

SekaiTech: A story about fantasy and advanced technology. Notice: This Story isn't finished yet, once it's finished the chapter will be rewrite to create much better chapter. Notice: This Novel is still under development, as you saw this, you're now part of the BetaReader. Must: Help me with my story by commenting your suggestions, opinions, and reactions. Read as you'll notice the difference, plots from the vol. 1 will be 'overused' as the whole novel is still underdeveloment. . . . . . . . . thank you for understanding. Synopsis: Siah was an ordinary college student who loved technology and gadgets. One day, he was suddenly transported to a fantasy world where magic and monsters existed. He soon discovered that he had a unique system that allowed him to summon advanced technology from his original world, such as smartphones, drones, robots, and more. He also learned that his system had a shop feature that could let him buy anything he wanted, as long as he had enough points. He could buy skills, items, weapons, and even people with his system. With his system, Siah decided to explore the new world and have fun. He met many friends and foes along the way, and he used his technology to help or hinder them. He also encountered many mysteries and secrets about the world and his system, and he tried to uncover them. He realized that he was not the only one who had a system, and that there were others who had different systems and goals. He had to face many challenges and dangers, but he also enjoyed many adventures and pleasures. However, his life changed when a God appeared before him and told him a shocking truth. The world he was in was divided into 28 continents, each guarded by a God. But one of the Gods, who ruled over the largest continent, had turned into an Evil God and was planning to destroy the other continents and Gods. The 27 Gods had no choice but to pick a soul from another world to stop the Evil God, and they chose Siah. Now, Siah had to use his system and technology to fight against the Evil God and his minions, who also had systems and powers of their own. He had to ally with the other Gods and their chosen ones, and travel to the different continents to find a way to defeat the Evil God. He also had to deal with the consequences of his actions, and the fate of the world and his system. IsekaiTech is a novel that combines science fiction and fantasy, and follows the journey of Siah, a young man who has the power to acquire anything he desires. It is a story of adventure, comedy, romance, and action, set in a world where technology and magic coexist, and where a battle between Gods and Evil is about to begin. updates starts at 0:00, I'll try to make it everyday. Also, I'll rewrite the story if it's done to make it more detailed and undertable. be part of the BetaReaders now!

KLUX · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Chapter 29: Good and Evil

[ Your Majesty,

I bear urgent tidings from the Old Demon King Realm's border. A relentless horde of undead, comprised of both people and monsters, has surged forth unexpectedly. Our insect robots deployed across the Holy Empire confirm a perilous contagion – contact with these creatures results in swift infection. Immediate action is imperative to safeguard our lands.

Yours faithfully,

Sarah ]

The message was directly send to Siah, via phone.

Siah message back,

[ Secure a place on the Old Demon King Realm's border promptly. Erect a formidable defense line and caution all soldiers to steer clear of the afflicted area. We cannot risk provoking the Holy Empire. Establish a temporary base for strategic planning. Reinforcements will reach you by early morning to bolster our defenses. ]

[ As you Wish your Highness ] Sarah Replied.

"Find a place to stublish a our base, Deploy Surveillance Drones with high-res cameras and AI analysis for undead monitoring. Introduce Biometric Quarantine with contactless scanning and AI-assisted infection detection. Install Smart Barriers with sensors and automated responses. Ensure secure Communication Encryption with quantum-resistant algorithms. Employ AI for Contingency Planning and real-time strategy adjustments. Utilize Nanotech for precise Resource Management. Deploy Reconnaissance Satellites for comprehensive coverage. Introduce AR for Troop Morale with immersive experiences. Enhancing defense efficiency against the undead threat with advanced tech." Sarah said as she walk on the corridors with Alexa.

"Understood" Alexa said

They swiftly found a place and established their temporary base on the mountains, using the terrain to their advantage and a shield. The base was equipped with advanced technology and weaponry to fend off the undead horde. The base also had a command center, where Sarah and Alexa coordinated the defense strategy and communicated with Siah.

