
Isagi Yoichi template in Kuroko no Basket

Aizen traveled to the world of Kuroko no Basket, arriving in the last semester of junior high school. At the same time, he extracted the abilities of Isagi Yoichi from Blue Lock via the system. [Meta Vision], [Flow]... and a two-month extraordinary development buff. Two months later, Aizen's body and skills had completely evolved, making him the undisputed ace of the team! At this time, the coach arranged a training match for them against Teikō's Second Army led by Kise Ryōta. When the team was in crisis, Aizen took the court. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150 Stones= 1 chapter Mc is op but he will lose games and will have to train. the cover is not mine.This is just a translation

The_unKnown2 · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Chapter 11:Anri

The reward was finally confirmed, and it was another character from Blue Lock, Rensuke Kunigami.

To be honest, when Aizen drew Kunigami, he was not very satisfied.

After all, there were so many great abilities on the turntable; why did he draw this one?

Although Aizen had watched the Blue Lock anime in his previous life, he did not continue to follow the manga's plot.

He only remembered that Kunigami was eliminated. Given this, it's no wonder Aizen subconsciously thought that Kunigami was not that good.

In Aizen's experience, a character who leaves the main plot early in an anime can't be that powerful.

If given a choice, Aizen would have preferred to draw Itoshi Rin.

First, because Rin is very powerful, and second, because Aizen felt he really lacked finishing ability.

If he could draw Itoshi Rin, Aizen thought there was a high probability he would gain offensive skills.

Just as Aizen was about to sigh, the system promptly displayed the ability information for Rensuke Kunigami.

[Rensuke Kunigami - Confrontation Core]

[Ability Introduction: When in physical contact with an opponent, you can maintain core stability to the greatest extent, allowing for more controlled and calm technical moves on the court.]

After reading the ability introduction, Aizen paused for a moment and then showed a look of joy.

"Oh, I had the wrong preconceived notion."

Increasing core stability during confrontation is a crucial ability.

Its true importance cannot be fully explained in a short system description.

Core strength is vital for athletes, potentially affecting the fluency of technical movements.

Especially in confrontational sports like basketball, lacking strong core strength can leave you vulnerable.

Imagine trying to break through on the court and being touched by an opponent, causing you to lose balance and stumble. How frustrating that would be.

On the other hand, with good core stability, you wouldn't fear body collisions.

Even under extreme conditions, you wouldn't need to completely shake off the defender to carry on effectively.

And this skill is exactly what Aizen urgently needs. Although he has an 86-point strength attribute, considered excellent among his peers, this data is calculated by combining overall strength.

When playing, Aizen could clearly feel that his core strength was insufficient.

This is normal, considering Aizen is 191cm tall, and a tall body has a relatively unstable center of gravity, especially during growth periods when strength can't keep pace with height.

Although he did not get the ability he most wanted in this system lottery, it still made up for a significant shortcoming.

"Very good!" Aizen summarized his strengths, feeling he had made a lot of progress.

He couldn't wait to go to the court to test his new abilities and see how much he had changed.

Aizen went to his bedroom to find a basketball and was about to head to the nearby outdoor court.


As he walked to the door, suddenly it opened, and two women walked in.

The one who opened the door was Aizen's cousin, Reina. She was dressed casually and had a delicate face.

Aizen had never seen the girl following his cousin.

The girl wore glasses, a professional suit, and had a tall figure.

She held a pen and paper, looking like a typical urban white-collar worker.

However, the A4-sized paper couldn't hide her impressive figure.

Aizen took a quick glance and looked away: "You came back early today."

Aizen currently lived with his cousin. His parents, due to work commitments, couldn't take care of him, so they entrusted him to Reina.

"Yes, I'm not busy today, and I brought a friend back." Reina was in a good mood and playful when she spoke.

While the two talked, they didn't notice that Reina's friend was looking at Aizen with surprise, as if she had discovered something incredible.

"Reina, who is this?"

After hearing her friend's words, Reina saw the curious look on her friend's face.

After looking at her friend meaningfully, she introduced, "This is my cousin Aizen. He's living with me for now."

She didn't care whether her words were appropriate. When Aizen heard the word "cohabitation," his eyes twitched slightly.

But he was used to it. His cousin was generous and a bit naughty.

Her friend looked surprised when she heard this.

