
First lessons (1/2)

Monday, September 2, 1938.

The rising sun shone through the horizon, illuminating the entire magnificent castle in the early morning light.

Inside the large hall, which was already crowded with students and professors passing by, handing out timetables to first-year students.

"How was your first day, Mr. Frost? Were there any issues?" Olivia Green, the head of Ravenclaw, inquired as she handed Jack the timetable, looking at the outstanding student she had heard about from Dumbledore's words.

"Yes, the ravenclaw tower is truly magnificent, and there were no issues; the seniors and perfects were on hand to dispel any doubts." While getting the timetable, Jack set down the fork and spoon. He smiled as he spoke to her. "The view from the window, in particular, was breath-taking; it alone took up a significant amount of my time because I was enjoying it." He said this specially after learning that Dean liked to spend her free time doing this.

"It really is!" Olivia had a smile on her lips. Then, she looked at Jack and spoke with a light tone. "You can come to my office, if you have any doubts or issues in future and don't be late for any classes today, and don't slack off during them. I don't want to hear other complains." Before leaving to give others a timetable, she finally said.

Sean Miller, his roommate, was sitting beside him as he turned to focus on his breakfast.

"It appears Dean is paying more attention to you." Sean spoke in a deep tone while eating, which was easy to notice because she only stopped and talked with Jack while handing out the timetable.

"It appears so, but it isn't necessarily a bad thing." Jack nodded and added with raised brows after hearing his tone.

Sean Miller, on the other hand, can be considered his friend because he is much more mature than other kids his age. That is the main reason Jack is even willing to talk to him, because even though he is only 11, his mental age is 31, and he simply cannot form friendships with small children; the mere thought of it bothers him.

Sean shrugged and didn't enquire further. "Which subject are you most excited about? or which do you believe will be the most beneficial to us?" After seeing Jack studying more books in the room the day before, he decided ask this.

When he heard Sean's questions, Jack gave a strange look. "Transfiguration is a subject that can achieve wonders and miracles that can cause even the most brilliant scientists to lose their minds." However, he still answered by giving some suggestions, and transfiguration is a truly powerful branch of magic, with potential to have lethal power far more than black magic. "It will undoubtedly increase your power faster than any other way, however you need talent in this area." He finally said with a smile, revealing what Sean really wanted to know, causing Sean's expression to change slightly, and he immediately wanted to explain.

"There is nothing wrong with pursuing power; otherwise, why are we here?" He was cut off by Jack. "Sean, don't listen to others; forge your own path." He can tell from the previous question that there must be problems and dangers where he came from.

"Thank you," Sean unexpectedly thanked him, his face solemn. He hadn't been close to anyone other than his sister, so hearing Jack's advice made him feel a little overwhelmed.

"It's nothing, and you don't need to thank me for it." Jack frowned, wondering what kind of life he had to become this way.

"Please wait for me; I'll be there in a minute or two." Sean rose from his seat and walked over to Gryffindor's table. "I need to check in with my sister; don't go to class without me because I don't know how to get there." With a sigh of embarrassment, he said.

Sean finally turned and walked towards Griffindor Table, after seeing Jack nodding in agreement.

Jack finished his breakfast just in time to overhear something interesting in the Ravenclaw table.

"Do you know? In the Slytherin common room, a duel took place."

"So, what? It's only a duel."

"No, this duel was presided over by Professor Slughorn himself, and the participants were a muggle born freshman and another pure blood student."

"The duel was started because the pure blood tried to bully a muggle born."

Almost immediately, the majority of the people at the table turned their attention to the person who was saying this and began listening to such interesting gossip.

"Who won?"

"I'm guessing it's muggle-born."

"That seems unlikely."

"It's very likely; if it weren't, we wouldn't be here talking about it."


When Jack heard that sentence, his brow twitched, but the winner was soon revealed.

"It is, in fact, the muggle-born."