This mountainous area was a bit far from the battlefield, but this temporary base could not be ignored by the enemy. If they tried to bypass it and head straight to the border, snipers and soldiers would immediately kill them before they reached the border. The base also served as a lookout point, where they could observe the movements and behavior of the undead army. They noticed that the undead seemed to be controlled by a mysterious force, and that they were not mindless zombies. They also detected some signs of resistance from the Holy Empire, who were fighting back against the invasion.

In Siah's office.

"Fuku" Siah said, looking at the holographic screen that showed the situation on the border of the Old Demon King Realm.

"Yeah?" Fuku asked, walking into the office.

"Immediately send reinforcements to the demon king's realm. Sarah reported the attack of hordes of undead attacking the Holy Empire's border. Sarah established a temporary defense line, but those aren't going to work. Send 'it' to the battlefield." Siah ordered, gazing at Fuku.

"..., as you wish, your majesty." Fuku nodded, knowing what 'it' was. It was the ultimate weapon that Siah had been developing, powerful powerful enough that could unleash devastating attacks and withstand any damage. Fuku hoped that 'it' would be enough to stop the undead invasion.

Fuku went to the military base of Islivaria, there are two military base of Islivaria, one below the flouting castle and one on the floating city, this military base is where they invent and create new and powerful military weapons and vehicles.

Fuku went in and was immediately greet by the others, he just walk past them after nodding his head to them. In a large garage like area the ceilings are at least 250 meters and long as 1 km.

"Oh? Fuku, what makes you come here?" Mae asked as she walk towards him after noticing him.

"His Majesty wants to send 'it' to the battlefield, it seems that 'he' already make his move on the demon king's realm"

"..., are you sure about this? I mean it just finished last week. Test is still under going"

"His Majesty must want you to test it on the battlefield, after all, he trust you and his people"

"Hm..., okay then." The 'it' they are talking about is just near them. A large flying ship that is even larger and more powerful than the upgraded Aegis Skyblade.

It is about 600 meters meters long and 250 meters wide. A flying vehicle that made combining advanced technology and Magic.

The Berserker Skyblade is a huge warship that combines advanced technology and magic. It is bigger than any other warship in this world, and it has a smooth and elegant shape.

The warship has many powerful weapons, such as plasma cannons that shoot hot beams of energy, missiles that explode on impact, and electromagnetic shields that protect it from attacks. It also has a special engine that uses magic to create a lot of energy from a rare substance called deuterium. The engine is located at the front of the warship, and it has blue jets that release the extra heat.

The warship's body is covered with beautiful patterns that are called runes. These runes make the warship's magic stronger, and they help the warship's shields and weapons work better with the technology.

The warship also has round pods that can launch small fighter drones. These drones are like mini versions of the warship, and they can fly and fight on their own. They have crystals that make them faster and smarter, and they also have plasma cannons and missiles.

The warship's engine has a magical core that is very carefully made. It has ancient symbols that connect the warship to the ancient civilization where Zara live. This makes the warship's energy more stable and unique.

The warship also has a place where mages can use their magic to help the warship. These mages can control the balance between technology and magic, and they can make the warship do amazing things in different situations.

It has the futuristic spaceship design. It looks like a sleek and powerful vessel that can travel through the vastness of space. Here are some possible features of this spaceship:

The pointed nose of the spaceship might help reduce drag and increase speed.

The metallic silver and black color scheme might reflect the light and heat, as well as camouflage the spaceship in the darkness of the planet

The blue thrusters on the back might provide propulsion and maneuverability for the spaceship. They also create a stunning visual effect when activated.

The spherical turrets on the top and sides might serve as weapons or sensors for the spaceship. They might be able to rotate and aim at different targets or directions.

The spaceship have a crew of thousands of people who operate the various systems and functions of the vessel. They also have a captain who commands the spaceship and makes strategic decisions.

Mae gazed at the flying ship in awe and said, "This... will surely attract attention."

Fuku nodded and said, "Yeah... but Siah said it's fine. Kathy and Zara are really something to create something like this."

Mae agreed and said, "Yeah... damn. They are amazing."

She knew that the flying ship was the result of a collaborative effort between Zara and Kathy, the two leaders of the researcher about magic and advanced technology.

