

SekaiTech: A story about fantasy and advanced technology. Notice: This Story isn't finished yet, once it's finished the chapter will be rewrite to create much better chapter. Notice: This Novel is still under development, as you saw this, you're now part of the BetaReader. Must: Help me with my story by commenting your suggestions, opinions, and reactions. Read as you'll notice the difference, plots from the vol. 1 will be 'overused' as the whole novel is still underdeveloment. . . . . . . . . thank you for understanding. Synopsis: Siah was an ordinary college student who loved technology and gadgets. One day, he was suddenly transported to a fantasy world where magic and monsters existed. He soon discovered that he had a unique system that allowed him to summon advanced technology from his original world, such as smartphones, drones, robots, and more. He also learned that his system had a shop feature that could let him buy anything he wanted, as long as he had enough points. He could buy skills, items, weapons, and even people with his system. With his system, Siah decided to explore the new world and have fun. He met many friends and foes along the way, and he used his technology to help or hinder them. He also encountered many mysteries and secrets about the world and his system, and he tried to uncover them. He realized that he was not the only one who had a system, and that there were others who had different systems and goals. He had to face many challenges and dangers, but he also enjoyed many adventures and pleasures. However, his life changed when a God appeared before him and told him a shocking truth. The world he was in was divided into 28 continents, each guarded by a God. But one of the Gods, who ruled over the largest continent, had turned into an Evil God and was planning to destroy the other continents and Gods. The 27 Gods had no choice but to pick a soul from another world to stop the Evil God, and they chose Siah. Now, Siah had to use his system and technology to fight against the Evil God and his minions, who also had systems and powers of their own. He had to ally with the other Gods and their chosen ones, and travel to the different continents to find a way to defeat the Evil God. He also had to deal with the consequences of his actions, and the fate of the world and his system. IsekaiTech is a novel that combines science fiction and fantasy, and follows the journey of Siah, a young man who has the power to acquire anything he desires. It is a story of adventure, comedy, romance, and action, set in a world where technology and magic coexist, and where a battle between Gods and Evil is about to begin. updates starts at 0:00, I'll try to make it everyday. Also, I'll rewrite the story if it's done to make it more detailed and undertable. be part of the BetaReaders now!

KLUX · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 4: Hero

[ I didn't expect to see you here... Thank you ]

While all of them are cheering and having fun, Siah and Fuku blend in without them noticing. Aciah put the Russian TOS-1A Heavy Flamethrower System in his item box, and they sneaked their way into the guild.





And he said to the guild master, "Oh, why is the 'hero' here?"


Siah smirked, "I guess this will make things easy; you saw and knew that it was me who ended the horde; as a member of a guild, I don't think I belong to the copper no?"


"HAHAHA! Of course, with your power, you're already qualified to become an adamantite, to be honest, but with my authority alone, I can't just suddenly make you an adamantite."



"That's a problem," Fuku said, sending a warning to him.


"Oh, please, even if you kill me, I can't do anything about it, but what you showed me earlier is more than enough to make you both platinum; that's all I can do."


"That's enough; we'll take it."


"You guys can drop by tomorrow morning at around 3."


"We'll do that."


"By the way, what do you want us to do about the corpses?"


"Give it to the town and adventurers; they deserve it." Outside, they can hear adventurers talking and about to go inside the guild. "We'll be going then."



"Thank you for saving us."


Siah just put his hand in the air, waving and saying it's a small matter.



The two of them sneak their way to their inn. "Finally, some beds," Aciah said with bliss.


"What is the plan now? Our names will be sure to spread like wildfire; some might even see it as a threat or even an opportunity for their country."


"You see, Fuku, I like adventuring since I never did that in my past, and I don't want some politics getting in my way. That's why I need power, powerful enough for them to be scared and won't be able to do anything about it." Aciah said it like nothing.



"But, don't you think that's hard for only both of us? I mean, if we want us to be powerful enough to fight a country, then we need more men; we can't drive the Russian TOS-1A Heavy Flamethrower System just by ourselves, no? So fighting a country might need us to have at least 10 of them, and 20 if the whole world, because there is still'magic' to be able to protect them from those."



