
The First Day

As the morning sun's ray shines into the room *Beeep* *Beeep* the alarm goes off. Stopping the alarm the clock shows 4:00 AM jumping off the bed a figure can be seen moving towards the washroom, after freshening up the figure moves down towards the kitchen opening the fridge and drinks a glass of orange juice.

During his usual routine of morning jog he thinks about how today is his first day of his high school life. And thinking about his single middle school life without a girlfriend or any friends for that manner a sing drop of tear runs down his face, making a resolution to have a fun filled high school life *sigh* "I wish I get to finish this day peacefully", a lonely figure can be seen running ahead as if he was looking towards a bright future.

After his usual 2 hour jog he reaches back home …

"Hey mom" (???)

"Hey hun excited for your first day of school" (Mom)

"Yea, I guess I better go take a shower wouldn't want to be late for the first day, where's Dad" (???)

"You just missed him and *heavy pressure with the aura of a vicious tiger behind his mom* remember your promise to not get into trouble alright" (Mom)

*shuddering* "Sure mom I know" {Women are scary should be careful around them} (???)


The fist few weeks of his holidays were literally hell for him, because his class teacher told his Mom to fix his fighting issues, his Mom had woke him up at 2:00 am and made him watch videos of being an ideal citizen having a headphone playing back to back voice recording of the importance of proper equity.

Remembering those experience makes him shudder and he made a resolve…

*No more fighting, my new year resolution will be a normal high school life *

Somewhere in a room dimly lit by candles ….

"Steven, did you get any information about him" (Master)

"No master the only thing the victims were saying was the name 'Crimson Dragon' I will find out more about him by this afternoon" (Steven)

"Keep up the good work, you may leave now" (Master)

"Yes master" (Steven)

"Let's see if you are qualified to become one of us shall we" (Master)


On his way towards the class


{That opening ceremony must be a new torture method or something making us hear boring lectures about how great the school is and how we should be a good student and all}


Hearing people pointing at him and avoiding him. "I guess i am already famous before starting the semester"


{making friends and having a normal school year seems much harder than i thought it would be.

After arriving at the class i take the last seat close to the window and lie down on the table.

Someone comes to the side and wakes me from the nap. looking to the side i see a guy who has blonde hair and looks as if he is a model.

"Hey i am Drake, i heard you are pretty good at fighting. I would like to challenge you to a duel if you don't mind"(Drake)

Looking at the guy for a few seconds "Sorry man i stopped fighting if you want to duel go challenge someone else or something" after saying that i lay down till the class starts.

Hey guys sorry for the short prologue. Here is the first chapter enjoy……. ;D

vaizzcreators' thoughts
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