
Is It Wrong to Conquer Orario? (Shalltear SI)

So she wakes up as Shalltear in the Dungeon… makes a mess inside it… wants to conquer Orario… meets both protagonists and derails canon… by making them fall in love with her? "This isn't going how I planned it! Dammit!" The true power of a Main Character——the ability to make things worse by simply existing. Oh, you are an overpowered villain?–—That will only complicate things for you. You don't want to be noticed before you're ready?——Too bad~ It already happened~ You made plans to conquer the city?——Orario is a live, unpredictable place filled with many factions, you know~ You're not looking for a harem?——You have two people after you now! You wanted wish-fulfillment?——This isn't a story, dumbass! But a real world! Read how Shalltear makes plans to take over Orario, explores a living dungeon world, and the interaction with Cainabel's blood-soul running in her veins with the Falna System of the Gods! Full Tags: Overpowered, Villain, Antihero, Romance, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Overlord, Danmachi, Female Protagonist, Isekai, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Anime, Magic, Mystery, Familia, Dungeon, Vampire, R18. Original Title: Is It Wrong to Take Over Orario?

LittleMarie · Anime et bandes dessinées
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31 Chs

Chapter 10


Hestia was sitting cross-legged on the sofa of the Abandoned Church, her blue eyes filled with a mix of remorse and determination. She was fidgeting with the blue ribbon around her neck, her fingers tracing the familiar fabric as she contemplated her recent mishap.

Her manager at the Jagamarukun stand told her to take a day off to reflect on how she forgot how to use a magic-stone stove and blew the whole stand sky-high. The inhabitants of Orario had just experienced the first rocket launch in their history. Now, the story was being shared around and becoming famous as 'the Loli goddess's curse' and 'the disaster on North Main'.

"I really..." Hestia mutters to herself, her voice tinged with self-reproach. She clenches her fists and takes a deep breath, steeling herself against the weight of her mistake. "I'm sorry" she whispers, her voice barely audible in the quiet sanctuary.

Hestia shakes her head and brings the palms of her hands to her cheeks twice, jumps out of the sofa, and starts circling around it, walking.

Hestia's heart raced as she circled around the sofa, her frustration bubbling up inside her. She shook her arms in exasperation, unable to contain her restless energy. Her thoughts were consumed by Bell and Shalltear's training sessions, and the jealousy gnawed at her. "Does he like that Blosomething girl that much?" she muttered in a low voice. "But he's got me already!"

Feeling exhausted from her restless pacing, Hestia let out a heavy sigh. She needed to find Bell and put her racing thoughts to rest. With determination in her eyes, she made her way out of the abandoned church, stepping into the sunlight.

But as the inner door swung open and she passed by the church entrance, Hestia froze in her tracks. There, in front of her, was Bell, his face beaming with happiness, engaged in conversation with a breathtakingly beautiful girl. Her pale, shiny skin, seductive crimson-red eyes, and fine facial features were etched into Hestia's mind. It was Shalltear, the girl Bell was training with.

A wave of annoyance washed over Hestia, causing her facial muscles to twitch uncontrollably. Her composure shattered, and her blue eyes narrowed in frustration. She clenched her fists at her sides, struggling to keep her emotions in check.

She's the witch trying to seduce my Bell!

You're trying to claim my Bell for your own, aren't you?! I won't let that happen. I was with him first, no matter what you say!

Also, what is wrong with you? I cannot sense the pressure of your spiritual container at all!

Hestia's eyes narrowed as she took in Shalltear's appearance, her gaze fixated on the girl's lack of bosom. With a mischievous grin, she couldn't resist making a playful comment. "It seems Miss Blosomething doesn't have any bosom...he he he. You're so flat that I can iron clothes on your chest!"

Feeling a surge of pride, Hestia proudly stuck out her own chest, emphasizing her curves. She reveled in the way they jiggled, a display of her superiority, and approached them.

