
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Films
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82 Chs

retribution 2

Raj steps off the elevator and into the lavish penthouse office of Vishwank Roy. The room is an opulent display of wealth and power, with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a panoramic view of the city. Vishwank Roy stands at the far end of the room, flanked by his security head. Ibrahim stands behind him, watching with a calm, calculating gaze.

Security Head: (lunging at Raj) "You won't get past me!"

Raj moves with lightning speed, sidestepping the attack and delivering a precise strike to the security head's temple. The guard crumples to the floor, unconscious.

Vishwank Roy: (clapping slowly) "Impressive. You've made it this far. But before I kill you, tell me, who are you?"

Raj: (dismissively) "I'm just one of many people you are trying to get out of the way. Nothing important."

Vishwank Roy: (scoffing) "Arrogant bastard!"

With a roar, Vishwank charges at Raj. Raj braces himself, meeting Vishwank head-on. The fight is brutal and intense, both men skilled and determined.

Vishwank throws a powerful punch aimed at Raj's head. Raj ducks, counters with a swift kick to Vishwank's midsection, and follows up with an elbow strike. Vishwank stumbles but quickly recovers, swinging wildly with a chair he grabs nearby. Raj blocks the chair with his forearm, wincing from the impact but staying on his feet.

Vishwank lunges again, this time aiming a knee at Raj's ribs. Raj sidesteps, grabs Vishwank's leg, and flips him onto his back. Vishwank rolls and springs to his feet, his eyes blazing with fury.

Vishwank Roy: "You're a dead man!"

Vishwank grabs a knife from his belt and slashes at Raj. Raj deftly dodges the blade, grabs Vishwank's wrist, and twists, forcing the knife from his hand. He then lands a series of rapid punches to Vishwank's face and torso, driving him back against a desk.

With a final, powerful kick, Raj sends Vishwank sprawling to the floor. Vishwank tries to rise, but Raj is on him in an instant, pinning him down and delivering a crushing blow to his jaw. Vishwank's body goes limp, his eyes unfocused and his movements sluggish.

Raj stands over Vishwank, his fist poised for the final punch. Just as he's about to strike, he catches movement out of the corner of his eye. Ibrahim, who has been watching silently, suddenly rushes forward, intending to tackle Raj.

Raj: (seeing Ibrahim) "Stay down!"

Raj pivots and intercepts Ibrahim with a swift, brutal kick to the chest. Ibrahim stumbles but recovers quickly, swinging a powerful fist at Raj. Raj blocks the punch and counters with a knee to Ibrahim's stomach, then follows with an uppercut that sends Ibrahim reeling.

Ibrahim fights back, throwing a series of punches and kicks, but Raj's superior skill and speed give him the upper hand. Raj ducks under a wild punch, grabs Ibrahim by the collar, and delivers a crushing headbutt that dazes him.

With a final, powerful move, Raj sweeps Ibrahim's legs out from under him and slams him to the ground. Ibrahim tries to rise, but Raj delivers a swift kick to his head.

Raj stands. He looks down at the defeated bodies of Vishwank and Ibrahim, then straightens, his eyes filled with determination.

The room is filled with the acrid smell of smoke and the echoes of the recent fight. Raj walks over to a nearby cabinet, his eyes cold and calculating. He opens the cabinet, revealing a collection of expensive alcohol. He selects a bottle and returns to the fallen Vishwank and Ibrahim.

Raj opens the bottle and begins to pour the liquor over the right hands of both men, his movements deliberate and menacing.

Raj: (voice steady, filled with controlled rage) "Do you remember when you kidnapped External Minister Ramaswamy and his family?"

Ibrahim's eyes widen in fear as he realizes what Raj is about to do. Vishwank, still groggy from the beating, looks on in confusion and pain.

Raj: (voice rising, filled with righteous anger) "This is retribution. Now you will pay."

Raj's voice grows louder, filled with fury.

Raj: "You burned his hand, threatened his family , my family. Did you think you would get away with it? Did you think you were untouchable?"

Raj's voice drops to a dangerous whisper.

Raj: "I couldn't do anything about Roy,fucker already dead, but Ibrahim... you will pay. You were there. You followed the orders."

With a swift motion, Raj ignites a lighter and sets fire to their alcohol-soaked hands. Flames engulf their right hands, and both men scream in agony, writhing on the floor.

Vishwank and Ibrahim: (screaming) "Aaahhhh! Stop! Please!"