"Magic, huh... you're right, that's a problematic one; can you do something about it?"


"We'll, I can, but being alone isn't enough."


"I get your point, but how can we have more men? That we can trust, of course."




"...," Fuku thought for a moment, "oh! How about a robot? I saw some of the memories of yours when you're watching a sci-fi movie."



"A robot, huh? Let's see if my system can make that." Siah then searched the shop to see if they had any, and to his luck, he did! And different kinds of them as well—small ones, humanoid ones, and some big ones as well—the problem is, they cost a lot—I mean, a lot.




For a humanoid robot, it cost him 1,000,000 points! [Points: 8,302,238] That's the only point he has because of his killing the whole horde.



"Well, I guess it's a good deal; it's a robot that follows everything I command; he's a foot soldier robot, around 6'1 and far stronger than average humans; well, it's good. With all these different kinds of robots, I'm practically overpowered, aren't I?"




"Yeah, did you never think that you could buy something like that?"


"I don't; we do have modern robots, but it's not that great like these. Is it because of the system? Well, I guess I thank the God who brought me here."



He then proceeds to buy a fly robot as a scout; one cost him 100,000 points, so he bought 10 and scattered them around the town and outside.



He then bought three robot birds that cost $500,000 each to make a map around the kingdom.



Lastly, he bought himself a suit; even if he has these powerful weapons, if he was stabbed while sleeping, it's over for him.



He asked the system what suit was best for him—a suit that was able to protect him and that he was comfortable wearing all the time to prevent assassination.



adaptive nanofiber suit. This suit offers:


1. Smart Material: The nanofiber suit adjusts its density based on threat levels, providing enhanced protection during combat while remaining flexible during non-combat situations.


2. Integrated Sensors: Equipped with sensors for real-time environmental analysis, they offer threat detection and situational awareness.


3. Active Camouflage: The suit can seamlessly blend into the surroundings, providing effective camouflage for covert operations.


4. Biometric Authentication: Incorporates a biometric authentication system for secure access, ensuring that only the main character can use the suit.


5. Energy Shielding: Utilizes a scalable energy shielding system for additional protection against high-impact threats.


6. Enhanced Mobility: Designed for optimal agility and movement, allowing the main character to navigate various terrains with ease.


7. Environmental Adaptability: Provides life support and environmental control features, allowing the main character to operate in different atmospheric conditions.


8. Communication Hub: Acts as a communication hub, enabling seamless integration with the system and other external devices.


9. Medical Assistance: Includes a built-in medical monitoring system for real-time health analysis and automatic administration of first aid in cases of injury.


10. Self-Repair Mechanism: Integrates a self-repair mechanism for minor damages, ensuring prolonged durability and reliability.


This nanofiber suit, crafted with advanced technology, serves as a comprehensive protective system, blending seamlessly with Aciah's capabilities and the demands of your missions. Cost: 3,00,000 points.



"That cost a lot, but it's worth it." He bought it and tried it; it's all black with a sleek design. Wearing the advanced nanofiber suit feels like donning a second skin that anticipates your every move.




The smart material adapts seamlessly, offering a sense of both comfort and reassurance. It's lightweight, allowing for unrestricted movement, while the integrated sensors provide a heightened awareness of your surroundings.



The active camouflage creates a surreal sensation of blending into the environment effortlessly, adding a touch of intrigue to the overall experience. The energy shielding provides a subtle yet constant layer of protection, instilling a feeling of security without compromising mobility.




In essence, wearing the armor is like embodying a harmonious fusion of cutting-edge technology and enhanced physical capabilities, creating a symbiotic relationship between the wearer and the advanced nanotech suit.



"How do I look?" Siah asked Fuku.


"You look great."


"Do you want one as well?"


"Well, you bought that because you're worried that you might get assassinated, right? Then I don't need one; my skin itself is like armor, so no."



"Aww, okay then, to complete an entire fleet of robots, I guess we need some large amount of killing, but finding quantity is hard; we'll focus on quality; do you know anything that is a strong monster?"



