
Chapter 1

"So we are going to another dimension?" Kakashi asked.

Sasuke nodded.

"The infinite tskumomi is a perfect tehnique without the only single thing it needs to ens it, it is called the infinite genjutsu for a reason. This world is dying, there is nothing here for us anymore."

I frowned, Sakura must of noticed and put her hand on my shoulder.

I looked at her.

"We don't blame you for this, so don't blame yourself, this was not your fault. "

I gave her a weak smile, "thanks sakura."

She smiled and we both turned towards the rest of team 7.

"Soon after days weeks, months everyone who is having good dreams will be converted into black zetsu monsters "

Me Kakashi and Sakura looked towards Naruto who as to be expected was clearly against this.

"We should give up on them, there are friends family comrades, even people who we don't know, still they don't deserve this fate."

"So the only way to save them is to kill them? I asked hollowly and both sasuke and Kakashi nodded there heads.

I frowned.

Naruto was glaring at each of them, he took a moment to glare at each of them in the eyes, when he looked at me I flinched.

[Naruto You know their right] Kurama's voice boomed inside his head. [There are only a few hours left untill all of them are converted into Black Zetsu monsters.]

Naruto's face was clear, showing exactly what he thought of the situation, as Kurama had said, he had already knew, yet he did not want to even consider it.

"It's only a few hours right?" Sakura asked once she saw the look on his face.

"This is not killing comrades, this is mercy killing, it is mercy for us to leave this planet and for you to destroy it, as there could be other people like Kayug a who would use. our friends turned monsters as an army."

"We can't leave the tail beast behind!" Naruto argued.

"Naruto, the tailed beast are beings made of massive amounts of chakra, they'll just reform weirher sooner or later."

Naruto glared at me.

[Naruto, he's right. The other tailed beast would just redrawn and since you have their chakra, they will respawn where ever you are.]

Naruto clenched his fist as he tried to get them to stop shaking.

He would have no problem with mercy killing one person, but they were talking about a genocide, killing an entire planet, shouldering billions and trillions of lives into his shoulders.

"Naruto we had failed, the roots of the shinju are scattered throughout the entire planet, the least we can do is stop everyone from becoming monsters."

Sakura said as she guestured to the thousands and billions of shinju roots everywhere.

" I'm going to try and help regrow both of your arms using. haishimaras cells. " she said before she went towards madaras chest and cut up some of hashimaras flesh and sealed it on her arm.

They had failed.


"Just go through the Damn portal." He growled. "I'll do it, but I don't want anyone watching me when I do."

His voice was bitter filled with both anger and sadness.

Nobody argued.

Kakashi put a comforting hand on Naruto shoulder before he walked through the portal

Sakura gave him a very tight hug before she followed Kakashi.

Sasuke closed the portal, leaving just the three of us.

"I thought I told you to leave." Naruto growled. as we stood by each of his sides

"I'm not going to let do this alone." Sasuke replied, "you won't be able to handle it."

"I am more than capable of-"

"He means your heart Naruto." I replied "you won't be able to handle the burden of the entire world on your shoulders, that's to much, even for you."

Naruto sighed, "fine."

Naruto in a flash formed a chakra arm and threw them both in the air.

I powered up my white aura surrounding me before I flew after them. having not enough energy to go ssj.

We flew so high in the sky that we were able to see the planet below of us.

the hand of chakra arm opened up as Sasuke stood on it firmly.

"I'm not crying,*sniff* I'm not."

Me and sasuke both knew he was crying, even a blind man could tell he was.

Wet rivers were falling freely down his face.

Naruto lifted his hand and formed a tailed beast bomb. and forming a rasenshiruken

I nodded and raised own hand forming a Giant ball of energy

We launched our attacks at the same time without mercy.

Nothing was left.

Everything was destroyed.

Naruto wept.

Naruto was a good person asking him to do this was wrong of them and I couldn't just set here and let him do it himself. So I did it with him and now I'm completely drained.

My aura vanished and I started to fall to ground Naruto swept up caught me.

"Lets go!" Naruto said and sasuke nodded before he opened up the portal and we all entered.

A new world awaits.

Chapitre suivant