
Into The Infinityverse : Infinite Series

※ RELINQUISH THE BODY ※ ※ STRENGTHEN THE MIND ※ ※ AND ASCEND THE SOUL ※ The start of a long story of a guy traversing the multiverse meeting, befriending, and loving, the characters he'll meet in his travels and to rebuild the Infinityverse Ps. This story is placed in an interconnected universe like marvel and this is my second try in writing stories Disclaimer : I don't own any of the pictures or video's I used to liven up the descriptions in the story I wrote the links at least some of them of where I got the material so check there works out.

MA_Writecraft · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 2 : A New Beginning


( The Abyss )


( unknown celestial )

A white orb engulf in blue flames a soul drifting in darkness moving slowly through the abyss acting as a lantern at night. then it suddenly  stopped like it was halted by a force unseen.

Suddenly a gigantic female figure (at least compare to the ball of flame) appeared her figure was covered by light making her unrecognizable. She reached out and grabbed the floating soul she held it on her hand it was like the size of an apple floating just above her hands " what a cute, little blue soul  what are you doing out here, in the abyss? you know it's dangerous for souls like you, to be out here, lets see where you're from little guy... "

She poked the blue flame soul thing then suddenly losing her cheerful aura in an instance and replacing it with empathy and sincerity " I'm sorry for you're world.. but I can't recreate it you're God's already faded... " she then became silent

Then her cheerful aura returned

" but I can give you another chance, I'll place you in a world I've just visited, they where good people for the most part so I think its the perfect for you to reincarnate. But unfortunately you where already gifted by you're last god so I can't just cleanse you and then tell you good luck. Like many other wondering souls haa(sigh) so you'll still remember you're past but that's okay I have fate in you're past god that he did the right choice by giving his blessing so I'll trust him and you hmmm " poked around more inside the boy flame

" ohh so you had a dream about something like this didn't you hahaha " she giggled like a teen in love she wiped the tear in her eye

" alright you did made me laugh, Hmmm. " she retracted her finger out of the blue flame and placed it on her forehead cutely making look like she's debating on something

" okay I've decided I'll give you my own blessing think of it as a parting gift you should feel grateful only a handful of beings gets the blessing of a celestial like me. And I know you're already been given the blessing of fate by you're god so I'll give you the power you always wanted but remember this young one with this power you'll always be restricted by world you go in so don't go nuts alright let me give it to you now it'll feel warm alright " the celestial yet again placed her white glowing finger inside the blue flamed soul but unlike last time a powerful white liquid that was glowing brilliantly was pumped inside the flame making it glow brighter then after the flame started to shine brighter with a new brilliant deep ultrmarine blue glow, while being highlight with a beautiful snow white streaks that was hotter than the blue flame it self

She recreated her finger again " there with that done, you're now reborn as my kin. so as one of my own I wish you luck in you're new life and... " she started to became silent again like she was thinking of something then her aura became that of someone being seriousness and sincerity

" pls... don't become a monster please be someone that loves the beings created by arcana and not someone how destroys, kills and revel in other people's suffering so. Pls be good alright I know it's a risk and I know you can't promise me this but.... just don't become a monster... " the celestial became silent again but before she could speak again the flame started to snuggle he hand that action alone made her aura go back to being cheerful and lively again

" hahaha haa(sigh) why would I be worried you where from an echo world and I already saw what kind of person you where, and the god you where given hahaha I shouldn't worry I just don't want to make another mistake sorry I already see what kind of adventures you'll go through and how much fun you'll be in, here good bye Daniel have good new life " The soul started to fade and vanish while the celestial waved him good bye until the soul completely dessapired ( haa (sigh) I am such a slut for giving cute souls like him that kind of power ) she shrugged ( I don't know why he was just so cute and precious and plus I just love filling up souls like him with my arcana it just feels so good and he did wanted to have the ability to travel the Infinityverse he would need that power so it's a win win he gets to experience he's dreams while I get to realise some pent up arcana... yeah it's fine and I did acted like a true godess he must have love being blessed like that. okay lets go back to sleeping )

" huhaaaaa ( yawn ) I do wish he'll have fun I did made him a family nevermind time for sleep good night Abyss " the celestial laid down and vanished leaving the place where she ones stood dark and empty as before



( Daniel's soul realm )


( Daniel )

Inside a floating island covered by a field of white grass a boy sits on a wooden bench that looks like a tree stump " haa ( sigh ) that went better than I thought good thing I met with such a nice celestial if I've met someone else I might have been crushed and eaten but I don't really know if they do those kinds of things or if there all paragons of good so yeah ugh... "

The boys monologue was cut short by a sudden pain he gripped his hearth and when it looked like that the pain was gone he started to breath heavily panting " haaa ( pant ) haaa ( pant ) it gotten worse shit. I really can't keep conscious can I, fuck I already lost count how many times I fainted because of this. well good thing I'll reincarnate soon I wish I'll have a sister I didn't have one in my past life hell I can't even remember my family anymore how has it been dam ughhh... haaa ( pant ) haaa ( sigh ) can't be help let's just see what happ... " the child fainted and fallen forward hitting a thick patch of grass then he started to roll down the hill he one's have sat on top on.