She introduced her friend to Aizen. This generous lady was her college classmate, named Anri, currently working in sports media.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time and had agreed to catch up at home.

After chatting with them for a while, Aizen prepared to go to the basketball court.

He just wanted to play basketball now. Not even a generous and tolerant big sister could stop him.

When Aizen left, the conversation between the two women shifted to him.


Aizen was heading towards the court where he usually played basketball.

He ran into a group of people holding balls, walking in the opposite direction.

Aizen was confused. This group was clearly here to exercise, but there were no signs of activity on them, and they didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave.

Ignoring them, Aizen continued walking until he heard someone in the group recognize him.

"Huh? Look, it's Aizen!"

After hearing his name, everyone turned to look in the direction the speaker pointed.

"It's Aizen! Damn, he's finally here."

"Yes, yes!"

Upon confirming it was Aizen, everyone became extremely excited.

Aizen, recognizing the enthusiasm, couldn't just turn around and leave. He knew his influence on this court. Thinking back to the two months after he awakened his memory, he had come here almost daily to train and play basketball with the adults.

Relying on his strength, in just two months, he not only became the boss of this court but also made a name for himself.

Not only that, but many nearby courts had also heard of him, and his reputation grew.

Aizen stopped to greet the group.

Before he could speak, the young man who first recognized him hurriedly said, "Aizen, you're finally here."

"You don't know, something big happened at our court today!"

The young man's anxious look made Aizen a little confused.

"There's a challenge from an outsider today."

Aizen: "So? Then accept the challenge, no need to get so anxious."

Aizen felt the young man looked familiar, likely someone who often played here. Seeing his flushed face, Aizen reminded him calmly.

"Hey, Aizen, let's head to the court first."


Aizen arrived at the main court where he usually played and trained.

Because of Aizen, this half-court had become the most popular spot. Even when he wasn't there, it was almost always crowded.

Today, however, there were too many onlookers surrounding the court, all watching the confrontation intently.

In this situation, shorter spectators couldn't see what was happening inside, only hearing the loud shouts, which attracted even more people.

"Well played, just like that!"

"So weak, I thought you were stronger."

"What a waste of our time. Is this all you've got? Any real men here?"

"I'm getting tired. Are you guys playing a round-robin?"

Aizen, relying on his height, stood behind the crowd to see what was happening on the court.

One side was clearly dominating, while the other was being taunted without response.

Aizen recognized the people on the losing side. They were regulars who had often played with him and taken care of him.

Frowning, Aizen sensed the tension in the air.

The teams were engaged in a 3-on-3 match, likely playing to 21 points.

"Bang!" A loud block echoed.

One of the regulars was blocked hard, and the opponent didn't stop there, pressing down on him.

The old man hit the ground hard, the sound of his fall making everyone wince.

It was a cruel scene, but to his credit, the old man got up and continued playing.

However, the gap in strength was too vast. Willpower alone couldn't change the outcome.

21:4, the regulars were soundly defeated.

"These guys are really good."

"Yeah, but some of them are too arrogant."

"What do you know? Why play without passion? The strong have the right."

"Yeah, if you don't like it, beat them."


Most of the spectators didn't regularly watch the games. They had been attracted by the commotion.

Otherwise, they might have defended their own. Still, what they said had some truth.

In competitive sports, the strong win, and nothing else matters.

You can be as arrogant as you want if you win!

The winning group remained in the middle of the court, still shouting: "Is there anyone else?"

"Hurry up! You came here with a reputation, but this is all you've got?"

"What a waste of time. Where's your so-called king of the court? Too scared to come out?"

The regulars were furious hearing such taunts in their home court.

But what could they do? They had all gone up and been beaten one by one.

Their opponents were indeed stronger, and no matter how much they protested, it was useless.

"Damn it, it would be great if Aizen were here!"

"Does anyone have Aizen's contact info? Find him quickly."

"Hey, Aizen went to play a game against Teikō today. He probably won't come."

As everyone whispered about how to summon Aizen, they saw a figure taller than everyone else in the crowd.

It was Aizen.

The moment they saw him, everyone's expressions were almost uncontrollable, like children seeing their long-lost father!

"f**k, you're finally here!"

"Move aside, let Aizen in!"

Everyone stood up and tried to clear a path for Aizen.