tank… I really don't.*

Adisa took a deep breath, the air crackling with tension. Thunder rumbled ominously overhead as he focused his energy, the world around him fading into a blur. He closed his eyes and chanted the word with unwavering conviction:"Expansion!"


Aten smiled slowly, turning his head with a menacing grace. "Haven't you brats had enough? This is my final warning. Stay away, or I'll kill you," he threatened, his voice dripping with malice.

Unfazed, Jade and Xavier attempted to creep behind him, eyes set on taking him down. "I'm only 1% awake... but that's more than enough to handle you. Step aside, brats," Aten warned, a hint of irritation threading through his tone.

Ignoring the god's warning, Jade stepped forward. "Fine. Where would you like to fight?"

"Here is just fine," she replied, her voice steady and serious.

Aten rolled his eyes, annoyance flashing across his face. "You should be focusing on the mythical beast, not me. Leave me be so I can watch—"

"I don't think so! We're ending this here and now!" Xavier shouted, his determination ringing through the air.

Aten's expression shifted as he glanced out the window, catching a glimpse of his own reflection. With a newfound seriousness, he said, "I'll slice that neck clean off."


Obsidian stood unbothered, his massive form imposing against the backdrop of chaos. "My attack… won't unleash?" He surveyed the scene, watching millions of ash particles swirl and fall around him like dark snow.

"Your… expansion? Interesting," he remarked, a hint of intrigue in his voice. "What's the meaning of this?" His eyes scanned the area, searching for Adisa.

*Adisa just disappeared?* Obsidian's thoughts raced as he looked around, confusion creeping in. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his back, and he spun around just in time to receive another brutal strike to the right side of his face.

*He's moving fast? No, that's not it! Adisa is teleporting!* The realization hit him like a freight train.

Adisa's form flickered in and out of sight, weaving through the swirling ash with astonishing speed. Each time he materialized, he unleashed a flurry of punches and energy blasts, striking at Obsidian from unpredictable angles. The ash created a thick veil, obscuring Obsidian's vision and disorienting him.

"Try to keep up!" Adisa taunted, appearing behind Obsidian and landing a powerful kick that sent the Minotaur stumbling forward. The ground cracked beneath Obsidian's feet as he regained his balance, gritting his teeth in frustration.

With a roar of rage, Obsidian retaliated, swinging his massive fist in an arc, but Adisa had already teleported again, reappearing above him. "You'll have to do better than that!" Adisa shouted, descending like a comet, his fist enveloped in a blazing aura.

The impact shook the ground as Adisa connected with Obsidian's shoulder, sending him crashing into a nearby building. Debris exploded outward, a cloud of dust and ash rising into the air.

Unfazed, Obsidian pushed himself up, his eyes blazing with fury. "You think you can hide in the ashes?" he growled, his aura flaring to life. "I'll burn this place to the ground!"

From the depths of the ash, Adisa reappeared, launching a series of energy blasts that exploded against Obsidian's force field. The Minotaur grunted, the force of the blasts reverberating through him. "You think your little tricks will save you?"

Adisa smirked, teleporting behind him again, this time delivering a powerful knee strike to Obsidian's back. The Minotaur staggered, but Adisa wasn't done. He darted through the ash, his movements fluid and relentless, striking from every direction.

Obsidian roared, frustration boiling over. "Enough of this!" He unleashed a massive wave of dark energy, the ground trembling beneath its force. The ash swirled violently, and for a moment, the battlefield was obscured in chaos.

Adisa barely managed to teleport out of the way, reappearing on the edge of the debris field, panting but determined. "You're strong, Obsidian, but I'm stronger! This ends now!"

Fueled by resolve, he prepared for his next attack, the air around him crackling with energy as he readied himself to face the Minotaur once more.

"Ends now? Don't make me laugh, Adisa!" Obsidian chuckled. "Your expansion isn't enough. Allow me to show you 70%…of the my power, Adisa. Behold!"

With that, Obsidian unleashed a surge of dark energy, his aura expanding to monstrous proportions, swirling with shades of black and deep green. The ground trembled beneath him as he prepared to demonstrate the full extent of his might.

Adisa's heart raced, and doubt flickered in his mind, but he steeled himself. "Chaos Slash!" he shouted, swinging his arm to send a blade of energy slicing through the air toward Obsidian.

Obsidian smirked, easily deflecting the attack with a wave of his hand. "Is that all you've got?" he taunted, his eyes glinting with malice. He retaliated with a powerful "Doomsday Burst," a massive sphere of dark energy that shot toward Adisa like a cannonball.

Adisa barely managed to dodge, the blast exploding behind him and sending debris flying. "I won't let you intimidate me!" he yelled, gathering his energy. "Chaos Beam!" A concentrated beam of chaotic energy erupted from his palms, racing toward Obsidian.

