
Infinity Restaurant

“This may not have been my first pick at a System, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything at this point.” -A young man is Reborn with a Restaurant System that will allow him to spread his cooking across the multiverse! Maybe he will end up saving his new village while he’s at it?

IsekaiTails · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs



I raised an eyebrow when Silva Zoldyck walked back into the restaurant. It had barely been 12 hours and he was already back, he must have really enjoyed my food. He was accompanied by a mini version of himself as well. The kid almost looked like an exact replica of him.

I waved to him. "Silva! Welcome back! Couldn't get enough of my food?" 

Silva shrugged and patted his kid on the head. "I told my wife about meeting the best cook I'd ever seen, and my favorite son here was eavesdropping." 

I sweatdropped at the way Silva phrased that statement. "Your favorite son?" I asked him.

Silva nodded as he walked up to the counter and took a seat. His son hopped up and sat down next to him. Other restaurants might not allow kids at the bar but this was my business and I didn't really care.

"Trust me, if you ever meet my other sons, you'll know why I have a favorite." Silva said with the look of a tired father. It was a pretty interesting look considering how in shape he was.

"OK then…" I said, deciding not to touch upon that landmine topic. "I take it your wife wasn't interested in coming?"

His son was the one who answered for him. "My mom is crazy, and we don't trust her to leave the mansion grounds without going on a killing spree." The kid explained in a tone that told me he was completely serious. 

What a lovely family dynamic… 

"Ikaros, can you bring out the new menus please?" I called over my shoulder.

She was currently in the back helping Ayame move some appliances to organize her own kitchen.

"Coming, Master Akira." Her calm voice echoed from the back. A second later she walked out holding two new menus. These menus had pictures, descriptions of the ingredients, and a section added for everything Ayame knew how to prepare as well.

Ikaros handed the menus to Silva and his "favorite son." Silva and his son tensed as they took them. They both look like they were preparing for a fight for some reason.

Ikaros didn't seem to notice. She nonchalantly turned around and went back to continue helping Ayame.

Silva sighed and the tenseness left him. He chuckled. "…Quite an impressive waitress you have there. My instincts are telling me that if I tried to attack her, I would die…" Silva said as he watched Ikaros go into the back. 

I was surprised to hear that. Silva was built like a tank and was rippling with muscle. I had trouble believing Ikaros was so much stronger than he was. I supposed that as an angel she was simply on a higher level than humans were. Now I was wondering just how powerful she really was? 

I apologized for her scaring them, but Silva waved me off. "It's not your fault Akira. My son and I's instincts are simply too keen. I could obviously tell that girl meant no harm to us." Silva said. 

I also felt bad for Silva's son who was currently shaking like a leaf. The boy took a deep breath once Ikaros was gone from his sight. "What kind of crazy restaurant is this!?"

"This place is pretty special, it contains a world-shaking secret! Do you want to know what it is?" I asked him playfully.

Like any other kid he perked up when he heard the word 'secret!' 

"A secret? What is it? I promise I won't tell anyone what it is." He asked me.

I smirked at him and I took a second to pause for Unnecessary dramatic effect. I spread my arms wide and proclaimed, "This place is… A restaurant that connects to alternate worlds!" 

He pouted at me in obvious disbelief. "Yeah, right! Nice try, but I'm not gullible enough to believe that!" He snorted.

Silva looked skeptical but he didn't immediately disbelieve me. "Different worlds? That would be an amazingly powerful Nen ability if that was true."

" I still have no idea what that is." I responded before shrugging. "Whether you believe me or not, you'll find out eventually." I decided to change the topic and get on with their orders. "So what's your son's name? And what will you be having?" 

"This is Killua." Silva introduced his son proudly. "He's our Zoldyck family's heir."

I noticed that Killua didn't exactly seem pleased with that title judging by the way he was scowling again. It seemed like his father was putting too much pressure on him by declaring him the heir of the family when he was so young. I decided to try and cheer the kid up a bit. And what better way than changing the topic back to food?

"What would you like to eat, Killua? On the house!" I knew I probably wouldn't be taking a hit by offering that because his dad was a big tipper. 

"I want chocolate chip pancakes." Killua said while closing the menu and slapping it on the counter. "20 of them because you tried to trick me!"

"...20?" I asked hesitantly. It's not like that would break my bank, pancakes were cheap to make after all. I just didn't want to send the poor kid into a food coma.

Killua's eyes were shining in excitement. "Yes!" 

I blanched at that and turned to Silva, thinking he would be a reasonable parent and tell Killua to stick to 2 or 3 pancakes at most. 

…Silva was not a reasonable parent and didn't say anything though. 

Well, if he wants his own kid to get diabetes it isn't my problem. I started heating up the grill while mixing the batter. Silva, at least, ordered a regular portion sized omelet for his breakfast.

While I was making their food, the front door opened again. Two new customers that I hadn't seen yet walked into my restaurant! 


Thanks for reading!