10 Wickerton

Erevan made no time to waste. We travelled as quickly as we could to the next town, Wickerton. According to Erevan they didn't take too kindly to elves but he would do his best to hide that about him so we could get some supplies before moving on. We travelled for about a couple days before getting to the small town. Erevan guided me and Ebony to the tavern and helped me down before going inside.

I stood there out in the open for a bit taking in my surroundings. The town was much bigger then the last and had more people walking around and living their lives. Of course they all would stop and look at me strangely as they walked by and it made me feel self conscious about myself. I knew I looked very different from everyone else here. And to top that off I really wasn't from this world so I knew nothing of how to act.

I looked down at my feet and remembered how I tore up my dress for Erevan and noticed how dirty it was too. I needed new clothes and a bath desperately.

After a few minutes Erevan walked out with a busted lip.

"Yeah it's a no go. The inn keeper didn't take kindly to seeing me. You try getting yourself a room. I'll find somewhere else to sleep."

He threw me a pouch of money and I opened it and felt myself a panic a little.

"But I don't know what to do?"

"Just walk in there and get a room. It really isn't that hard."

I rolled my eyes and looked around the town we were in. I noticed a shop nearby and started dragging Erevan with me.

"Where are you taking me?"

"We are going to by you a cloak and me a new dress. We'll use the hood to hide your face and ears. I'll say your a servant or something. Easy as that."

He stayed quiet which was weird since I was expecting some sort of snarky remark. But he stayed quiet and walked with me.

We walked into the shop and Erevan kept his head down. No one was in here except maybe one guy and the owner. I quickly looked around until I saw the clothing section and went for a black cloak. They were all the same size so it's not like I could really worry about that.

I then went to the dresses and looked for something simple yet a bit stylish so I could give off the impression I was important.

I went with a light blue dress that had some embroidery on it.

I turned to Erevan and looked at him.

"Any idea how much this will cost?"

He looked over the clothes and sighed.

"Probably around six gold coins."

I looked over the clothes and nodded my head. That did seem a bit right. I motioned at Erevan to stay and went to pay by myself.

The shop keeper was a woman but a rather big one. She was round and had red cheeks and bright blue eyes. When she looked at me she seemed rather excited.

"Good afternoon! How may I help you?"

"I would like to buy these two things please."

The woman looked at the two items in my hand and then at the pouch of money on the other before putting on a big, fake smile.

"That will be ten gold coins."

I looked over at Erevan hoping he could help me out but he just motioned for me to look back at the lady. I did and took a deep breath.

"That seems a little over priced, don't you think?"

"Why miss not at all! This cloak is made out of the finest cotton and the best black dye. And this dress, oh this dress was made by the best dress maker in this town. The embroidery was hand done and everything. I assure you, 10 gold coins is a reasonable price miss."

I bite my lip and looked over the clothes.

"Seven gold coins."

She raised and eyebrow and cleared her throat.


"Seven. No more."

The lady glared at me before sighing and letting loose.


I handed her the money and headed back to Erevan. I gave him the cloak and he immediately put it on. I looked at the drees in my hand and sighed.

"I can't just put this on right now."

"You'll have to if you want to sell the story. We can find some place for you to change and maybe even clean up a bit so you look the part."

"Where would we possibly find a place like that?"

Erevan dragged me to the back of the store which was a dark corner.



I repeated what he said which a shocked looked. I pointed to the corner and stared at him.

"Don't worry I'll cover for you. I have this cloak, remember? No one will see you I promise."

I felt my heart pick up speed a bit and held the dress close to me.

He sighed and turned around. He stretched out his arms and I watched as the cloak covered any view to me.

"Go on. No one will see you."

I cleared my throat and looked over his shoulder feeling my heart pound against my chest.

"Just don't peek."

"How old do you think I am? Ten?"

"Just... don't look."

He sighed again and I looked at the dress in my hands. I set it down and started to slowly take off my old dress.

I felt the cold air brush against my shoulders and jolted a bit at the feeling. I kept watching Erevan as I went being highly aware of my beating heart. Soon my dress was off and I covered myself with my arms. I rubbed my arms and felt the goosebumps. I leaned over to get the blue dress and quickly put it on not wanting to have to deal with this any longer.

When I finished I went to tap Erevan on the shoulder but tripped over my own foot and fell onto him. I'm the process he had turned around and now I was staring into his eyes as I laid on top of him. My face went red and was boiling hot.

I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Erevan looked over to the side and I could see his face was a little red too.

We stayed like that for a bit. My heart pounded in my chest with every moment. I could feel Erevan's heart too and it made me blush more.

"Would you mind getting off of me?" Erevan said, still looking to the side. He was quiet when he said that but still snarky. I tried my best to get off him and stumbled as I did so.

Finally we were both up off the ground but we never dared to look at each other.

"We should get going."

"Y-yes of course."

I followed behind him as we exited the shop and went back to the tavern. We stopped in front of it and finally looked at each other. I felt my face get warm again as I did but Erevan seem unfazed. I tried pushing the thought aside and did my best to ignore the beating in my chest.

"Are you ready?" He asked clearly able to tell how nervous I am. But to be honest I couldn't tell if it was because of this story I had to play the part of or because of what happened.

Again I shoved everything down and shook my head a bit. I looked him in the eyes and smiled nodding my head.

He smiled back and motioned for me to go in first.

I took a deep breath and looked at the door before me. I had no idea as to why I was so nervous. I didn't have time to dwell on that though.

I took another deep breath before walking in, with Erevan closely behind me.

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