
Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

So she wakes up as Shalltear in the Dungeon… makes a mess inside it… wants to conquer Orario… meets both protagonists and derails canon… by making them fall in love with her? "This isn't going how I planned it! Dammit!" The true power of a Main Character——the ability to make things worse by simply existing. Oh, you are an overpowered villain?–—That will only complicate things for you. You don't want to be noticed before you're ready?——Too bad~ It already happened~ You made plans to conquer the city?——Orario is a live, unpredictable place filled with many factions, you know~ You're not looking for a harem?——You have two people after you now! You wanted wish-fulfillment?——This isn't a story, dumbass! But a real world! Read how Shalltear makes plans to take over Orario, explores a living dungeon world, and the interaction with Cainabel's blood-soul running in her veins with the Falna System of the Gods! Full Tags: Overpowered, Villain, Antihero, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Overlord, Danmachi, Female Protagonist, Isekai, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Anime, Magic, Mystery, Familia, Dungeon, Vampire, R18. Original Title: Is It Wrong to Take Over Orario?

LittleMarie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Chapter 28

Ouranos POV:

A sense of foreboding descended upon the Chamber of Prayers as Ouranos, the ancient deity who seldom rose from his stone throne, suddenly stood with an alarming urgency. The four torches adorning the underground room's altar cast an eerie, crimson hue as if they were signaling a dire omen.

In the midst of the dim and shadowy chamber, Ouranos' typically serene countenance gave way to widened, blue eyes, betraying his deep concern. The sudden and uncharacteristic movement did not escape Fels, who, sharing the room with the god, sensed the gravity of the situation, "Ouranos, what's wrong?".

In a voice that held the weight of looming calamity, he began to explain. "That thing has come out..."

Fels, struggling to grasp the dire implications of his words, implored for clarification. "Thing? What are you referring to? What are you saying, Ouranos?"

Ouranos, his gaze now fixed upon the shadowy depths beneath his feet, revealed the source of his disquiet. "The monster that decimated Astrea Familia five years ago... The nightmare has begun again..."

A palpable sense of dread washed over the room as Fels struggled to come to terms with the return of the monstrous horror that had scarred Astrea Familia in the past. But there was something even more unsettling about the current situation, as Ouranos somberly added, "No... It is different..."

The deity's voice trailed off, leaving an ominous silence in its wake, as he implied that this creature's resurgence was accompanied by disturbing developments—as if it had evolved.


Shalltear POV: 

Suddenly, the massive rockslide that had blocked the sole exit of the chamber was violently blown apart by a force originating outside the room. It was as if something immense and powerful sought to make its presence known.

Emerging from the newly opened entrance, an enigmatic entity revealed itself. Its appearance was a perplexing fusion of draconic and dinosaur-like features, with an elongated, sinister demeanor. The creature's neck and head were as dark as obsidian, except for its fiery red irises with coal-black pupils, set against a background of black sclera.

This initial head was soon joined by a second, then a third, a fourth, and ultimately a fifth. As the creature fully entered the room, it became evident that its body was an extraordinary amalgamation of ancient fossils, glittering crystals, and a deep black hue.

The creature's long body stretched out in a manner reminiscent of Asian dragons or Behirs, giving it an otherworldly, fossilized appearance. Its ebony bones were adorned with jet-black crystal feathers, which started at the back of its multiple heads and extended down its back and arms, resembling fur. The crystalline plumage continued along its lengthy tail, ending in menacing spikes.

Twelve of its arms terminated in clawed appendages, each adorned with sharp black crystals that mirrored nails. Surprisingly, the creature also boasted four fossilized wings, constructed solely of bones, which it used more like clawed limbs to navigate the room's entrance.

The overall form of the creature blurred the lines between dinosaur, dragon, and crystal, making it an enigmatic and extraordinary sight

The creature's sinister crimson irises remained fixated on Shalltear as they tracked her every movement. It appeared to regard her with an eerie intensity.

As the colossal beast advanced, it moved all five of its heads toward her in unison. This motion created a unique effect—a trail of inky black and crimson auroras that danced through the air behind the heads.

The collective roar that echoed from the creature's five mouths revealed rows of jet-black teeth. The dark crystal feathers covering its body seemed to vibrate eerily in response to the resonating sound.

Shalltear, overwhelmed by this extraordinary spectacle, could only exclaim, "Did-Did the Juggernaut just merge with the Floor Boss and with a Black Monster sent to kill deities at the same time a very rare Blue Dragon was spawning?".

It was clear that the Dungeon threw everything she had on hand when creating that monster. 

It was a terrifying realization. While the standard Juggernaut was already a formidable adversary, Shalltear's own actions had somehow contributed to the formation of a creature that was even more menacing and bizarre.


