

After Gold Roger's execution and the start of the new Pirate era, many years later a boy was born, a boy who was once held as the most powerful Sorcerer of his time. Now what chaos will he bring to this new world, which is already full of mysteries. "Man what a world, who would have thought someone like me can get a second chance in life." Spoke the white haired kid. "Hey kid, just how could you do stuff like that??" asked the Red haired man. "BWHAHAHA... MY GRANDSON IS AMAZING...." laughed an old man. "This is not good, this time the Fruit has chosen someone more dangerous. We need to eliminate him quickly." said an old bald man. "Hmm... so this is who you have chosen to defeat me.... Interesting." said a mysterious figure.

Phantom_178 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs



Shanks just sighed after reminiscing what had transpired 3 weeks ago and now he is here, sitting in Makino's bar and drinking like no tomorrow. Even though it was his choice to leave Uta on Elegia to protect her, but it still hurts to think that now his daughter will think of him as some kind of monster.


"Are you going to talk to him or should I…??" Shanks was brought out of his thoughts by Benn's words, "No!! No!!!...." he took a sip from his alcoholic beverage then stood up from his stool, "I'll talk to him." And with that he walked out off the bar and started to head towards the familiar cliff side.

Makino looks at the bar's door from where Shanks just walked off, and then she looked back at Benn who is also gazing at the door and taking drags from his cigarette, "Will they be fine!!??" she is really worried for both Shanks and Luffy. 

"Yeah…Yeah I think they will!!!" Benn just replied in cryptic manner.

With Shanks, he soon arrived at the cliff side and as expected, Luffy was sitting there on the grass, looking out at the sea. He has a feeling that Luffy had already sensed him walking towards him. When he arrived at Luffy's side, he saw him holding the Newspaper with the headline 'RED-HAIRED PIRATES DESTROYED THE COUNTRY OF ELEGIA' with his new bounty poster. 



Shanks didn't say anything and just sat down beside Luffy, also watching the sea. For almost ten minutes there was an absolute silence between them, except for the sounds of the waves crashing below the cliff. "Is this the freedom you talked about??" it was Luffy who broke the silence with his question, still not looking at the Shanks. "Where is Uta Shanks!!???"

Shanks didn't say anything, just kept looking at the sea. "I asked you something Shanks??? Where is she??" Shanks could clearly notice the frustration in Luffy's tone and also something else. "She left the ship to achieve her dreams." Shanks replied this time, but Luffy is having none of it, he could clearly see that Shanks is not telling him the truth and this frustrated him to no end. He really didn't like the half truths, even in his previous world, so right now he is going to do something which is going to hurt him a lot.

"Fight me…" Shanks was taken aback by this and looked at Luffy, "Luffy, I don't….." but was cut off when suddenly Luffy punched him and he was flung back a few meters. This shocked him a lot, even though by his Observation Haki he already knows that Luffy was going to punch him, but the force behind the punch caught him off guard. He is somehow not able to sense the force behind Luffy's attack, it's like there is something between him and Luffy's fist, but what he didn't know.

"If you are not going to tell me anything!!!" Luffy got into his Muay-Thai stance, "Then I'm gonna beat it out of you…" and with that he launched at Shanks like a rocket. 

Shanks had to really defend himself against Luffy's attacks, because for some reason it hurts. What he didn't know is that Luffy or Gojo likes to infuse his attacks with his Infinity, which is already being enhanced by his Cursed Energy. But slowly Shanks started to block Luffy's attack with the help of his Observation Haki and when he sensed an attack coming to his left side, he was about to deflect that but suddenly got kicked in his right kidney area. He was again surprised by this, how the hell he was getting caught off guard while using Observation Haki. 

Again what Shanks didn't know was that Gojo didn't rely on just one type of fighting styles, he likes to confuse his opponent and caught them off guard by switching stances between the fight. But Luffy also knew that, even though he has a very strong body now and has his experience of previous battles, at the end of the day he is still a six year old kid, who has not yet seen this new world's true fighting powers. As slowly he started to get tried, so he decided to deliver his final blow by infusing his right fist with maximum amount of his Cursed Energy within 0.000001 seconds before it hit Shanks. 

Few seconds before that blow can hit Shanks, his Observation Haki warned him about the attack and its danger. So seeing no time to dodge it, he immediately covered his hands in Armament Haki and shielded himself from the blow, which soon came as display of Black lighting and he could feel the impact of this blow was very powerful because the ground beneath him and behind him got destroyed. Even though he was only a dragged few meter back, but his hands hurt a lot. The impact was really powerful if it was able to make his hands hurt even after been covered by Haki.

"Damn!!!" he heard Luffy, who is breathing a little roughly clearly exhausted, "As I thought…. You are really a monster." With that, Luffy lost conciseness and starts to fall forwards but was caught by Shanks who took him in his arms and then looked around himself to see the area is now covered with many cracks and dent in them and that final blow left behind a huge crater. He looked at the now sleeping boy, "Just what are you kid??"

Shanks is now more curious to find out about Luffy, but first he need to bring the boy to his room so he can get a nice sleep.