"Hey, Miss Blosomething, you're spending too much time with MY Bell," Hestia declared, pointing an accusatory finger at Shalltear. Crossing her arms, she pushed her chest out even further, asserting her presence. "While I appreciate that you're training my Bell..."


A pair of tasty melons were jiggling left and right, capturing her attention. A voice coming near the melons seemed to talk in the background "bla bla bla blabla bla, bla!!".

Two arms crossed under the melons making them even more prominent, shaking them up and down in a hypnotic movement.

Meanwhile, a Rabbit was trying to explain to an angry Goddess that they were just training.


"...All right, I see. And it's time that the two of you call it quits" Hestia said, her tone firm. However, her words were interrupted by Bell's "Wha... ?!", causing her to pause. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"You didn't do anything with her apart from training, right? Nothing ever happened, right, Bell? She's not seducing you, right?" Hestia's voice trembled with a mix of concern and accusation.

"N-no," Bell stammered, his voice filled with hesitation.


Hestia's thoughts raced, her suspicion growing. "...NO ONE CAN LIE TO A GOD!!" she screamed, her anger bubbling to the surface.

"G-Goddess!" Bell exclaimed, his voice tinged with fear.


"Miss Blosomething, never come near my Bell again. You have your own place, right? The moment you get close to Bell, I will unleash Hell!" Hestia's eyes blazed with fiery determination, her threat clear.

"Sorry, Bell. It seems we need to cut our training here," Shalltear spoke up, her voice tinged with a slight regret at how the situation had gone ballistic.

Hestia got Bell by the neck of his black shirt and was pulling him inside the church.

Bell's expression mirrored disappointment, looking like a kicked puppy.

"F-For now, at least, okay? Perhaps after your Goddess is calmed down..." Shalltear trailed off, her thoughts reflecting her frustration at the situation.

Stupid distracting big boobs!

That could have gone better… Sheesh!


Shalltear enters Miach Familia home, the Blue Pharmacy.

Miach, upon seeing the silver-haired female entering the store, smiles warmly and greets her. "Oh? Welcome!"

Shalltear, showing respect, bows formally and asks, "Good day, is Naaza around?"

Miach shakes his head slightly and replies, "Naaza is doing an errand, buying ingredients... But I can help you instead."

Nice! Miach is manning the counter today!

This will make things easier then!

I was waiting for an opportunity, now I can use the fact that Naaza sold me watered-down potions to involve myself deeper into the Miach familia.

I almost feel bad for manipulating them.

I am such a bad girl~~

Shalltear then voices her concern to Miach, "Excuse me... but I had bought several potions here before, and they weren't as effective as normal potions. Instead, they were watered down and seemed to have been sweetened with spices."

Miach's eyes widen in surprise as he exclaims, "Wh-What?!"

Just as the tension rises, Naaza enters the store through the door, her sleepy voice breaking the moment. She carries heavy cloth bags in her hands and lazily says, "...I am back."

Miach's anger flares up, and he confronts Naaza with a stern tone. "Naaza! Have you sold watered potions to a customer?!"

Naaza's eyes widen, and her face turns pale as she realizes that she cannot deceive a god. The bag slips from her hand, its contents scattering on the floor. Pouches filled with reddish-brown spice are revealed, releasing a sweet cinnamon scent that fills the air.

Sweat beads on Naaza's forehead as she stands there, caught red-handed like a criminal confronted by the evidence of her misdeeds. This is the second time she has been caught in the act this week, and the gravity of the situation weighs heavily upon her, especially with Miach present. The first time Bell and Gita came, she was lucky enough that Miach wasn't home yet and could manage it.


With a deep sense of remorse, Miach bows his head forcefully, his voice filled with apology. "My apologies!!"

Standing beside Miach, Naaza feels his hand firmly clasped behind her head, guiding her down in a submissive gesture. She joins Miach in bowing deeply, expressing her own regret.

"One of my own has caused you a great deal of trouble, and for that, I am deeply sorry, Miss!" Miach declares sincerely. "I will return every Valis that was taken from you this instant."