"If you're finding a strong monster to beat, then the behemoth, but even if we have hundreds of Russian TOS-1A Heavy Flamethrower Systems, we still can't beat it."



"Eh? There's a monster like that?"


"Yes, it's been roaming for, I don't know, how long; no one still manages to beat it; even the hero failed; he's not a threat, so we shouldn't rush things into fighting it."


"You're right, what do you recommend then?"


"How about going to a dungeon? There's one in the next town."


"Dungeon, huh? Alright then, I also want to explore those."


They finished eating, and Aciah was putting everything in the item box when he started to ask, "Hey, do you think there are still some of those who survive in your clan?"



"That's a hard question to answer, because I don't know. I hope there are, but I don't have the expectation of it. Why did you ask?"


"Well, you said that we need more men, so if there are still some of your people, then they are the best, don't you think?"


"I get what you're getting at; hopefully some of them survived."


"Oh, I know. How about we spread our name around the world to the point that they would hear it? Those explosions are either magic or a dragon to them, right? So they might come to us."


Fuku giggled, "Yeah." I can tell that he has already given up hope.


We then slept and ate our breakfast. At exactly 3, they went to the adventurer's guild's back door, where the guild master was waiting.



If you may ask, why is there a time here? Well, that's because the hero spreads his knowledge to the world.




"You came," the guild master said.


"The streets are full of drunk people sleeping; what the hell happened?"


"Remember when you told me that it's for them? They throw a large party in town."


Siah giggled. "Well, that's good."


"Here's your card." It's platinum, and of course made out of platinum.



"You two want to rank up fast, no? With your power, it's a small fit, but ranking up overnight is impossible. To become an Orichalcum, you need to have the approval of 10 guild masters. Since I saw your power already, I vote for you already. Expect that every guild master will know you by now."


"That would make things easy for us, thanks."


Fuku then asked, "I'm curious, to become an adamantite, is it still a 1v1 fight between fellow adamantite?"


"Yup, it didn't change."


"I see, a 1v1, eh?"


"Yes, it's a large event where people gather; it's a test where high-ranking people watch, even kings and emperors," Fuku said.


"They only watch so that they can get you to their side, for power."


"That's an interesting one. In just a short time, be there to watch us, okay?"


The guild master smiled and said, "Of course!"


"We'll be going then."


"Oh, before that, here's the change for the money you gave; we can't just have it for ourselves even though you did all the work; everyone from the town wants to give that to you."



"I see. Tell them I said thanks."


"Sure, come visit us again!"


"For sure" 


After that conversation, they left to travel. They bought a hover bike, Fuku, to ride on the back since they could only afford one for now.



Before sunrise, they arrive on the hover bike at a speed of 1000 mph (1,600 kph) using advanced propulsion systems, such as anti-gravity, plasma, and warp drive, that would allow them to fly at incredible speeds. They also have some sophisticated features, such as cloaking, shielding, and weapons, that would make them more versatile and powerful.




Again, before they reach the toll gate, they get out the hover bike, Siah put it inside his item box, and start walking towards the toll gate.



"Halt! Please show us some ID," the guard said. The guards here wear iron armor and use an iron sword and bow as their weapons. We showed him our ID, and once he saw that it was platinum, he immediately let us in.






The town is quiet; there are only a small number of people roaming around, and there are also some guards patrolling the area.




While walking, finding a good inn to stay in, a kid bumped into me. "Sorry, mister Fuku said, immediately holding the kid's arm. "Now now, it's bad to rob people, you know? "Siah said.



The kid then starts shouting, "Waaaaa!!! Help me!" Before he could shout more, Fuku immediately knocked the kid, punching him and making him unconscious.




Aciah laughed as they both ran, while Fuku was carrying him. "Goddammit Fuku, HAHAHA! His a goddamn kid!" Siah said while laughing.



"Well, he did rob us first." They both hide in a corner. "Damn, that was close. Now what are we going to do with this kid?"


"We could just kill him."


"No, it's a small mistake; a kid like this is robbing people; he must have some kind of reason; try reading his mind, Fuku."



