
What are you?

As Randamu got in the store, he started to think about what to buy. He didn't really think about it before coming in. He just roamed the empty streets of city L at night as usual when passing by this 24/7 little supermarket. He had a bit of money on him, so he decided to just browse the shelves, and take anything catching his fancy. A cup noodle here, a chocolate bar there, a leg of ham, why not… After picking everything up, he thought for a bit, before coming back to a shelf and picking up a six pack of beers. It had been a while since Randamu had drunk alcohol, and he figured why not drink tonight, with the moon, stars and planets as his witness.

After paying for everything, and getting a disinterested smile from the obviously bored and tired cashier, Randamu got out of the supermarket. On his way home, he decided to stop by the forest bordering city L. He recalled there should be a nice clearing in the center, a good spot for drinking beer and eating ham.

As he walked across the forest, the dark skies, and forest noises created an eerie atmosphere. Randamu didn't catch any of that, he was too focused on reading the adventures in his favorite novel, Is It Wrong to Microwave Instant Noodles, by Lady 2B on his smartphone. When his friend advised him to pick a smartphone up, Randamu was really uninterested at first. He had spent way too long without one to see the usefulness of a phone, but after discovering web novels, he had almost never let it out of his sight.

Finally at the clearing, Randamu stopped by a bench and table, and started putting down everything he bought.

*deep grunt*

"Hum? There's someone nearby?"

Randamu started looking around when he saw her. A young girl was on the ground, with her back propped up against a tree. She was lightly dressed, but there was a lot of blood around her.

"Hey, are you alright?" asked Randaru, not that much taken aback by the sudden sight of a seemingly hurt woman in the middle of the forest.

"I'm dying you dimwit!" she answered, pretty annoyed at the oblivious Randaru.

"Geez, lady, calm down, I was just trying to make the conversation. I can see that you're badly hurt. Do you want me to call for help or carry you to the hospital?"

"I'd much prefer to get something nice to eat before I died. I smell some good stuff, is it beer?"

At this point, and for the first time in the night, Randaru had a curious look in his eyes. "Yes it's beer. You are dying, but instead of help, you want some beer?" he asked, with an increasing interest in the situation.

"What's with these questions and your eyes? You want something in exchange for your beer, is that it? I've never met a human not interested in this lady's body. So, what do you say? I should have enough energy for a quick round. Sex for beer, should be a pretty good trade, right?"

"I'm sorry, what?" asked Randaru, with a smirk rising on his lips.

"You heard me, just drop your pants, I should have enough strength for about ten minutes, which should be more than enough for you." At this point, the lady started undressing herself, and revealing her sorry figure, cut from all side with blood starting to come out of a previously scabbed wound. She still was ridiculously attractive, and men would have started a war for her looks.

Randaru started undressing, laughing as he did so. "Hahaha, what an interesting day, first a mass release of chapters, then a paranormal creature paying beer with sex! It's been a while I had so much fun!"

If the woman had enough sense, she would have picked up on the appellation she received from the man in front of her, but with her wounds and the life slowly leaving her body, she couldn't really understand what he had said.

Just before climaxing, after about 9 minutes of intense sex, the man looked at the dying woman in his arms with an obvious warmth in his eyes, smiled, and released himself into her. The woman, at first, was scared, because she could feel her life leaving her body the longer their "fight" lasted, as she wouldn't have had enough time to drink the beer promised, but the sudden release inside of her changed everything. She immediately climaxed, something that hadn't happened for years, her wounds started to close up, the life energy that left her started coming back in full force, and the energy she had in her body was filled up like never before.

As she couldn't control herself from the intense emotions and changes around her body, something strange started happening. As the man gently put her on the ground and stepped back a dozen meters, he skin started to change. A scale like membrane started to replace her skin, her nails elongated, before her entire body started to lengthen. Two protrusion started to grow on her forehead, the scale like skin became actual scales and turned purple. The protrusion grew to the length of horns, and wings came out of her back. A tail also appeared near her backside.

"Yup, a dragon. Figured." said Randamu, as he watched the transformation taking place. It obviously wasn't the first time he had seen a dragon, as he seemed to be appreciating the monster in front of him, growing to the size of a small building.