Shalltear raises her hands in a placating gesture, shaking her head. "No, no, it's okay. You don't need to return the money. Just please sell me the correct potions in the future."

Miach gradually straightens up, but his downtrodden expression remains evident. He avoids making direct eye contact with the silver-haired female. "My apologies," Miach repeats once more, his voice filled with genuine remorse.

"...Naaza. Why did you do this?! Answer me!" Lord Miach's voice thunders through the room.

As Miach releases his hold on Naaza, she swiftly turns her back on him. The unbound half of her hair floats in the air as she directs her gaze toward the wall, avoiding eye contact.

"Our Familia's bank account—it's always moments away from collapse... And the clueless silver doll was a sitting duck," Naaza explains, her voice monotone and droopy-eyed as usual. However, her bushy tail trembles beneath her skirt, betraying her inner turmoil.


Is that how she sees me?

…I must have looked really weird in my first interaction with her…

"You fool! What happens when you rob people blind?! This world moves on honesty and trust, especially the business world. You've risked the trust of a valued customer for spare change?!" Miach's words carry a strong glare, capable of making even the bravest individuals crumble to their knees.

Casually, Naaza looks over her shoulder, clicks her tongue, and meets Miach's gaze with her own. "How can you say that, Lord Miach, when you give out free potions to anyone and everyone? That's why we never have any money. And on top of that, girl after girl is drawn to you like a moth to the flame, and you give them the wrong idea... If I had a Valis for every time I've covered for you...!" Naaza's voice carries a hint of anger.

"What... what are you talking about?! I don't draw in anyone, nor do I try to deceive anyone!" Miach seems caught off guard by Naaza's retort, his confusion was evident.

In the midst of the escalating tension, Shalltear tries to make herself as small as possible, feeling the situation spiraling out of control. It's the second time in a row today that she has witnessed a god losing their composure by her actions.

I didn't expect things to go THIS BAD!

And Naaza is bringing things unrelated to the discussion!

Like when a husband fights with his wife and she brings all the forgotten things he had done long ago!

Dammit! It is now or never to make my move!

"Excuse me," Shalltear stammers, her voice meek. "I know that your Familia experiences financial problems. If... if you're okay with it, I am interested in investing in your Familia."

"Eh?!" Both Naaza and Miach exclaim simultaneously, caught entirely off guard by Shalltear's unexpected offer.


"You will provide us with drops and resources from the Lower Floors if we investigate new types of potions?" Miach says considering the proposal.

Shalltear confirms, "Yes, I want you to go in the opposite direction of a healing potion. You can probably start with poisons, I think, but you are the experts here..."

"The opposite… of a healing potion…," Naaza murmurs, contemplating the idea with a hand on her chin.

The silver-haired female assures them, "Of course, you can experiment and sell any type of potion you invent with the resources. Allocating only a portion of them specifically for this purpose is enough. I will try to provide you with a variety of materials to work with."

Miach sighs, feeling that the arrangement is overly beneficial for their Familia, "Honestly, the arrangement is too beneficial for us given what we just did to you."

Shalltear waves off his concerns with a smile, saying, "It's fine! If you manage to invent what I ask for, I will be very happy~" She does her best impression of an innocent girl, smiling with her hands behind her back.

Fall for my cuteness Miach! Accept the proposition already!

If you do manage that, I will have potions of negative energy, healing potions for me~!

That is something that I cannot buy anywhere in Orario, it doesn't exist here.

Also while I said Lower Floors, I can also bring resources from the Deep Floors later.

Nor like I can go around with them to sell them because there are so few familias that can go that deep, it will gain too much unnecessary attention.

Especially since the Guild restricts a lot of information concerning the Deep Floors until your familia can actually made it there.

In this way, I can make use of the resources I will find there.

"Hmm... All right, if you say so," Miach agrees, giving in to Shalltear's request.

"Yes! Oh! Also, I was going to buy some more potions, and one... no, make it two high potions," Shalltear adds, expressing her additional purchase request.