Raj watches them squirm, his expression cold and unyielding. After a moment, he throws them a bucket of ice. They frantically dip their burning hands into the ice, extinguishing the flames.

Raj crouches down, his face inches from theirs, his eyes filled with a chilling intensity.

Raj: (voice low and menacing) "If I wanted to kill you, I could have done it easily. But I want to see your power tremble in my presence. Now, Ibrahim, tell me where the Black Box is. Otherwise, I will kill Vishwank right here."

Ibrahim, shaking with pain and fear, looks into Raj's eyes and sees the unwavering resolve. He knows there's no escape.

Ibrahim: (voice trembling) "Alright, alright! The Black Box... it's with kalki"

Raj stands up, satisfied with the information. He glances at Vishwank, who is barely conscious, and then back at Ibrahim.

Raj: "Good. Now, remember this moment. Every time you think about crossing the line again, remember the pain and the fear. This is your warning."

With that, Raj turns and walks away, leaving Vishwank and Ibrahim to contemplate their defeat and the consequences of their actions. He heads towards the elevator, ready to retrieve the Black Box and complete his mission.

Raj moves through the lavish corridors, guided by Omisha's voice in his earpiece. His pace is steady, purposeful. He approaches a safe with its door ajar and steps inside, finding Kalki sprawled on the floor, her inhaler lying just out of reach.

Kalki: (barely audible) "Help... please..."

Raj ignores her pleas, his eyes scanning the room. He spots a picture of Narantak Roy and Sahoo, and a realization dawns on him.

Raj: (to himself) "Vishwank isn't Roy's real son... Sahoo is."

He steps out of the safe, relaying his findings to Omisha.

Raj: (into earpiece) "Omisha, I've discovered something. Vishwank isn't Roy's real son. Sahoo is."

Omisha: (urgently) "Raj, there's trouble at Devraj's building. Sahoo is on a motorcycle, escorting a truck out of the city, and he's being chased by the police."

Raj: "Send me his location."

Raj moves swiftly back to Vishwank and Ibrahim, finding them seated on a sofa, visibly weakened.

Raj takes out his phone, snapping a photo of Vishwank with the black box. He sends it to Devraj and then calls him.

Devraj: (furious tone) "What is it now? Sahoo is causing trouble in my building!"

Raj: "I have what you wanted." (sends the photo) "Now, I want my prize."

Devraj's tone shifts from anger to surprise and then to joy.

Devraj: "You have the black box and Vishwank? Excellent! You'll get all the money you asked for."

Raj: "And I want the girls you have in captivity."

Devraj: (sighs) "I've already sent Prince to kill them."

Raj: "If you want the black box and Vishwank, you'll call off the hit. You have 30 minutes before the guards wake up and Vishwank and Ibrahim are in no state to do anything."

Devraj, realizing the gravity of the situation, agrees reluctantly.

Devraj: "Fine. You'll get what you asked for."

Raj: "Good. Remember, the guards will wake up in another 30 minutes. Make your move."

Raj hangs up, turning to Vishwank and Ibrahim.

Raj: "You have 15 minutes before your guards wake up. Use the time wisely."

Vishwank, his pride shattered, nods weakly.

Vishwank: "Thank you... for the time."

Raj leaves the building, his thoughts racing. He knows that setting Vishwank and Devraj against each other will weaken both factions, making it easier to take them out.

Raj's inner thoughts: "By the time Devraj's forces clash with Vishwank's, both will be weakened. It will be easier to dismantle them piece by piece."

Meanwhile, Devraj, contemplating his unexpected fortune, makes a call to Prince.

Devraj's inner thoughts: "Sahoo's escapade was troublesome, but Raj has brought the city under my control. Now, to handle the loose ends."

Devraj: (on the phone) "Prince, call off the hit on the girls. Plans have changed."

Raj exits the building, receiving the coordinates from Omisha. He mounts a motorcycle and speeds through the city, heading toward the location of Sahoo. The cityscape blurs around him as he navigates through traffic with precision and determination.

As he approaches the scene, he sees Sahoo on a motorcycle, weaving through the streets with a truck in tow, police in hot pursuit. Raj accelerates, his focus narrowing on the task at hand.

Raj's inner thoughts: "It's time to end this."

The scene fades, setting the stage for the next thrilling chapter in Raj's relentless quest for justice

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

white_poisoncreators' thoughts