The majority of Ravenclaw students who were listening were unsurprised now and inquired about the situation.

'Did Tom take the cliché route?' Jack chuckled, not surprised that Tom was able to defeat pure-blood, because Tom's magical power and control over it is far greater than those arrogant kids'.

Jack took out a book on transfiguration and began reading it while waiting for Sean, as time for the classes was still available. He also turned and looked at the Slytherin table to see if Tom was there, but he wasn't present.

Sean returned with a battered breath and inquired. "What is our first class?"

"Transfiguration." Jack looked at the schedule and responded. "There are only 10 minutes left, so we should be able to get there."

"Is it with Slytherin?" Sean inquired in a light tone as they exited the great hall and made their way through the corridor to the staircase.

"Indeed." As he stood in front of the grand staircase, Jack spoke.

"Are you sure you know how to get there?" Sean inquired, slightly concerned, as he gazed at the ever-changing staircase.

"If you're worried about the staircase, we can fly." Jack smirked while saying this.

Actually, if he so desires, he can just teleport wherever he wants, even the wards and restrictions will be useless against him. He will, however, be noticed because Hogwarts is also covered in various esoteric runes.

"Fly?" Sean immediately smiled. "Can you fly, Jack?" he exclaimed enthusiastically.

"No, Sean, that was just a joke." Jack responded with a broad grin.

"Well, you're not very good at joking." Sean said this subconsciously after hearing him, making Jack slightly annoyed by his bluntness.

"Come on, come on." Jack didn't bother any longer and climbed the stairway, which immediately began moving.

"Wait a minute, I didn't mean it." Sean explained quickly as he trailed him behind.

"It's all right, Sean. We really need to get going." Jack spoke up to calm him down and Sean finally stopped explaining.

They finally stood in front of the transfiguration classroom, making their way under his direction. They then proceeded to enter the classroom without further ado.

"Good morning, Professor Dumbledore!" Jack approached Dumbledore, who was leaning on the podium, and led Sean to an empty seat in the corner.

"Good Morning, Jack. Please take a seat; class will begin in a few minutes." Dumbledore returned their greeting and gave them instructions.

Jack and Sean finally sat, while he noted that most of the students were already present, but he didn't find Tom in the classroom.

'What happened of him? No way would he be late on the first day of school, especially with Dumbledore's class on top of that.' Jack's mind wandered.

After a few moments, Tom and another black-haired boy arrived late to class and rushed in. Tom faced turned pale, as he gazed at Dumbledore in the podium.

"Don't you think being late for the first class on your first day says a lot about oneself, Tom and Avery?" Dumbledore said with a smile as he looked at them.

"10 points are deducted for each of you for arriving late to class." Dumbledore said calmly.

Immediately, many Slytherin in the classroom turned to glare at Tom and Avery with anger.

"Please accept our apologies, sir; we got lost on the stairwell." After hearing Dumbledore, Tom quickly regained his composure and answered with a smile. He didn't care about the students eyes and walked to an empty table with the Avery trailing behind him.

"Please take a seat fast." Dumbledore spoke in loud voice and let them in.

"Open the books." Dumbledore gave instructions, and immediately after that, he began questioning Tom.

"Tom, could you name the different branches in the transfiguration?" Dumbledore looked at the Tom from the podium, with his deep blue eyes.

Tom riddle was simply silent; he had no time to study yesterday because of what happened, which consumed almost all of his time. Even though, Professor Slughorn specifically advised him to revise before going to class.

"What dangers should one be aware of when performing transfiguration?" Dumbledore continued to ask another simpler question after noticing his silence, hoping that he would at least answer this.

'This old fool!' When he realised Dumbledore was simply targeting him, Tom snarled in his head. However, he had no idea what to say and could only sit in annoyance.

"Tom, you haven't even bothered to open the book and read it once, and you've had the audacity to show up to my class lately. Ten more points deducted from you ." Dumbledore said calmly.

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