After I used my potions on Bell, it will be better to have more on hand, and after what happened with him I prefer to have a few High Potions that can clot blood and save someone with deep gashes, broken bones, and other severe injuries.

I have no other way to heal or provide first aid to someone otherwise.


It was late morning, and Shalltear found herself deep within the dungeon, traversing a passageway where the moss on the ceiling thinned out, revealing a cave adorned with shimmering crystals that resembled ice. Undeterred by the unknown, she pressed forward, venturing deeper into the cavernous expanse.

The surroundings grew dimmer as the path sloped gently downward, and a cool wind whispered through the air, brushing against her face. As she advanced, a soft, bluish light began to filter through the opening ahead, accompanied by the symphony of water cascading into an unseen destination. The sound grew louder, and her anticipation mounted.

Then, with wide eyes, she exclaimed, "Whoa!" The sight that greeted her was nothing short of magnificent—a breathtaking waterfall stood before her, framed by valleys and cliffs fashioned from the crystalline formations. The waters tumbled with thunderous force, creating an ethereal spectacle that captivated her senses.

In this watery paradise, the air was filled with a misty spray, and the melodies of harpies and sirens filled the expansive cavern. Their enchanting songs reverberated at a high pitch as their wings gracefully sliced through the air. She had arrived at a realm of awe-inspiring beauty and wonder.

Ordinarily, adventurers venturing this far into the dungeon were expected to follow a clockwise path, maneuvering along a narrow trail until they reached a labyrinthine cave within the Water City—the name given to the zone spanning from the 25th to the 27th floors. However, Shalltear, utilizing her invisibility, decided to defy convention. She unfurled her bat-like wings and, with a sense of freedom, began to glide downward in a spiral motion, bypassing the designated path and descending directly to the 27th floor.

As she gracefully descended, Shalltear reveled in the breathtaking sights surrounding her—a world draped in shades of blue. The water's embrace and the splendor of the crystalline landscape unfolded beneath her, painting a mesmerizing tableau that etched itself into her memory.


On the azure crystal-laden 27th floor, a battle unfolded, punctuated by thunderous roars that reverberated through the misty air. The monstrous Mermen, with their piercing yellow eyes, surged forward, driven by a ferocious intent.

These half-fish, half-human creatures, adorned in blue scales, possessed the ability to walk on two feet and wielded landforms—the nature weapons of the Dungeon—skillfully. Among the denizens of the 26th to 27th floors, Mermen were regarded as formidable opponents.

Emerging from the stream that coursed through the passageway, the Mermen warriors clambered onto land one after another. Their webbed hands firmly grasped crystal maces, lower-level nature weapons, ready to engage in combat. However, what set the monsters apart on this floor was their heightened intelligence, surpassing those found in the upper and middle levels. Their ability to coordinate actions posed a significant threat to any adventuring party, thanks to the leadership of the Merman Leader.

Yet, this menace held no power over Shalltear. Swiftly evading a descending mace that shattered the crystal floor, she swiftly struck the first Merman, incapacitating him with an elbow blow. As he fell to the ground, she fearlessly lunged into the heart of the horde, eliciting a momentary flinch from the Mermen.

In a matter of seconds, almost all of the Mermen lay lifeless, their bodies broken, limbs severed, or impaled by her lethal umbrella. Only the Merman Leader remained, and he soon grasped the futility of his situation. Realizing the impossibility of victory, he turned to flee.

"Ah~ Poor little lamb, unfortunately it is too late for you~" Chuckling mischievously, Shalltear, wearing a smile akin to that of an innocent child bent on causing trouble, leaped over the Merman Leader. Pinning him down, she commenced the vampiric ritual, draining his blood.

However, amidst the act, a shattering sound rents the air, like crystal fracturing upon impact. Oblivious to the interruption, Shalltear continued to drink the Merman Leader's life force, maneuvering her body and his to face a Merman wielding a broken crystal mace with both hands.