May POV: 

The cavern trembled as if struck by an earthquake, and it felt as though the very Dungeon, their mother, was wailing in distress. Chaos erupted among the Xenos.

Arles, the al-miraj, emitted a distressed "Kyuu?!" and made a sniffling mewing cry. She rushed to Helga, the hellhound, who responded with a grunting barking cry of her own.

The dreadful cry of the Dungeon reverberated through the walls, sending shivers down their spines. The sound-sensitive harpies, including Fear, took flight in panic, resembling frightened birds darting in all directions as they tried to escape the terrifying reality.

Fear expressed her discomfort, saying, "Ugh...I hate this sound...!" She curled her lower body and legs like a fetus while airborne, clearly distressed.

Ranye attempted to calm the others, shouting to Fear, "St-Stop panicking!! Calm down! Fear! Descend to the ground!" Her efforts, though well-intentioned, showed her own distress as well.

May, warily eyeing the ceiling, asked, "What is that? Is-is the ceiling falling down?" She readied herself to move at a moment's notice.

Ray, the siren, perched herself and began singing a sweet, calming melody in an effort to ease the tension in the environment.

Gros, the gargoyle, approached May and placed a rocky, clawed hand on her shoulder, reassuring her, "The ceiling is not going to give in, it is our mother's lament—the Dungeon."

Laura, though seemingly more composed than her companions, couldn't hide the nervous flick of her tail on the ground as she uttered, "Th-this had never happened before! Is this the thing Fels warned us about? The nightmare?"

Lyd, appearing somber, responded to Laura, confirming her fears with a quiet, "Yes... Only once had occurred before... It was five years ago..."

The cries of their mother, emanating from deeper within the Dungeon, added to the growing sense of unease. Lyd, frustrated yet determined, tried to restore order, urgently calling out to his fellow Xenos, "Hey! Everybody! It is okay, calm down!"

May observed as Lyd attempted to calm the panicked Xenos, waving his red arms in the air to get their attention. Let arrived, his red hat bobbing as he carried an Oculus in his hand. He informed Laura, "We need to report this to Fels."

As May scanned the room, she noticed that Gryuu, the large green dragon, remained surprisingly unfazed, which provided her with some relief. However, she couldn't ignore the fact that Gryuu's wise eyes were fixed warily in one particular direction.

May's attention was drawn to the direction indicated by Gryuu, and there, she found the merman brothers - her own kin, born from her master's creation. 

She had identified them thanks to her master's code and they told her of their new mission: to make a team inside the Xenos community with the older merman brother as the leader.

Amid the chaos and fear, May noticed something unusual about the older merman brother. While his younger sibling displayed signs of distress like the other Xenos, the elder brother remained remarkably calm. He seemed preoccupied with something beyond the immediate crisis.

Drawing closer to the walls of the room, the older merman brother extended a hand to the vibrating surface, as if gently caressing it. His actions grew even more peculiar as he pressed his ear-like fin against the quivering wall, as though he were attempting to listen to the details of the unsettling vibrations.

May couldn't fully grasp the nature of his actions, but one thing was clear - they were far from normal. 


Bors POV: 

Inside the Dungeon, Bors Elder, the town's self-proclaimed leader, barked orders at the adventurers, overseeing the reconstruction efforts.

Suddenly, the entire 18th floor quaked, and the ominous twinkling of the sky crystals caught Bors' attention. He glanced around at the ceiling, his expression turning grave.

This... It's like five years ago... the nightmarish Pass Parade that destroyed Astraea Familia!

A shiver was running down his spine.

A masculine, black-haired Amazon approached Bors with worry etched on her face, and Jean followed closely behind her. Bors turned to her with a serious expression, his hand coming to his head.

"Bors, this is bad!" the Amazon exclaimed, her green diamond-shaped earrings vibrating along with the shaking ground—no—it was them that were moving with the quaking ground.

A distressed pair of cat-eared brothers rushed to Bors, their anxiety evident in their eyes.

"I've never heard the Dungeon make this noise before! Let's get outta here!" exclaimed the brown-haired brother, wielding a hefty cleaver sword.

"We need to evacuate the town!" added the black-haired brother, gripping his stock blade tightly.

Everyone guessed that the high-frequency sounds from the Dungeon walls, so loud they could not stand to leave their ears uncovered, signaled an irregularity. The upper-class adventurers knew something unprecedented was about to happen, and without exception, they petitioned the head of Rivira to evacuate the 18th floor.

"Hey, Bors! Bors!" Jean called out urgently, his light-blue eyes reflecting his distress.

Bors pondered the situation, his mind racing.

Evilus, again? But they were destroyed by Gale Wind...No...this...

"...Wait," Bors interrupted the adventurers and mumbled to himself.

"Huh?" Confusion filled the Amazon's eyes as everyone stopped in their tracks, their attention fixed on Bors. 

