
Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

So she wakes up as Shalltear in the Dungeon… makes a mess inside it… wants to conquer Orario… meets both protagonists and derails canon… by making them fall in love with her? "This isn't going how I planned it! Dammit!" The true power of a Main Character——the ability to make things worse by simply existing. Oh, you are an overpowered villain?–—That will only complicate things for you. You don't want to be noticed before you're ready?——Too bad~ It already happened~ You made plans to conquer the city?——Orario is a live, unpredictable place filled with many factions, you know~ You're not looking for a harem?——You have two people after you now! You wanted wish-fulfillment?——This isn't a story, dumbass! But a real world! Read how Shalltear makes plans to take over Orario, explores a living dungeon world, and the interaction with Cainabel's blood-soul running in her veins with the Falna System of the Gods! Full Tags: Overpowered, Villain, Antihero, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Overlord, Danmachi, Female Protagonist, Isekai, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Anime, Magic, Mystery, Familia, Dungeon, Vampire, R18. Original Title: Is It Wrong to Take Over Orario?

LittleMarie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Chapter 4 - Part 1


Bell's heart skipped a beat as he stepped out of the church, his eyes immediately falling upon Shalltear. A surge of excitement and nervousness coursed through his veins, his cheeks reddening almost instantaneously. Without hesitation, he hurried toward her, his steps quick and purposeful.

"Shalltear!" Bell exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine delight. His eyes gleamed with admiration as he approached her, a small smile gracing his lips. "I'm here! Sorry for making you wait."

As he closed the distance between them, he couldn't help but steal a glance at the silver-haired girl, taking in her graceful presence. She was everything he aspired to be—strong, confident, and captivating. His determination to become stronger burned brightly within him, fueled by his desire to stand by her side as an equal.

Bell's hand instinctively reached for the strap of his bag, nervously adjusting it as he stood before her. Despite his best efforts to appear composed, his excitement still seeped through, betraying his innermost emotions. With a deep breath to steady himself, he mustered the courage to speak.

"I... I'm ready to train, Shalltear," Bell said, his voice filled with determination tinged with a touch of shyness.

I want to become stronger, like you. Together, we'll surpass any obstacle in our path!

His eyes shone with unwavering resolve as he awaited her response, hoping that she would see the fire burning within him and guide him toward the path of becoming a true hero.

"Good morning Bell, I see that you are ready to train to the dungeon" she says with a small smile.

Bell's face flushed a bright shade of red, a mix of embarrassment and admiration. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy towards Ais, who had the privilege of training directly with her. However, he quickly dismissed those thoughts, reminding himself that he needed to focus on his own path.

Summoning his courage, Bell responded with a determined expression. "Good morning. Yes, I'm ready to train and grow stronger. But... um, I was wondering if we could train as you did with Ais yesterday. It would be amazing to learn directly from you, even if it means not going into the dungeon right away."

He fidgeted with his bag strap, his eyes flickering between the silver-haired girl and the ground beneath his feet. The thought of training side by side with her, receiving her personal attention and instruction, filled him with both excitement and nervousness.

A part of him couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy towards Ais, as he longed for the opportunity to train directly under her watchful eye. Yet, he quickly reminded himself that each person's journey was unique, and he had to make the most of the opportunities that came his way.

Bell awaited her response anxiously, his heart pounding in his chest as he hoped for a positive answer.

She looks at him, tilts her head to the side, and responds "Ok… We can do that". She moves a little further away to an open space in the ruins surrounding Hestia's church.

Without hesitation, he followed her lead. Bell's steps were filled with newfound confidence as he closed the distance between them. His eyes never wavered from her, his unwavering focus solely fixed on the captivating figure before him. The rustling of leaves underfoot accompanied his movements, but in his mind, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only him and his mentor in this secluded training ground.

She prepared herself in a guarding position. With a deep breath, Bell steeled himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

"Alright," Bell said, his voice tinged with determination and a hint of awe. "I'm ready to begin. Show me the way, and I will follow you with everything I have."

As the wind whispered through the ruins, carrying with it the promise of growth and resilience, Bell prepared himself to embark on this new chapter of his training, guided by the one he held dear in his heart. Together, they would brave the trials that awaited them, forging a bond that would shape his destiny and bring him one step closer to becoming the hero he longed to be!.

Or so he thought, but instead, he rushed to Shalltear screaming "YAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!", his characteristic war cry, only for her to simply sidestepped and brought her parasol down on his head.