Luffy woke up from his nice nape and looked around himself to find out that he is now in his room. He walked into the bathroom and washed his face to clear of the left over sleep and looks at himself in the mirror, "I really have to find a way to re-learn Reverse Cursed Energy so that I can recover my stamina between the fights. Hmm?? Maybe I should try to do what Shoko had told me!!!! Nah… that didn't work last time and in the end, I was just lucky that I got it in the brink of death. I really do not want to experience that kind of shit again." With that he walked out off his bathroom and the room.

Soon he arrived where he sensed Shanks and he saw him sitting alone on the docks, he walks towards him and sat beside him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lost my temper." Luffy said. "No, I'm sorry, I should have told you everything sooner. She is your friend afterall!!!" Luffy has a solemn look on his face, "No… if you don't want to tell me anything then it's okay." Shanks nodded in relief and just sat there with Luffy in silence.

Soon as the days go on, everything went to normal and both Shanks and Luffy were back to their old selves, arguing and making fun of each others like an old couple. 


It's been a year since Red-Haired pirates had set a base at the Foosha Village, after the incident of Elegia by which the Marine's were really desperate to find the Red-Haired pirates, but failed to do so when Shanks and his crew again disappeared from the Marine's radar and was now on low in the East Blue.

In present, the Red-Force has yet again returned from their short voyage is now docked at the village. The captain of the ships attention is right now caught by a white haired kid standing on the figure head of their ship.

"Oi! What are you doing, Luffy?" Shanks asked in amusement.

"I'M NOT JOKING THIS TIME!! TEACH ME YOU BASTARD!!" yelled the white haired kid who is none other than Luffy. Now some of them were thinking, what is he talking about? The thing is, a year ago when Luffy used the Blackflash on Shanks and saw him tank the blow easily, he was curious about that, how did he did that? So when he asked Shanks about it, his only reply was, "YOU WILL LEARN ABOUT IT WHEN YOU TO THE GRANDLINE." Luffy was really annoyed by the reply and after that whenever he got a chance, he would ask Shanks to teach him, but in return he only laughed at him.





"AAAARHHHH…" Luffy launched himself at Shanks and now both of them were pulling each other's hair.

Few moments later in Makino's bar, "LET'S DRINK UP AND CELEBRATE!! TO LUFFY'S CRAZINESS AND TO OUR GREATNESS!!" Shanks yelled and started to drink, with his crew cheered behind him and follows his step.






"Ah… looks like I won again!!" said Luffy while fixing his hair.

"LIAR! YOU CHEATED BY DISTRACTING ME!!" yelled Shanks at Luffy while also fixing his own hair. Luffy looks at Shanks with mock smile, "Well what can I say, You snooze…" then he pointed towards Shanks' crew who were partying, and seeing Luffy's gesture they all yelled, "YOU LOSE… HAHAHAHAHA"

"HEY YOU TRATORS…." Shanks yelled at his crew who just laughed at him.

"SHISHISHISHISHI…. See they all like me… so what you do say!! Are you going to teach me??" Luffy asked Shanks, while drinking some orange juice which Makino gave him.

"Nope…" Shanks said which made Luffy sigh, "Well atleast I tried!!" "What!! Are you going to back down from it!!??" Shanks asked in surprise, looking at Luffy. "No!! it's just, it's been a year since you guys are here and lately I've heard rumours about more than two Marine ships were seen in the East Blue." Shanks sighed at that, "Yeah!! The Marines are now sending some inspection ships to every Blues in search for us." He looks at his crew, seeing them laughing and dancing around, "So yeah, just one more voyage before we have to leave." He looked at Luffy who is also watching the crew. 

"You know!! Someone one's told me that you want to become the Pirate King." Luffy looked at Shanks and immediately understood that this someone is Uta, he knows why Shanks did not take her name. Even though it's been a year, it is still a sore spot for Shanks. Hearing the title 'Pirate King', everyone in the bar stops what they were doing and looked at both Shanks and Luffy and wanted to see where this conversation is going.

Luffy smirked at that, "Yeah, I do!! You wanna laugh at that??" he asked Shanks, challenging him. Shanks just shook his head, "So you want Gold Roger's treasure!! And what will you do with that??" everyone was now very interested to know, "Huh!!! Nah…." Shanks and everyone was confused with that reply. "So you do not want the treasure??" "Nah… that's just me getting an added bonus. What I really want is the title of the Pirate King." Now this confused the others more, expect Shanks who is like having a Deja-vu right now. "And what will you do with that title." This time it was Benn who asked the question. He is also interested in this. "Why of course, to achieve my true dream!!"

The rest of the crew and Makino who were listening to Luffy's word were getting more confused and curious. "And that is!!!??" "Yeah come on Luffy, tell us!!" "Yeah just say it quickly…" everyone was getting impatient, so Luffy stood up on the bar counter and facing everyone and spread opened his arms, everyone is now on the edge of their seats waiting in anticipation. Luffy when sees everyone is now in suspense, he finally said it…

"I'M GONAA...…."





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