In a world made of steel and magic a baby was born dead and cold

" Beth I'm sorry I told you... that we can't have a child it's... " a handsome and pale man said while he got closer to a blonde and beautiful and crying woman

She was holding there dead baby while the one's how brought him out already left the room giving the couple privacy " I know... I just wanted to try James.. I just... " the women was having a hard time talking while she wept for there kid

" sorry but I could help are son but... you know it'll have a price do you want me to do it, I need you to choose beth. " James said while having both a firm and determined tone in his voice while he holds he's love the woman nodded and said James please I can't lose another one...

James nodded and came closer to his child and bleed his arm and dripped the blood to the mouth of the baby the blood glowed supernaturally it dripped and made the baby lose its paleness replacing it with a more healthy and blushed tone...

" there done sorry but... I can't... " James immediately hugged his wife and son treasureing them both while he patted his wife's hair while he touched the now crying babies forehead " I'll miss both of you good bye you two please son take care of you're mother for me " James said while giving both of them a kiss on the forehead before turning into golden dust

The woman already fainted because of the exhaustion of the pregnancy and the stress of having a child die. while the baby kept on crying alerting the people outside.

An old man with blue hair and white lab coat burster in while accompanied by a doctor and nurse

" holy shit James what did you do you Idiot why... haaa dammit " he punched the wall near him then he moved and held the I still crying baby in his hands cradling it

" shushhhh its okay its okay grandpa's here its okay mommies just resting we'll take care of you promise  " he said talking to the baby making it stop crying and fall asleep while the nurse and doctor checked up on the mother

" haaa ( sigh ) lets give you a name little one you're mom and dad already has one but there currently occupied so let me give it. from now on you'll be called winter hmmm " the old man whispered while still cradling the baby while he has a sad smile on



( winter )

six years later after the reincarnation of Daniel when he was reincarnated in a dying child but saved by his new father's sacrifice

A child was sitting underneath a big oak while he sat on a swing that was tied to one of the tree's branch he was playing a small ukulele

" la a a a ve la a a ave x2 hmmm I really just can't get that song out off my head. weird where did I learn that song and why do I feel. ohh nevermind its summer " winter waved at a teenage girl with blonde hair that's walking towards him

" Hey summe... " the kid stood up smiling from his swing while waving at his sister but before he could Finnish he's greet he suddenly went down and collapsed the girl yelled and run forward towards the boy

Half an hour later...

After a few minutes of silent humming and waiting the white haired child woke up from his unconsciousness opening his eyes to reveal a beautiful pare of golden inlaid saphireic gems he looked up to see his sister caressing his snow white prince like hair

" hey summer~ " winter said teasingly but summer immediately pinched his chick

" don't hey summer me you little monster! " she said frustrated and worried while she kept on pinching his chick

" I... I was worried you know, you just fainted so suddenly, that usually doesn't happen so... you made me worry and I was to afraid to leave you... so I didn't get help but... " she said sincerely while she started to tear up while she stopped pinching him winter started to touch her face then he smiled

" hahaha I'm okay summer I just got a little dizzy it. is SUMMER pifft ( laugh noise ) " she immediately turned red and pushed of winter from her thighs then she stormed away from him while yelling " you little monster "

" haaa ( sigh ) good she's gone dam that was rough the hell. really waking up like that sucks haaa ( sigh ) its fine, good thing I woke up now than later. dam that was bad like really, did I really, fall unconscious while I was born no. I died haaa( sigh ) wow dying for the first time, hmmm it felt weird, and my father.... haaa ( sigh ) fuck what a memory drop okay lets see I think I was reincarnated and didn't posses this kid while I didn't have my memories I acted like a proper kid I guess. Hmmm well I did have some memories from my past life sinking in but they weren't much I know I just remembered a few thing's like music and stories but that's it. Okay enough I need to haaa ( yell ) I need to make up with sis dam that was a dick move but I did need to clear my head " after the kid stopped talking to himself like a man gone mad he walked back to his home more like villa... to make up with his sister