And Bell gets knocked out…



Really?... Really? What the hell Bell? That movement was adjusted a little higher than your strength but still... you should have been able to see that one coming.. You need to focus during a fight! What the hell are you thinking during training?!

She looked down at the knocked-out little red-eyed rabbit, slightly bleeding from his head. Then he poked him softly with her parasol.

"Bell… Bell, are you ok?" she asked with a tinge of worry.

Shit! Don't tell me I killed him! I need him alive so he can receive the Hestia Knife… that is the only reason I am still training him at this point. I need to know the secret to items that adjust themselves to the user's strength and level, because of my cursed classes I cannot equip and then use anything below LV 40, so it is a fucking annoying problem!

"Life Essence" she says, casting the spell to look at Bell. He was alive as there was still a red aura around him. But she quickly realizes that she doesn't know if it is low or high since she doesn't have a reference to compare against.

Dammit! Why didn't I use the spell before with Bell? or with Ais? Or anybody at least?!

"...Arrgh! And I don't have any healing spells I can use because of those classes!...wait… a potion!..." She quickly rummages over her inventory and extracts a few potions. She proceeds to pour one over Bell's head, where the bleeding seems to be coming from.

Good, the life aura is growing bigger, which means it is working… But… I hit him in the head, it will probably be better if he drinks one…. just to be sure there is no internal damage right?

Then she sits on her knees, near Bell's head and carefully lifts his head to rest it in her lap, so he is slightly inclined up. She brings the potion glass to his lips with one hand and the other lowers his jaw, to allow him to drink it. The liquid falls down and enters his mouth, only for him to choke and spit it out unconsciously, falling from the side of his mouth.

"Bell! Don't spit it out! It is a potion!" she chastises him in vain.

Then she tries again, ending with the same result. She sighs, now irritated. She is lost in thought for a moment before she gets another potion from her inventory and takes off the cork.

If I cannot feed it to him like this, then I am gonna need to be more direct!

She puts the glass tube in her mouth, holding the liquid, and then goes down to meet her head with Bell's. She kisses him trying to give him the potion mouth to mouth. Bell unconsciously tries to spit it out with his tongue, but her mouth is in the way.

Hey! What are you doing? Stop that!

Shalltear uses his tongue to push back the potion liquid to Bell's mouth. But Bell's tongue pushes up again. Then Shaltear uses her tongue to pin Bell's tongue down in his mouth. And that is the moment when Bell wakes up…


Bell's eyes shot wide open, his face turning a brilliant shade of red that rivaled the sunset itself. His mind spun with a mix of confusion, surprise, and a jumble of conflicting emotions. He blinked several times, trying to process the unexpected turn of events that had unfolded before him.

His initial shock gradually gave way to a flustered realization. Her lips were pressed against his, her tongue intertwining with his own. The taste of her, the softness of her touch, overwhelmed his senses. At that moment, time seemed to stand still as Bell's heart raced uncontrollably within his chest.

With his mind in a whirlwind, Bell's first instinct was to pull away, to question the boundaries that had been crossed. But he couldn't deny the fluttering warmth that filled his being, the profound connection he felt in that intimate gesture. It was as if the world had condensed into that single point of contact, erasing any doubts or hesitations he might have had.

As she finally broke the kiss, Bell's eyes remained fixed on her, his breath catching in his throat. He could hardly find the words to speak, his voice reduced to a barely audible whisper. "Sh-Shalltear... I... I..."

His mind raced, trying to make sense of what had just transpired. Had she truly kissed him? Did she share the same feelings he had harbored for so long? The questions swirled in his mind, clouding his ability to form coherent thoughts.

Bell's hand instinctively rose to touch his lips, the tingling sensation lingering there as a testament to the moment they had shared. He felt a strange mixture of elation and trepidation, unsure of what would come next, but resolved to face it head-on.

In that instant, Bell realized that his journey had taken an unexpected turn, veering into uncharted territory. As his mind raced with a multitude of thoughts, Bell's face remained flushed, his lips still tingling from the kiss that had left an indelible mark on his soul.

"Bell, Are you ok Bell?" she said, her face filled with worry…. worry that she may have given Bell drain damage…

Bell blinked rapidly, trying to clear the fog of confusion that clouded his mind. Her voice reached his ears, filled with genuine concern, snapping him back to reality. He stared at her, his eyes wide with a mix of astonishment and disbelief.

"Sh-Shalltear..." Bell stammered, his voice barely a whisper. "I... I'm fine. More than fine, actually... I... I can't believe this is happening."