He thrust his palm toward them and removed his hand from the giant eye-patch-adorned head, muttering, "The sound... has stopped."

Jean, the Amazon, and the cat-eared brothers looked around in disbelief as the ominous noise had indeed abruptly ceased.

Bors contemplated the situation further, his thoughts shrouded in mystery.

No, this is definitely different than five years ago...


Shalltear POV:

Realizing the Juggernaut's strength was proportional to the floor of the Dungeon, she breathed a sigh of relief, saying, "Haaa... I got worked up for nothing. Don't do that again, Dungeon."

With her concern momentarily abated, she reverted to her usual form, she was back to being a beautiful female wearing a qipao.

The Juggernaut completed its passage through the room entrance, drawing nearer to Shalltear. Its five menacing heads appeared ready to unleash a breath attack.

Shalltear extended her arms out to both sides, conjuring a Chinese dance fan in each hand. As she unfurled them, a blue fan appeared in her right hand, and a green one in her left.

The five dragon heads unleashed a deadly aurora breath attack, a fusion of black and red. Typically, aurora breath attacks caused all sorts of stats de-buffs, decomposed an adventurer's equipment, and gave toxicity.

However, she responded with a graceful dance, raising one arm while lowering the other, and rotating them like they were clock hands, her movements generating a tempestuous storm of blue flames and green winds. The magical storm effectively dissipated the deadly aurora breath to the surroundings.

Continuing her dance, she extended one beautiful leg to the front, pivoting her heel in a rhythmic motion as her arms gracefully swayed. Her captivating performance initially entranced the Juggernaut's heads, but as her joyful smile persisted, they swiftly transitioned from entranced to infuriated.

It was at this moment that Shalltear's Death Knights charged forward, growling with anger at the Juggernaut that dared to attack their mistress.

Juggernaut POV:

The Juggernaut's eyes blazed with fury as he confronted the red prey in the dead-end room on the 27th floor. With a deafening roar, he unleashed his pride, the aurora breath attack. The sinister black and red aurora engulfed the area, filling every corner with its menacing light. 

The red prey, with her blue flames and green breeze, stood her ground, undaunted by the onslaught of his aurora breath. She danced gracefully, her movements a taunting display of elegance. That mocking smile on her face further fueled the Juggernaut's rage.

He could not forgive this, he could not accept it. Allowing it would be the same as denying the meaning of his own existence. He would lose the very reason for having been born into this world.  That alone he understood instinctively.

The Juggernaut's ears perked up at the growling of the dark creatures of death. They resembled a mockery of life that offended the very essence of his existence. He had been born from her mother—the Dungeon—and so he was alive even though it was destined to be a short one, he was proud of it.

The dark creatures were dispersed and coming from different positions. With a swift, coordinated movement of all twelve of his legs, he charged toward the nearest creature, leaving a trail of sinister black and red aurora in his wake.

His winged claws came into action, ensnaring one of the dark creatures, as he continued to propel himself forward, slamming the creature against the wall. With relentless force, he dragged the creature upwards, towards the ceiling, its deathly form contorted in agony.

As the creature dangled from the ceiling, the Juggernaut unleashed his blue napalm breath from his five heads, engulfing the dark entity in flames. The smell of burning death filled the room, and he let go of the creature, allowing it to plummet to the ground.

Continuing to run and descending gracefully, he completed the half loop needed to return to the ground from the opposite side of the room. The trail of black and red aurora he left behind had formed an eerie, flickering loop that danced in the Dungeon's room.

On the ground, the black creature writhed in agony, its form burning with sticky napalm. Sluggishly, it attempted to rise from the fiery torment but failed to do so.

The Juggernaut reveled in the agony of the burning creature before him, his victory assured. It was a satisfying sensation, one that fueled his dark pleasure. Two more of those dark creatures, wielding their shields, approached him. His multiple heads twisted to survey his surroundings, and there she was, the red female prey, still watching him with that maddening smile.

Determination burned in his eyes as he unleashed his blue napalm breath once again. The dark creatures, despite their shields, were enveloped in roaring flames. Using two of his heads, he clamped down on the creatures, their smaller forms no match for his strength. With a powerful swing of his heads combined with fire breath, he hurled the burning creatures like projectiles at their comrades.

The dark creatures, now covered in sticky blue napalm, crashed into the others, creating a chaotic inferno of destruction. The Juggernaut's malevolent satisfaction surged; he could vanquish these dark knights. But the time had come for the red prey. She would know his power and fear it, not mock it.