They had enlisted the help of various races, such as demons, cyclopes, giants, dwarfs, robots, and others, to build the ultimate war machine. It was a symbol of their unity and determination to fight against the demon king.

The preparations were complete by the afternoon. The soldiers and the supplies had boarded the Berserker Skyblade, the massive flying ship that was ready to take off.

"Ma'am! The preparations are done! We're ready to move!" A general reported to Mae as he saluted her.

"Good, let's go then," Mae said. She was the supreme commander of the military and the leader of the expedition to eliminate the undead.

More than 50,000 soldiers were on board the Berserker Skyblade, as it soared into the sky. The people of Islivaria watched the large ship fly over the city, covering a large area with its shadow. They cheered and celebrated, proud of their king who had invented such a powerful vehicle.

Five Aegis Skyblades, the upgraded versions of the previous flying ships, accompanied the Berserker Skyblade to the battlefield. They formed a formidable fleet that was ready to face any enemy.

In the Demon King's realm, a mysterious figure stood on top of a colossal beast, the behemoth. And besides him was the Hero and the Demon King who are now undead. He looked at the vast army of undead that filled the horizon, and grinned wickedly.

"The preparations are complete... now let's see, which one is stronger!" He shouted, throwing the Hero and the Demon King into the fray. "Let the ultimate battle begin!"

Meanwhile, in the Holy Empire, the emperor received a shocking report from one of her nobles.

"Your Imperial Highness, we have urgent news from the border! A large flying vehicle appeared in the sky and wiped out the undead army in a matter of minutes!" The noble said, trembling with fear and awe.

The emperor looked out of the window and saw the sight for herself. 6 massive airships, soared through the air, leaving trails of fire and smoke behind them. They were the Berserker Skyblade and the Aegis Skyblade, the legendary weapons of Islivaria.

The emperor felt a surge of mixed emotions. She was relieved that the undead threat was eliminated, and she also feel an excitement.

"Well, I guess we'll win as long as we have them on our side." She said, while smiling confidently.

[ Name: Guinevere

Title: The Emperor of The Holy Empire, The Holy Knight, The Hero's descendant

Age: 18

Weight: 130

Height: 7'1

Level: 2890

Attack power: 58228

Magic power: 35889

Defense: 5613

Agility: 8489 ]

The people of the empire were also stunned by the sudden appearance of the airships. They had heard rumors about Islivaria, the mysterious country that had a floating city and advanced technology, but they had never seen them with their own eyes.

"Islivaria?" They whispered among themselves. "Are they allies or enemies?"

One of the soldiers who had participated in the expedition to explore the continent shouted out loud, "Long live Islivaria!"

His words caused a stir among the crowd. Some cheered, some doubted, some feared.


"Islivaria? I think I've heared them somewhere"

"That Country has a flouting city!"


All of the people murmur, as they talk about the country Islivaria. The one who shouted earlier was one of the soldier of Islivaria.

Another person barged into the royal court, panting and sweating. "Your Imperial Highness! Outside! Outside there is-"

"Calm down, I already know. I'm not blind." The emperor interrupted him. "To think that Islivaria could be this powerful... I shouldn't have ignored those rumors. They might be a big threat or an ally"

She smirk and made a decision. "Prepare the knights! This is our problem! Don't let them embarrass us!" She ordered while trying to hide her smile, she's clearly blushing in excitement.

"As you wish, Your Imperial Highness!" The nobles and the generals bowed.

"This will be fun." She said, smiling happily.

In the Saytan Kingdom, the king was furious when he heard the news from one of his nobles.

"What!?" He roared, slamming his fist on the table.

[ Name: Harry

Title: The king of Saytan Kingdom, The first adamantite adventurer

Age: 54

Weight: 162

Height: 6'4

Level: 2567

Attack power: 37428

Magic power: 25899

Defense: 4813

Agility: 5989 ]

"Your Majesty, we have received a letter from Her Highness. She has gone to Islivaria without your permission and sent us this message." The noble said, holding a small device in his hand.