A few seconds passed by, and Fuku started saying what he read: the kid's name is Steven, and he's robbing for his sister; his sister is a knight, a good knight because she has her own team, but when the war started, they were put on the frontlines, causing her and her team to almost die.





Her hands and feet are cut off; she has lots of injuries; it's basically unsaveable; it's only been 3 days since she got back here; they don't have any parents; their parents are also knights, but they also died in battle just a year ago.




"I see. It's kind of sad. How about we visit them? I pity them."


"Siah, it's okay to pity people; that's normal; that makes us alive, so don't think that you're weak just because you pity someone."



"Thanks; you really know what I needed to hear."


"Small matter, that's because I can read your mind." They both smiled, and they went towards Steven's place.




It's the slum.













In the heart of the town, a labyrinth of narrow, winding streets unveiled the harsh reality of the slum. Dwellings, pieced together from wood, straw, mud, and stone, stood as fragile shields against the unforgiving elements. Thatched roofs, like tender kindling, flirted with the constant threat of fire, while raindrops found their way through, mingling with the pervasive scent of smoke from fireplaces without chimneys.


Windows, if present at all, were mere whispers of light struggling to penetrate the darkness within. A symphony of dampness and shadows enveloped these abodes, revealing a world devoid of comfort. In the absence of basic sanitation, buckets and pits served as makeshift facilities, their contents finding a grim fate in the streets or rivers below.


Venturing into the labyrinthine pathways exposed a chaotic mosaic of refuse—garbage, animal waste, and the remnants of decaying sustenance. Muddy terrain transformed into a quagmire during the rain, creating a perilous landscape. Nightfall plunged the already dim streets into an abyss, unlit by the comforting glow of streetlights. In this obscurity, a realm of danger thrived, populated by the destitute, opportunistic thieves, beggars, and those engaged in the oldest profession.


Within these precarious walls dwelled a populace shackled by poverty, hunger, and illness. Their occupations ranged from laborers and craftsmen to servants and merchants, yet for many, the cruel reality was unemployment. Education, healthcare, and legal protection were distant dreams, leaving them vulnerable to the clutches of diseases like the plague, typhus, dysentery, and leprosy.



With a heavy heart, they found his sister. It's a shabby place; old woods were put together to create a shelter for them to live in. It's what you wouldn't want to see...



"Steven? Are you there? Where have you been? It's late at night! I told you not to rob people anymore!" His sister said.




We got there; her body is bleeding through the bandages; her two hands were cut; that goes for her feet; it's a horrifying scene.



"Are you Mae?" Fuku asked.


"Who are you two people? Wait," she sighed, and she saw his brother carrying Fuku. "I see. Please let him go. I would do anything. Just please, don't do anything to my brother."



"Jana, correct? Do you want us to save you?" Siah asked.


"Oh, please, we tried everything already; that's the reason why we lost all our money because of that one scummer!" She said angrily. "I already lost hope; giving me false hope won't work; what do you two want anyway?"



"Fuku, having robots as manpower causes us a lot of points; I know that this is just my feelings getting mixed up as this is my first time seeing people get treated like this. I want to save them all."



"If that's what you want, who am I to stop you?"


"What are you two talking about?" In my system, I search for what can save her.



a mind-controlled bionic arm and leg prosthesis for someone who has lost both hands and feet from a battle. These prosthetic limbs are implanted through a process called osseointegration, which will be done by the system. in which the prosthesis is surgically attached to the bone, muscles, and nerves. The technology involves implanting electrodes that pick up on the brain's signals and allow the person to move, feel, and use the new limb in an intuitive, natural way.



This would greatly improve the quality of life and functionality of the person, as they would be able to perform various personal and professional activities with ease and comfort. The mind-controlled bionic arm and leg prostheses are also very advanced and realistic, as they can mimic the natural movements and sensations of organic limbs. They are also very durable and stable. Cost: 500,000



"This is my last point." Siah sighed. "Let's do this."


"What are you?" Mae didn't finish her question when a light shined through her body. In just a few minutes, it's done. Her brother woke up and saw her sister standing.



 [ What do you think, Reader ]