Shalltear POV:

She found herself curious as she noticed that the Juggernaut had a keen understanding of the Death Knights' vulnerability to fire and was exploiting it, effectively making it stronger than the YGGDRASIL's creatures, who were equivalent to a Level 40 in defense capabilities

The multi-legged destroyer accelerated rapidly toward Shalltear, its intent clear: to ram into her and employ the same fiery tactic it had used against the Death Knights earlier. As it approached, it exhaled blue napalm, which adhered to its form, creating an eerie aurora of black and red rays in its wake. It resembled a dark comet of destruction hurtling directly at her.

However, Shalltear responded with grace and finesse. She rotated and elegantly twirled her fans in a circular motion in front of her as she stepped backward, essentially evading the impending collision through dance. In the midst of her dance, she deftly used one of the fans to strike at an incoming clawed wing of the Juggernaut, causing it to lose balance and topple over like a crashing truck. 

In the process, it inadvertently took down a nearby Death Knight and collided with the wall.

The destroyer, having recovered from its fall, charged directly at Shalltear. However, she remained graceful and poised. With one fan elegantly hiding her mouth and another concealed behind her back, she artfully danced around the multi-headed beast's snapping jaws, using her fans to strike at each of its heads. As she did so, she spoke to it as if it were a misbehaving pet, scolding it with a playful "Bad Juggy~!"

Each strike of her fans sent the long-necked heads recoiling backward toward the Juggernaut's central body. Shalltear seemed to be toying with the monstrous creature. When she struck it with both fans closed, the destroyer was launched against the wall, as if she had flung a comet through the air, leaving a trail of darkness.

The destroyer, undeterred by its injuries, swiftly stood up on its twelve legs and made a beeline for the exit, leaving a floating red curtain in its wake. This fearsome embodiment of death, supposed to be the ultimate monstrosity, was now fleeing from Shalltear.

Initially dumbfounded by the Juggernaut's unexpected behavior, she quickly regained her senses and exclaimed, "Come back here you cowardly oversized lizard!" She took off in pursuit of the creature, following the ominous red aura it left behind.

Shalltear continued to pursue the creature through the blue rocky tunnel, which was littered with shattered crystal columns left in the monster's wake.

She eventually arrived at the Great Fall area, marked by the constant sound of the waterfall. The trail of ominous red aurora continued upward, indicating that the Juggernaut was climbing the waterfall, heading towards where other adventurers would typically be found.

This stupid lizard is going to make a mess!

Annoyed by the destroyer's actions, Shalltear bent her knees and leaped into the air. In mid-jump, she unfurled her purple vampiric wings and adjusted her trajectory to land on the creature, grabbing it by the tail.

The Juggernaut, initially confused and unable to advance, turned two of its heads to look behind. Its expression changed to one emotion—fear. It frantically attempted to escape, with its twelve appendages comically flailing about, but it remained trapped.

Then, the creature resorted to using two of its heads to exhale a black and red aurora breath, which washed over Shalltear. Unaffected, she appeared irritated and told the creature, "You stink!"

With her incredible strength, she wrestled the massive Juggernaut off the rocky wall, lifting it into the air and exclaiming, "Take a bath!" She then flung the monstrous creature under the Great Fall waterfall.

As the destroyer was wrested from the rocky wall, it left an eerie darkness in the air as it was falling down, unable to maneuver in the air.

Shalltear leaped from the wall as the Juggernaut plummeted, slicing through the eerie darkness. She transformed into a rapidly rotating figure, resembling a graceful dance, and targeted the heads of the creature. Despite the creature's panic, it released a chaotic barrage of abilities—ruby mist, magic diffusion, aurora breath, blue napalm, and fire breaths.

Within the ruby mist, the silver-haired female moved with elegance, reappearing to perform a circling dance. Using her feet, she stomped the Juggernaut against the ground, crushing it as if it were a mere insect.

With the destroyer defeated it disintegrated into a mountain of black and blue ashes, carried away by the cascading waters of the massive waterfall, returning it to the Dungeon from whence it came.

Emerging from the blue mist generated by the waterfall, Shalltear stood with her fans in hand, her qipao dress and hair drenched from the encounter.

Then, a dark aurora of obsidian and crimson descended from the waterfall's summit, washing over the silver-haired female as if it were a dark omen.

Shalltear unfazed, stretched her arms wide open, as if she were unwinding after a workout. She sighed in relief, saying, "All right, that was it... Thank goodness nothing serious happened, nor did it manage to climb up. It would be a pain in the ass to attract attention this early in my plans."

Anonymity is something that you have once, so it is better to take advantage of it fully while I can...

However, just after expressing this relief, the entire floor and the cavern surrounding the Great Fall began to tremble and groan ominously. 

Caught off guard, she exclaimed, "What? There's more? What is happening now?". It seemed that Shalltear's tendency to jinx things had struck again, as she couldn't help but make the situation worse.

Shalltear continues to mess things up all around!

What is gonna happen next? See it tomorrow!

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