
Chapter 1 : Insight

I took a picture.

As I use both of my hands to do a picture frame.

I don't have a camera so all I can do is capture a moment in my mind as if i'm creating a movie or taking a picture that'll last.


My classmate calls me from a distance, saying their goodbyes as the bell rings for us to go home.

The trees dance while the sun hides around the clouds, the ocean waving, and even the people playing around the park.

Putting my hands up high and making a picture frame out of it makes me imagine that everything is in my hands and all it could take is one click away then it'll last forever.

I'm in the photography club yet I don't own a camera nor even the latest phone. All I have is my memory and my old crappy phone.

We do have a camera that I can borrow in the club but I prefer to find the best scene before borrowing it but at the same time the camera is too expensive and I don't know if i'll suddenly break it.



I look back and saw my childhood friend rushing towards me and gave me a back hug.

If I was holding something fragile it would break in a single strike with his pounce.


Rei smirks and wraps his arm around my neck.

'So have you found the picture you wanted to take for your upcoming photography event? I heard that there's going to be a festival soon near your school! Wanna go there together? Oh shoot! look at the time!! The sun is almost setting! Don't forget to go home early okay? I got to go my Mom probably going to get mad at me at this rate! Bye bye lucas!!'

Rei wave his hand while running.

He kept looking back while running but I hope he doesn't trip.

'It's like a storm passes by.'

'I didn't even get a chance to talk and he run away.'

Dumbfounded but I'm used to it.

He's my loudest childhood friend, we may not be close but he's a fun kid to hang around with.

I wave at him goodbye and sigh with relief.

Our house is pretty far from the city.

He's probably going to ride a bus since walking will take him half an hour.

We live in an Isolated area. Riding a bus minimize the time but as you make a stop you have to walk up the stairs just to reach another street and ride again. Since it takes too much money I usually just walk when going home.

My mother and my younger sister are the only people waiting for me at home, going home late is nothing new for them since I usually sneak out in the middle of the night just to take a glance at what the night outside looks like.

As for my father who's working overseas, he rarely goes home.

The sun finally sets and the sky turn dark. I'm used to how cold and dark it is while walking, sometimes I see vehicles pass by, animals rustling and making noises or even people crossing.

While walking a sudden strong gush of wind almost made me stumble. It came out of the forest. I held my bag tight and look around to see whatever is happening—

a whisper follows as another cold wind blows.

I didn't understand but it's like, I felt red colors and smells of burning candles. A blurred vision.

I suddenly got goosebumps from that feeling and a chill runs down my spine.

Aight am running, I bowed down as a sign of respect and run. I'm climbing the stairs really fast and finally able to reach the busy street.

'Finally, people.'

As I inhale and give out a big sigh of relief I start to walk again and go home.

'I'm home.'

I open the door and see my younger sibling, Ina peek her head.

'Mama!!! It's brother!! You're late again.'

'Welcome back! Just on time i'm almost finished cooking.'

'Dinner! dinner! dinner!' Ina jump for joy and take a sit.

I place my bag on the counter and remove my shoes to wear my indoor slippers.

We eat as if nothing happens, quite a normal routine we always do.

I finished eating first so I went to my room and took a seat on the chair.

I start to picturize the scenes I saw awhile ago.

If I talk about what I'm good at, it's probably having a 20/20 vision and a good memory.


I finally finished sketching.

I stretch my arms and put the pencil down. I fell asleep right after.

Another day came and it's Saturday.

I pack my things and am ready to go.

I came down the stairs and saw my Mom in the kitchen. Seems like she starts to cook for brunch.

I sneakily ran to go out yet she hears me slowly opening the door.


I jolted when she called my name.

'Be home not late at night!'

'Okay Mom!'

'Have a safe trip."


I quickly leap out and reach the city.

While running down the street, I feel the sun's gaze follow. I felt free as the wind guides me.

Today must be a good day.

I am finally inside the city.

I better start looking for nature-like structures for my upcoming event in the photography club.

I started off by searching through lakes were I threw a stone and didn't get any skip.

I pass by some trees and then stumbled upon abandoned houses.

'Seems like nature is already taking over the house.'

Walking around on random streets, I hop on the fieldstone wall and follow its path hoping it'll lead me somewhere.

I never get lost since all I have to do is to look up and I'll be able to find where the mountain's location is.

It took almost half the day and I still haven't found something that'll catch everyone's eyes.

Finding the right picture to take is the most difficult part.

It's easy to take a shot but in photography isn't just taking a picture. You have to feel the emotion it portrays.

A picture that can last forever.

That's the shot that I want to convey.

I let out a sigh.

'Ready to get home.'

Even though the sun is still bright It's nice to go home early once in a while.

I hurriedly ran home and thought of taking a short cut as I saw a gap between the buildings.

It was a very tight entrance but I was able to squeeze my way in.

I finally reach the end of it.

I check my bag if it didn't get caught from the Air-conditioner or random objects or even the water splashes.

I pat my bag then adjust my eyes since this place is too bright.

My eyes opened wide when I saw that there was an abandoned building this big. It was still intact but there were few trees that grew and the floor was filled with grass.


I start to go inside hoping that today is the day I'll get to discover something that will be good to take a picture of.

I squinch my eyes and think that I'm probably hallucinating.

I saw this big tree at the end of the hallway. It was wrapped around with a rope and something red on the side.

As I inch closer a huge wind passes by and then I start to smell candles there were few of them lit up.

On the right—

'A shrine..?'

A small shrine on the right and few candle lights on the left at the front of this tree.

I look up and this tree must've break the next floor.

This is kinda unique if you ask me so I step back, holding my hand up and trying to make a square.

Something peaked out, I saw a yellow and yellow figure then disappeared when I removed my hands on the way.

It's probably nothing so I step back a few more and take a picture using my old phone.

As I check my phone.

'there's a gap between the tree.'

I gasp.

'It's a black in the middle and the shrine nor even the candles were gone...'

I threw my phone out of fright.

Then it made me realize why my Mom didn't buy me some touch phones.

My old keypad phone is still fine so I removed the dust and checked the picture again.

It really has a hole...

Please bare with me on this one and I thank you for picking this up! I'm open to criticism since this is actually my first contest and upload.

Anienocreators' thoughts
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