
Infinite Multiverse (Humanity's Struggle)

Well any of you reading this. I have a rewrite out that should be better paced than this novel. You can find it under the name Infinite Multiverse. This novel I've decided to stop since they're both the same novel practically with a few differences. If you want you can read both but I warn you this one is dropped in a sense but you can still read the rewrite.

Dragonic_Dao · Anime et bandes dessinées
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51 Chs

Chapter 24 Era Uzumaki

"YO!" Era said as Quinn, Jack and the rest arrived. "How was it?" she asked "Pretty good." Quinn replied with "Ya man there was someone who seemed to be able to perform chantless magic it was really tough!" Jack said.

"Well we'll be off. Cyril told us to give this note to each other by the way and you're the last one to receive it. Good luck!" Quinn said as he walked off with Jack and the others.

'Uhhh I have to hold back? Whatever!' she thought as she read the note. Everyone was training when they were nearing the end of their shift Era as the others had, got a notification about a quest. '500 points well we can do that. It will be a good fight.' She thought as she told them to phone up Cyril.

"LETS GO!!!" she said as she clicked teleport.

Somewhere on a small island.

There were 3 children in cloaks. They had been walking around minding their own business when suddenly they stabbed towards some civilians. The children were to fast there was no time to save them as civilians started to run away screaming.

Soon Era and her team arrived. "Oi Oi come at me bruh! Or you too scared? Attacking regular people? How shameless." Drake said as he saw them. He didn't annoy them although he caught their attention.

While they were distracted by him they were hit in the face by an exploding lead bullet. Their cloaks blew off and inside were 3 identical children with blood red eyes and 3 tomoe spinning. Drake was looking into their eyes and was soon trapped into their Sharingan Genjutsu (basically an illusion).

Drake soon broke free though by utilising his haki. "Damn, don't look into their eyes. Bloody hell!" Drake said as he got ready to use his high power tri-shooting sling shot while using Kenbunshoku haki's perception.

The cloaked children didn't know about Kenbunshoku Haki so they thought he wouldn't be able to aim. As well he thought that the others were to weak to hurt them. So as they drew closer they were soon all hit in the chest by exploding led bullet.

"Hehehe, BAKA!" Drake said as he mocked them causing them to fume with anger. It was too late for them anyway as 4 Wave Controllers and 4 Swordsmen attacked. They immediately took out their kunai and started to parry althought they were hit by the occassional bang causing them to screw up.

Over time though they acquire the advantage and one of them kicked their opponent hurdling him back 10s of meters. 'Now's my chance!' Era though as she thrusted a rasengan into that boy's back killing him almost instantly.

The other 2 were frightened because of that and left an opening "Hehehe. Exploding Shot!" Drake shouted out. Hearing that they grabbed the people they were fighting with but all that happened was that a lead bullet pierced their arms.

They immediately pushed the swordsmen back as they rushed back holding their arms. While they were rushing away they managed to dodge all the bangs and lead bullets due to the sharingans predictive ability but someone appeared infront of them.

"Hehehe, you thought you could escape!? BUT IT WAS ME ERA!" she said as she hit them both with a rasengan each. There bodies flew 10s of meters and more. They flew back so far that they landed next to Drake where they died instantly on impact.

Soon they teleported back as Era thought 'Hmm 300 points. I wonder if that shop sell super tasty sushi? Or should I buy noodles?' Next to her Drake also thought in dismay 'Damn it I spent all that effort to piss them off and act cool and I only got 100 points.'

All there was in their stead now was nothing as someone on a building cursed out "F*CK this was such a waste." as they ran away.

Yay we're back to Cyril! Who's excited I know I am. Well hope you enjoyed the chapter. Happy reading and till next time, bye!

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