Obsidian raised his arm, summoning a swirling shield of darkness to absorb the attack. "Pathetic!" he roared, thrusting his fist forward and shattering the shield, sending shockwaves rippling through the air. "Doomsday Wave!"

A colossal wave of dark energy surged toward Adisa, who quickly teleported to evade the blast. However, Obsidian anticipated his move, appearing right in front of him and delivering a devastating punch to Adisa's gut. The impact knocked the wind out of him, sending him crashing into the ground.

As Adisa struggled to rise, Obsidian loomed over him, his aura pulsating with dark energy. "You think you can challenge me?" he sneered, unleashing a series of powerful energy blasts that rained down around Adisa, forcing him to dodge frantically.

"Enough of this!" Adisa shouted, gathering his strength. "Cataclysmic Wave!" He unleashed a torrent of energy that surged toward Obsidian, the force behind it creating a shockwave.

Obsidian grinned, unfazed. "Doomsday Beam!" he countered, firing a massive beam of dark energy straight at Adisa. The two attacks collided in a brilliant explosion, illuminating the battlefield with a blinding flash.

Adisa was pushed back and thrown into a building, all while trying to hold off Obsidians powerful beam.

"D-damn!" Adisa yelled as the beam struck him. The explosion rocked the battlefield, inflicting severe damage to his body.

Emerging from the smoke, Adisa was battered and bloodied, taking deep, ragged breaths as he clutched his right arm. He looked up at Obsidian, who hovered menacingly above him, a twisted grin on his face.

"It seems like this is where you'll die. I'm glad I could be of service to my king," he chuckled, the sound echoing in the desolation.

*My expansion is toast. Somehow… he can read my movements and is faster than my teleportation. All that training… for what? All that death… for what, Adisa?* The thoughts swirled in his mind as he slammed his fist into the ground, frustration boiling over.

"SHIIT!!!" he shouted, the ground cracking beneath him.

Obsidian raised an eyebrow, confusion flickering across his features. *What is this emotion? I have yet to—*

"I won't lose here… not now… or anytime soon. I'm going to kill you and all the beasts, Obsidian! I still… haven't shown you the true source of my power!" Adisa yelled, his voice filled with a newfound determination.

Adisa stood tall despite his injuries, taking a deep breath to focus his energy. "There's a place called the Dark Dimension. I was betrayed by my own people and thrown into darkness for two years. I managed to gain and learn new powers beyond anyone's imagination. So, I'll take all of the darkness in this world… and become… something beyond Akie!"

He dropped into a squat-like position, summoning every ounce of energy within him. The air around him crackled with intensity as shadows coiled and twisted, forming a sinister aura that enveloped his body. "This… is beyond!!!"

Obsidian smiled, intrigued. "Show me… everything, Adisa."

"Aauuuuugghhhhhh!!!!!!" Adisa unleashed a primal scream that echoed through the ruins.

"Amazing. Not a single Akie… I've never seen anything like it. This… one… is transforming?" Obsidian watched with a mix of curiosity and caution.

"Aauuughhhhhhhh… THIS IS WHAT I CALL… ECLIPSE OF DESPAIR!!!" Adisa shouted, lowering his arms as black lights surged from all directions, spiraling into his body. The energy pulsed with raw power, each pulse resonating with the emotions of despair, rage, and vengeance that he had absorbed.

As the transformation intensified, an ominous, swirling mist enveloped Adisa, darkening the area around him. The sinister aura radiated a palpable sense of dread, as if the very shadows were alive, whispering secrets of power and destruction. Tendrils of dark energy flickered around him, crackling with an electric intensity that hinted at the chaos contained within.

Adisa's eyes glowed like molten gold, reflecting the tumult of emotions now coursing through him. His muscles rippled as the dark energy surged, enhancing his strength and speed. The air around him vibrated with a deep, resonant hum, echoing the weight of his newfound power.

"All of the world's negative emotions—death, hate, anger, fear, and so much more—are all entering my body! Now… BEHOLD!"

A massive explosion erupted from Adisa, the shockwave tearing through the air. Obsidian instinctively raised an arm to shield his face from the blinding light and debris. As the dust settled, he wiped away the remnants, revealing a transformed Adisa before him.

Adisa stood enveloped in dark energy, his aura a tempest of chaos and despair, swirling violently around him. The shadows twisted and writhed as if they had a life of their own, creating an imposing silhouette that towered over the battlefield. His presence was suffocating, a palpable darkness that threatened to consume everything in its vicinity.

"Still think it's a game?" Adisa asked in a almost demonic deep voice.

Obsidian's expression shifted to one of genuine concern. "What… have you become?" he muttered, realizing the sheer magnitude of the force he now faced.

Adisa held out his hand. "Rise…Tank."


Next Chapter: The Ten Dark Knights 4