The king rubbed his temples, feeling a headache coming. "Sigh, just read it." He said.

"Um..." The noble hesitated.

"What is it?" The king asked impatiently.

"It seems that this is not a letter, but an item. It has some instructions on how to use it." The noble said, showing the device to the king.

The device was a round flat object with a button on top. It looked like nothing the king had ever seen before.

"What kind of magic is this?" The king wondered.

"I don't know, Your Majesty. But it seems to be related to Islivaria's technology." The noble said.

"Technology? What is that?" The king asked, confused.

"Islivaria is a country that has advanced beyond magic, Your Majesty. They use machines and devices that can do things that even the most powerful spells cannot. They are a mystery to the rest of the world." The noble explained.

The king was intrigued, but also wary. "And what does my daughter have to do with them?" He asked.

"Let me show you, Your Majesty." The noble said, placing the device on the floor and pressing the button as instructed.

As soon as he did, a blue light projected from the device, forming a hologram of Diana, the king's daughter, in the middle of the royal court.

[ Father, this is me. I'm sorry for sneaking my way here, I wanted to investigate this country. But I was discovered by them as soon as I arrived. Don't worry, I'm safe. They are not hostile to me. I have something to report, this Islivaria country must not be our enemy at any cost. They have advanced technology and a powerful military. Not only that, earlier, they sent their largest flying ship to the Holy Empire's border between the Demon King's realm. They are going to fight the undead army. We should send our troops to aid them and gain their favor. This is a chance to make an alliance with them. ] She said, and the hologram disappeared.

The king and the nobles were speechless. They could not believe what they had just seen and heard.

"Is this true?" The king asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes, Your Majesty. We have confirmed that the flying ship was spotted by our scouts. It is heading towards the battlefield as we speak." Another noble said.

"My daughter would not lie to me. She has a good eye for things. If she says that Islivaria is our potential ally, then we must trust her." The king said, making up his mind.

He stood up and addressed the court. "Prepare the knights! We are going to join the battle and help Islivaria! This is our opportunity to make a new friend and a powerful partner!"

"As you wish, Your Majesty!" The nobles and the generals saluted.

"This is interesting..." The king said, smiling eagerly.

I can help you rewrite, improve, optimize, and add more details to your story. Here is my attempt:

In the Bangar Kingdom, a phone rang in the king's chamber. He picked it up and answered.

"Hello?" He said.

"Father, this is me. I've infiltrated Islivaria and I have some news for you." A voice said from the other end.

[ Name: George

Title: Third Prince of Bangar Kingdom

Age: 23

Weight: 121

Height: 6'5

Level: 150

Attack power: 1281

Magic power: 124

Defense: 899

Agility: 678 ]

The king recognized the voice of his son, George, who was sent as a spy to Islivaria, the hidden country. He smiled wickedly.

"What is it, my son? Have you found their weakness?" He asked.

[ Name: Albert

Title: King of Bangar Kingdom

Age: 35

Weight: 252

Height: 5'9

Level: 10

Attack power: 78

Magic power: 1

Defense: 9

Agility: 2 ]

George chuckled. "Not exactly, father. But I have found something else. They are not hostile to us. They are very friendly and kind. They even invited me to their floating city and showed me their amazing technology. They are naive and trusting. We should take this as an opportunity to manipulate them." He said.

The king laughed loudly. "HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's my son for you! You have done well, George. What do you suggest we do?" He asked.

George also laughed maniacally. "Father, it seems that they are going to fight the undead. They sent a large flying ship to the Holy Empire's border with the Demon King's realm. We should help them so that they can be grateful to us. HAHAHAHAHA!" He said, sounding insane.

"Alright! That sounds like a good plan. Hey! Send our knights to the Demon King's realm!" The king shouted to one of his servants.

"Eh? But Your Majesty, our military is too weak to even fight the monsters in the Curse Forest. How can we face the undead?" The servant asked, trembling.

"Do what I say or I'll kill your family!" The king threatened.

"..., as you wish, Your Majesty..." The servant said, bowing his head.

The two father and son laughed as they plotted their evil scheme.