
Is It Wrong to Seek Immortality In Another World?

RJ_Sage · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

"Ugh... I'm exhausted!" I let out a long yawn before refocusing my attention on the three-year project in front of me.

I rubbed my eyes and took a sip of coffee to wake my mind. My name is Kaito, and I'm an engineer specializing in space technology and advanced artificial intelligence systems. For the past three years, I've been working on a project to develop a high-performance space engine that could take humanity beyond the confines of our solar system.

I knew I couldn't afford to give up now, after dedicating so much time and effort to this groundbreaking space engine project. I stared at the complex equations and diagrams on my computer screen, trying to find a solution to the problem that was impeding my progress.

After a few minutes of deep reflection, I suddenly had an innovative idea. "Eureka!" I exclaimed excitedly.

At that moment, the door to my office slammed open, interrupting my concentration. I turned to see my superior, the department director, hurrying into the room. "Uh! Jim, is everything okay?" I asked tentatively.

"Oh, Kaito, actually my wife said I may invitate you to dinner tonight, so..." Jim said, shrugging his shoulders.

I thought for a moment before responding. Although I had a lot of work to do, perhaps getting away for a little while would do me some good. "I appreciate the invitation, Jim. I gladly accept," I replied with a smile.

"It'll be good to get out of here for a while and relax," I thought to myself.

After closing my laptop and turning off the lights in my office, I left the research department building with Jim, heading to his house. While enjoying a delicious dinner, Jim and his wife talked about their recent vacations and their plans for the future, while I shared some amusing stories about my work on the space engine project.

After a while, I realized that my mind had cleared, and I was ready to return to work the next day with a fresh perspective. I thanked Jim and his wife for the dinner and said goodbye to them before returning to my apartment.

Once home, I turned on my laptop and began working on my project with renewed enthusiasm. With my mind clear and my energy renewed, I was finally able to overcome the obstacle that had been holding me back and made significant progress in my research.

I learned that sometimes taking a break and enjoying a moment of disconnection can be just what is needed to clear the mind and find innovative solutions to the toughest problems.


Unfortunately, I didn't notice the fluctuations behind me.

Suddenly, while I was deep in my work, I felt a strange chill run through my body. At first, I thought it was just the low temperature, but then I realized that something strange was happening.

I turned around to see what was going on, but my computer screen was blank. I tried to restart it, but it wouldn't respond. I started to feel a sense of panic, as all my research work was stored on the computer, and I couldn't afford to lose it.


With a dull hum, Kaito disappeared from his desk.

The room fell into a deathly silence, where even the sound of a pin dropping would be easily perceptible.