
Misgivings Of A Father's Tea

In the southern region of the noble kingdom, a cluster of villages and towns make up a close community due their similarities in culture. Being in one of these towns is an eye-widening experience for foreigners, with all the unique architecture, food, and clothing. It is highly recommended that anyone who visits the kingdom should visit these towns simply for their beauty and heart-warming nature.

However, not everything in these villages are as good as they seem.

Coming home from a wedding, a young girl lays down in her bed, devoid of energy. It felt like she had grown many wrinkles in her tired face. At least, now, she can feel the warm comfort of her bed mixed with her soft red kimono.

"If you're going to give up already, at least do it with some integrity."


"Amaya, do you think this is the sight of a proper woman?"

A stern, piercing voice hit the inner walls of the girl, Amaya, it was filled with contempt and disgust. Moving her eyes just enough, a taller lady was standing next to the door frame, but all that was clear was her scornful eyes.


Muttering with a clenched throat, Amaya couldn't answer. She felt the same feelings as her. Why wouldn't she? She was a great disgrace to her family, after all.

Her faint, coffee hair was all messy, spread among the whole bed, her limbs numb enough to be considered dead, and the strong scent of her lipstick overbearing her nostrils. So many bad things could be said about her, and they would be right.

"Be up and awake early tomorrow for the ceremony— and don't humiliate us."

Removing her presence, the steps of Amaya's mother slowly faded along with the light. The room now only stored silence. Amaya curled up, sleeping the night away.

The loud, screeching sound of the steam blowing from a kettle made anyone who was still half asleep get their backs straight with full attention. The sizzling fire stones blooming in color, giving the atmosphere a purplish tint as it reflects along the blue walls.

Sitting side to side on the kotatsu was Amaya and her father, Ren. The man was hitting his fifties, his beard and hair greying out more and more with each year. However, even with his fragile looking appearance, he was a fierce, stubborn man that led his people to greatness in the past. Amaya had a very fond image of him, unlike her mother.

Ren went to the kettle, placing the tea inside and making sure its good enough to serve. Soon, he poured the tea into two small cups, each fuming with smooth steam. All the way on the other side of the room, Amaya could pick up its scent and feel a pleasurable comfort.

It was nice to spend time with her father, it was the only time she didn't need to feel stressed about life.

"Thank you for still giving me hospitality, Otou-san."

With a bow, the tea's smell grew to the maximum as it was set on the table, her father following suit.

"I always will, Maya. Drink."

Accepting his response, Amaya held the cup in her hands steadily, blowing onto the surface of the tea before taking a small sip.

The tea tasted flat.

"The ceremony will start in two hours. Do you think you're ready?"

"——Not especially."

Upon being questioned, she stopped sipping and raised her gaze to meet her father's slit eyes. If she were to be asked what the worst part of her father was, she would say his unfortune with age.

"Miya will be upset."


Her father spoke as few words as necessary, but they are always gut punching when they need to be. It was both a blessing and curse for her. All she can think is that she's nearing the end of her life.

"As chief of the village, it is important that you build composure for not only us, but our whole community."

"I'm.. I am not fit to take such responsibility."


Amaya's eyes widened— no, Ren's eyes have too. She was shocked. Ren was a good man, but by no means did she think of him as an optimist. Yet—

"You seem surprised, but you shouldn't be. Maya, you have shown to be talented and skilled, yet you claim to be inferior. That, that is nonsense."


"You will be chief one day. Not because you are family, but because you are worthy. Even if Miya is your mother, she is also your opponent. Hold no fear."

His completely serious voice, neither loud or exaggerated, blazed her heart with a feeling she desperately sought after. The words he spoke, it was a calling to her very soul.

"Now, drink."

Ending his speech, his eyes became hidden into his wrinkles once more, taking a bold sip of his tea. Amaya, amazed, instinctively took another sip as well. But this time..

The tea was pungent.

Finishing their tea session, Amaya sat behind her father, taking of his shirt and exposing his back. There was a great mark there, black and bloody, it was something out of a nightmare. However, she paid no mind.

"Rest well, Otou-san."

Placing the palm of her hand onto the mark, it started to glow blue, although its brightness made it look almost white. After a few minutes, she put back his shirt and laid him on the couch, Ren still fast asleep.

She went towards the living room door and put her shoes on. As she opened the door, she looked back at the elderly man, her face formed a light smile.

"I promise. I'll come back, Otou-san. I'll make sure, to be the last one alive."

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