
Participant's briefing

Sujin is a normal guy an average joe you seen while you are passing on the street on your way to work. He does not have any special ability nor unique talent that makes him unique. His day start with working on his office as a project manager in a digital agency company. While he alone is nothing special his work ethics are one of exemplary one, his connection is also well reached.

Being a 25 years old he is in the middle of everything, where works come and go and where relationship is being juggled around it. He lived with his step sister and nobody else, as his mother and father departed when he is still 12 years old, leaving him and his sister to experience the world alone. Yet that does not make Sujin special, he trudge on and on for a stable living hood with his sister.

It was near christmas 21st of December, the town Sujin lives in is snowing yet he got a bunch of appointment to go with today. "Brother tonight yes ?" as his sister ask sweetly. His sister is now 19 years old, with a long black hair and black eyes. She is quite attached to Sujin due to lacking in parental guidance and love thanks to the accident. Today Sujin got an appointment as an alumnus to give out speech to the soon to be graduate, to introduce them to the reality of workplace.

As his sister fix Sujin's tie Sujin commented "Sure do, make sure you are prepared for this dinner date with your dear brother". Sujin give his sister a good headpat before heading out, "Uuu brother you are messing my hair up" as she pouted while saying that. Sujin gave out a wry smile and went out of his way.

The journey to the university was an uneventful one, he rode his subway train that he rode many years ago almost everyday. The movement of the train is oddly soothing for Sujin as he reminisce to his earlier year. He arrived, cleaned out his coat that is full of snow, hang it and start walking to the hall where he should give out a speech.

As the hall start filling up, Sujin got into the podium and start walking around, talking and explaining to the graduate what is it like in the workplace. In the middle of his presentation a slight sounds of bolt being released from its supposed to be placed can be heard if one listen carefully, nobody does though. The sound guy are playing with his handphone, Sujin is energetically walking around. After a few more minutes it finally happened.

The lamp post that used to light the podium fell down and hit Sujin. He didn't feel much pain he only saw bright light and hearing people screaming afterward, plus vibration due to people running in the podium. He attempt to move his body but it does not listen to him. His last thought was his sister that he supposed to have a date with tonight. "Sorry..." muttered Sujin.

And everything goes dark.


"Welcome user Sujin, congratulation for being chosen as a participant in Administrator World Populating Program. You alongside 127 other participants has been randomly chosen to experience a world, a world like you never ever experienced.

A world where laws and ecosystem are different from your previous world . A world wonder and mystery.

Please proceed to counter A to pick your starter pack once you are ready....


Welcome user Sujin, congratulation for being chosen as a participant in Administrator World Populating Program. You alongside 127 other participants has been randomly chosen to experience a world, a world like you never ever experienced.

A world where laws and ecosystem are different from your previous world . A world wonder and mystery....."

It was a hard floor, cold and a metallic in taste. Sujin woke up while hearing the announcement loop from the wall with no speakers. "Where am I, is it morning ? Why is it so noisy" voiced Sujin with a slightly croaked voice. He attempt to wake up from his groggy state as he hit his own cheek with both of his hand making a slapping noise.

After a while once the grogginess disappeared. He started looking around. The room he is in right now is a square room with a looping female voice coming from inside the wall, the floor is dark and looks like metal while the wall looks like a studio with soundproofed wooden panel. A single counter is embedded in a wall a counter where people usually buy a train ticket, the only difference is that there is nothing but darkness on the other side.

Arranging some of his thought he started from "where am I ?". Unfortunately the question can't be answered with the amount of information present. As there is a lack of hint of architecture in the room, its basically a square room, rigid, cold and unmoving.

He then come to the next question "Why I am here ? What was the last thing I did before I get here ?". He racked his brain for answer and the only thing he remembered is going into university as a guest lecturer and then he can't really remember anything else. As he tried to force himself to remember further he felt pain in his head which deter him from doing so. He felt that he is missing certain piece of information an important one as he felt a single tear fell from his left eye, but he can't grasp what is really missing.