His heart thumped loudly in his chest, the reality of the situation sinking in. The dreamlike haze that had enveloped him began to dissipate, replaced by a growing sense of elation. He couldn't deny the happiness that surged through him, intertwining with his previous doubts and fears.

A small smile tugged at the corners of Bell's lips as he looked at the silver-haired girl, his eyes shimmering with newfound confidence. He reached out to gently touch her cheek, his touch light and tender.

"This..." he mused, his voice filled with wonder. "You... you kissed me, Shalltear. And in that moment, I've never felt more alive. Thank you."

The world around him seemed to brighten, colors becoming more vibrant, sounds more resonant. The weight of his desires and aspirations, once heavy on his shoulders, felt lighter now, buoyed by the unexpected connection he had forged.

Bell's gaze never wavered from her face, his eyes filled with an unwavering determination. He had always longed for a chance to stand by her side, and now, it seemed that fate had granted him that opportunity in the most unexpected way.

"I will protect you," Bell declared, his voice steady and filled with resolve. "I will become stronger, not just for myself, but for you as well. Together, we'll face whatever challenges come our way, and I promise to never let you down."

With those words, Bell felt a surge of determination course through him, as if his very being had been revitalized. The path ahead may be uncertain, filled with both joy and hardship, but he was ready to embrace it with open arms. His dreams of becoming a hero had taken on a new meaning, intertwining with the hopes and desires of the person who had captured his heart.

Bell's face brightened with a radiant smile, a reflection of the newfound strength and courage that welled within him. This was the beginning of a remarkable chapter in his life, a tale that would unfold with each step he took alongside the silver-haired girl, his heart filled with love and a burning desire to protect her at all costs.

Shalltear blinked, her face showed a shocked expression. The realization of Shit, I did give him brain damage. She quickly takes another potion from his inventory from an angle that Bell cannot see and asks him "Do-Don't you want another?" with a small forced smile, her brain trying to think of a way to fix Bell and if another potion can help.

Bell's face turned a deep shade of crimson as her words reached his ears. A mixture of shock and anticipation filled his eyes as he processed her offer. His heart raced within his chest, the prospect of another kiss from Shalltear both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.

Bell's mind raced, torn between his desire to experience the sweetness of her lips once more and the lingering uncertainty in the back of his mind. Yet, the gentle caress of her silver hair against his face, and the alluring smile that graced her lips, reassured him that this was a moment to be cherished.

Summoning his courage, Bell nodded, his voice barely a whisper. "Yes... I want another kiss."

As she moved closer, her lips parting, Bell's heart pounded in his chest. He closed his eyes, surrendering himself to the intimate embrace that awaited him. The delicate touch of her hair brushing against his skin sent shivers down his spine, heightening his senses and deepening the connection between them.

Bell's lips met Shalltear's once more, the world around them fading away as their mouths melded together. The taste of the potion mingled with the sweetness of their kiss, igniting a fire within Bell's soul. His tongue intertwined with hers pushing the potion inside his mouth, a dance of passion and longing, as he savored the moment, his heart brimming with affection and desire.

Time seemed to stand still as they shared this intimate exchange, the world outside their embrace a distant memory. Bell's mind became consumed with the sensation of her touch, the taste of the potion, and the overwhelming sense of love that permeated the air between them.

As the kiss drew to a close, Bell's heart raced with a mixture of euphoria and a tinge of reluctance. Every fiber of his being yearned for more. His eyes fluttered open, meeting her gaze, his voice filled with confidence. "Shalltear... I'm grateful for this moment, in this dream, even if it never became a reality, and for the connection we share."

"Dream..?" she said confused, "Ah!" realization hits her and now she looks at Bell with a relaxed expression.

"Bell, you were distracted and I hit you in the head, then I tried to give you a potion but you were spitting it out. So... I need to give it to you mouth to mouth."

"Eh?!" Bell exclaimed, his face turned as red as a ripe tomato, embarrassment washing over him like a tidal wave. The reality of the situation crashed down upon him, dispelling the dreamlike haze that had clouded his perception. He had allowed himself to become lost in his own fantasies, blurting out bold and intimate statements that were never meant to be spoken.

He scrambled to sit up, his movements uncoordinated and clumsy, only to collide with Shalltear in his haste. The impact sent a jolt of pain reverberating through his skull, causing his vision to blur momentarily. A groan escaped his lips as he slumped back onto her lap, his consciousness fading once more.

"What?! NOT AGAIN!" she screamed, looking at Bell falling down into her lap...