
Isekai with a cheat or not

I was born as a race less the lowest race that existed in whole world even goblin is higher than my race I rather run I mean without a weapon withoutt aaawweeaappoonn I mean I will try best regardless of my race

Gerald_Meneses · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

(danger) I died again maybe

I can see that it's a useful skill indeed


I decided that I eat to full my stomach

I was walking slowly and I saw a pack

of wolves there's definitely not from your normal

average wolves there's a tattoo inprinted in their head

toe and back, it's definitely eating something

is that the macho looking goblin that killed me

it's definitely is but if they killed the goblin does

that means they going to killed me to

I walk away before they see me a they're didn't

seems to want to eat me either because I don't have a

flesh I'm thin like someone who not eating for entire week wait was I there food delicacy

I stumbled a river I quickly drink it

it's like a mineral water I tried to grab the fish that

swimming there but I didn't catch it, it's not like

I didn't I just couldn't catch it that's right

I prepared a tools that might come in handy

after pierce it's abdomen I catch it and it's weird

looking fish it's saying something

(fish-kun) not bad you actually killed me I mean

I can easily kill you right now but I will show no mercy

if we met again so eat me (fish-kun thought)

after he eat me and he will become a food

for me

fish-kun status

hp:100= -50


title: poisonous

skill:dead devourer: swimmer:water magic: poison flesh)

eehhh I bited it several times but it's seems he's

looking at me and waiting for me die to bad

I have immunity to poisonous food muhahaha