A sigh escaped Sujin's lips, he decided that sitting around won't do him any good. So he decided to stand up and walk to the counter. Observing the counter he felt like its a classic counter where people buy their train ticket, the only oddity is the fact that he can't see anything on the other side.

As there is no more information Sujin attempt a knock on the windows.

"Hey anybody there ? The speaker lady told me to come to this counter once I am ready. I am now."

"Huh, another earthling ? Project manager ? Office worker. Heh. Kid you are going to experience a lot. I hope you got a good head on top of your neck, else your time might be shorter than you think" a hoarse voice come from the other side of the counter. It does sound like an old man except there is only voice.

"What do you mean ? Where am I ? Can you explain the situation ? Is this a dream ?" as Sujin plead the old man to tell him more.

The old man stop responding for a while while Sujin felt a stare from the darkness on the other side of the counter. The stare is cold and calculating and it seems to penetrate to all his thoughts and secret. Feeling uncomfortable Sujin shift his stance to the side of the counter not willing to be in the gaze for longer than what needed.

The pressure of the counter seems to recede after few minutes. The old man give a scoff and throw a booklet and a dice to the counter area where Sujin can reach. Sujin take a look at the item that was thrown by the old man voice, he realized there is only two items.

1. a Book with title of "Surviving in Another World"

2. A dice with 6 blank sides.

Obviously the smart choice would be reading the booklet first, people dies in a death game when they ignore the tutorial. To that line of though Sujin tried to pry open the book. The book explained that the world he is about to visit is a world where magic exist, yet it is also a world where certain technology thrive. After the first page the book have a table of content which contain

1. Background

2. Table of Content

3. Starter Pack introduction

4. Language and cultural introduction

5. Objective & Reward

Flipping through the TOC Sujin came onto the starter pack introduction. The starter page mentioned that Sujin will be given a blessing that will come with the dice, the amount of blessing he could get is random as it all depend on his luck. The dice also come with Personal System Interface and a common language comprehension.

The language and cultural introduction page seems to contain more information, but generally it revolves around the number of races and kingdom that exists within the world. Unfortunately, the detail does not seem appealing to Sujin at the moment, as in his mind this situation that occur to him right now is not real he still treated such situation as a long dream, probably lucid one as well.

Since there is no way out or any way in attempting to wake himself Sujin still open the last page of the booklet he thought to himself [If i can get out might as well see what my imagination can do].

Objective: Survive & Conquer.

Reward: Option to go back to your previous world or 1 wish.

"Huh that is pretty classic ?" as Sujin thought that his imagination is a bit lackluster. He then look at the dice observing the dice itself. The dice seems to be red in color, blood red to be exact, it is bigger than the dice used on a gambling parlor or some DnD session but he found that irrelevant to his predicament. Yet he somehow got attracted to the reward of going back to previous world, although he shrug it afterward due to him thinking that this is a long lucid dream.

Sujin then threw the dice with nonchalant attitude. It spuns in the air for a while creating an eerie red light before it cracked and enter Sujin's body forcefully.

Sujin were shaken due to the dice entering his body without any indication, he touch his body frantically in an attempt to find what is wrong and what is happening to his body. There is nothing changing fortunately. Sujin let out a relieved sigh before he fall to his but due to a screen popping up in front of him.

Normal - Inequivalent Exchange (G) -

Enables the user to use item without consuming the item with 50% chance

only for item with normal rarity.

Skill Growth Enabled.

a while after that bright light from all direction of the room, it blinded Sujin as he closes his eyes due to the light. What he felt next was weightlessness.


Hi All Thanks for reading this.

A bit of thought. This novel will be dark gritty humorous story with element of adult/gore when necessary. Just do not expect my protagonist to be a goody two shoes.

While i just started writing i hope you all enjoy what i write.

Sagesheepcreators' thoughts
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