The Merman, relentless in his determination, discarded the broken mace and seized a fresh one from the fallen brethren. Blood trickled down from his head wound, while slightly shaking he assumed a fighting stance against Shalltear. It was the same Merman whom she had elbowed earlier—an attack that, while being a soft and not serious one, demonstrated his remarkable survival. The irregular monster simply refused to die.

How cute~ Quivering in fear, and yet still holding that mace as if meaning to put up a fight. I like you~

He let out a battle cry and launched himself at Shalltear, intent on defending his leader. With each blow, his muscles strained as he exerted every ounce of strength. However, she effortlessly deflected his strikes with her nimble fingers, delicately maneuvering her gloved hand to parry each attack.

As the Merman Leader's dark blue complexion paled, matching the white hue of his lower body, the other Merman snatched a second crystal mace and charged at Shalltear, aiming for her head. He swung wildly, one mace blow after another, in a desperate attempt to overwhelm her. Yet, she deftly deflected every strike, her gaze fixed firmly on the frenzied Merman.

Finally, Shalltear released her grip on the Merman Leader, allowing his body to slump to the ground. Rising to her feet, she closed the distance between herself and the remaining Merman.

"I initially planned to convert only your leader.. but it seems I found something very interesting…" she remarked, a hint of anticipation in her voice, her tongue flicking across her lips. Without hesitation, she lunged forward, sinking her fangs into the Merman who had caught her attention.


Some time later, two Mermans with white skin and crimson eyes sat near a mound of lifeless Merman bodies. Shalltear stood before them, arms crossed, her gaze fixed upon the newly transformed creatures.

"You have ascended…" she declared, her voice carrying an air of authority. "You are now part of a higher tribe and shall share this new existence together."

"Yes, master," the Merman Leader responded, his brother nodding in agreement. With their conversion to vampires, their loyalty now belonged solely to her.

"You may mourn the deaths of your previous group and take care of their bodies," Shalltear instructed the Mermans. One of them began extracting magic stones from the fallen bodies, causing them to crumble to ash. The other Merman wielded his mace, breaking through the dungeon floor to create a hole. Together, the brothers placed the magic stones and the ashes into the hole.

Closing their eyes, the Mermans whispered, "May your souls return to the mother that once gave birth to us." Shalltear observed the scene in silence, nodding her approval as she closed her own eyes. After a minute of solemn silence, she spoke again.

"Rest assured that, no matter what, their souls will find their way back to the Dungeon, as all monsters do," she reassured them. Mermans were creatures that always traveled in groups from their very birth by the Dungeon, and their souls would continue their eternal cycle of reincarnation within the Dungeon.

"Now, I have a mission for both of you," Shalltear continued, addressing the Mermans. "There is a tribe of intelligent monsters who wear clothes and wield weapons. I want you to infiltrate them. You shall rise on their ranks as a leader of one of their smaller groups."

The Mermans listened attentively.

"There is already another agent, a white Lamia, a monster with a female upper body and a snake tail instead of legs like you have. Make her part of your group and support your goal" Shalltear informed them. "Approach her with a phrase containing 'Silver,' and she will respond with a phrase containing 'Gold.' This will confirm her identity before sharing any information with her."

The Mermans nodded, understanding the protocol.

"I will transport you to the 20th floor, so you can search these monsters…" Shalltear informed them and pondered, realizing that the two Mermans are gonna stick out like a sore thumb in the Large Tree Labyrinth, "However, you will need to create camouflage by braiding leaves and branches to blend in with the environment"

The Mermans exchanged glances, realizing the necessity of disguising themselves to avoid drawing attention, "We shall use them as clothes to hide and ambush our enemies," one of the Mermans suggested.

"Indeed," Shalltear agreed. "While 'wild' monsters may be weaker than both of you, the intelligent monsters will be stronger than you both. One of you will need to consume all the magic stones you acquire to grow stronger, as strength is a requirement for a group leader."

The Merman looked to the Merman Leader as if indicating he would be the one to consider for the position.

"Gate," Shalltear chanted, conjuring a portal. She signaled to the Mermans, and they entered the portal, ready to embark on their mission.