As her transformation ended, the dragon seemed to regain consciousness. She first noticed she was in her original form, before feeling the life force inside of her entirely replenished and the wounds that filled her body before were now nowhere to be found. "What's happening?" she said, in a low grunt.

"Well, I figured such a lovely lady shouldn't be dying tonight, as it would ruin a good drinking atmosphere. So I healed you." Randamu said, a smile on his lips.

"What? How? Who are you? What are you?" She said, distress and incomprehension in her deep voice.

"I'm Randamu. I put a bit of mana in my sperm, so it healed you. As for what I am, shouldn't you be thanking me first?" He answered, with a bit of schadenfreude as he watched her lose any kind of composition.

"What? Oh, uh… I'm sorry. I mean... Thank you?"

"Hahaha, just turn back human, so we can drink a bit and you can tell me about yourself, that'll be enough of a thank you."

"Uh, alright?"

Her transformation this time was almost instantaneous, as she had total control of herself. After putting on the clothes Randamu handed her from who knows where, they sat down at the table, started drinking, and Hannessa told Randamu about herself. As they talked, Hannessa started to realize that Randamu was more than met the eyes. When she first saw him, she only recognized him as a puny human, but as the time passed, she noticed that he never told her anything about himself other than his name and how he saved her, and had been redirecting the conversation easily every time the subject started to turn towards him. She also had a bit of apprehension, as the sun started to rise, as he unwittingly took his place in her heart as time passed.

She knew after the discussion had ended or if Randamu felt bored, he would leave, and they would probably never cross path again, and the idea of that was scaring her, but she didn't understand why at first. In her long existence, both as a dragon, and as a human, she never had this jittery feeling, this longing for something else than sex or gold. She had become infatuated with Randamu. As her feelings started to solidify, Randamu seemed to notice something different about Hannessa.

He looked her in the eyes, frowned, and said: "Did you just fall in love with me?"

Hannessa, completely flabbergasted by the sudden question, wanted to say no, but the question had a compelling aspect to it, forcing her to say the truth. "Yes, I'm falling in love with you. I want to live the rest of my life with you. Why am I saying that? I've never felt like this before! I want to be with you, have sex day and night, cuddle with you till I become an old sack of bone. I…"

"That's enough. I understand. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made you tell me the truth, that was mean. Sigh… What should I do? No one ever told me if it was wrong to pick up a dying dragon on my way home from grocery…" Randamu sat with his eyes closed, pondering the weirdly phrased question.

Hannessa felt free of the enchanted like feeling that compelled her to talk, before wondering once again what kind of being Randamu was. She picked up her almost empty can of beer, and emptied it in hope that the meager alcohol will relieve her from the embarrassment she felt over the things she said.

"Hmm. I suppose I can take you home. Alright. I'll take responsibility. I always wanted to say that, hahaha!" Randamu said, as he rose from the bench. "Will you come with me, and live an interesting life full of adventure, web novels and sex?"

"What? Yes! What?"

"Hahaha! Let's go, then!" and as he laughed, rays of sun shone on his figure, shrouding him in a blinding light. As Hannessa adapted her eyes, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Randamu had let a bit of his aura slip off his control while he reveled in happiness, and this thin strand of aura made Hannessa, a dragon born thousands of years ago feel like a baby without any strength. She felt like a grain of salt in front of the ocean. She understood that her life would be changed forever with this fated meeting, that the person in front of him should be stronger than the gods she heard so much about.

What would be in store for her? As she recalled what he said about adventures and sex, she couldn't help but have a large blush over her cheeks, while the mention of web novels puzzled her quite a lot.

As randamu stretched his hand towards her, sh picked it up. She felt a breath of wind, and she disappeared from the forest, along with him, the ham and the chocolate bar. The beers of can started rusting, before becoming nothing more than dust, as any trace of their passage on this small table vanished alongside them.

The End.

PS: This short and others will be published under a small collection called "Primal's shorts", so if you liked it and want to read more, please go ahead. Thank you! https://www.webnovel.com/book/12960247005155505

This is a oneshot story inspired by someone on the Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos awesome discord. You don't have to comment anything, or give me anything, it was just a fun thing to do, and I don't see myself doing anything more with this story. If you're inspired, please, write something with it, I would love to see it.

If you want to read something really good, I encourage you to check out Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos by Einlion. It's really good, and deserves more recognition.

Theoescrimecreators' thoughts