
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Films
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82 Chs

Enter original main character

The early morning light filters through the windows, casting a golden hue across the room as Raj finishes his rigorous workout routine. His muscles ache with the satisfying burn of exertion, but he can't help but notice the transformation his body has undergone in such a short time.

Raj: (admiring his reflection in the mirror, a sense of wonder in his voice) Incredible... just a few months ago, I was an average guy, and now... look at me. Close to an athlete's physique, sharper, stronger, faster. It's like I've been given a second chance to mold myself into the person I've always wanted to be.

As Raj marvels at his physical transformation, his thoughts turn to the profound changes he's undergone on a mental and emotional level.

Raj: (contemplative) And it's not just my body that's changed. I've gained so much knowledge, from learning the ins and outs of each department in the company to leading them with confidence and vision. I've been able to steer the company towards more profitable sectors, leveraging insights from my previous life.

As Raj ponders the depth of his transformation, his attention is drawn to Valmiki, who enters the room.

Raj: (calling out) Valmiki, come here for a moment, would you?

Valmiki approaches with a respectful nod, attentive to Raj's summons.

Valmiki: (curiously) Yes, young master? What can I do for you?

Raj: (thoughtfully) I was wondering... how is your family back home? You mentioned a son named Bittu, a daughter, and your wife, if I recall correctly.

Raj: (with a curious glance) Valmiki, you mentioned your son Bittu earlier. How is he doing?

Valmiki: (sighing heavily) Young master, to be honest, he is a worthless son. Unlike my daughter and wife who are diligent and supportive, he dropped out of his MBA and is wasting his time. He's an intern at a company called Pack Your Bag, but he's not making any progress.

Raj: (frowning slightly) Why do you say he's worthless? Everyone has their own path.

Valmiki: (with frustration) He lacks direction and ambition. Unlike you, young master, who has taken the company in the right direction and made something of yourself, Bittu seems content to drift aimlessly. It's disheartening to see him squander his potential.

Raj: (with a gentle smile) Hey, hey, you can't talk about your own son like that. He just hasn't had the same exposure and opportunities as I've had.

Valmiki: (hesitant) Young master, I appreciate your concern, but Bittu is not someone you should concern yourself with. He's different from you, from this family.

Raj: (firmly) Nonsense, Valmiki. Everyone deserves a chance. Call your son tomorrow. He can't just keep working as an intern. I'll get him a new job where he can truly grow.

Valmiki: (trying to hide his discomfort) Young master, I don't want him to be a burden or cause any trouble for you or your family.

Raj: (insisting) Valmiki, he's your son. He deserves support and guidance, just like anyone else. I insist on meeting him. We'll find a way to help him find his path. Who knows, he might just need the right opportunity to shine.

Valmiki: (reluctantly) If you insist, young master. I'll call him tomorrow.

Raj: (smiling reassuringly) Good. Sometimes, all it takes is someone believing in you. Let's give him that chance.

Valmiki: (with a reluctant nod) Thank you, young master. I hope you're right

The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the sprawling front yard of the mansion. Raj is outside, taking in the serene evening when he hears the hum of a motorcycle approaching. Valmiki and his son Bittu, a joyful and happy-go-lucky young man, arrive and dismount from their bike.

Valmiki: (ushering Bittu forward) Bittu, this is Raj, the young master. You must always listen to him and show him respect.

Bittu: (with a cheerful smile) Hello, Raj! Nice to meet you.

Raj: (extending his hand) Nice to meet you too, Bittu. I've heard a lot about you.

Bittu: (shaking Raj's hand) All good things, I hope!

Raj: (laughing) Mostly. So, I understand you're currently intern at Pack Your Bags?

Bittu: (nodding enthusiastically) Yes, it's a great place! I really enjoy working there.

Raj: (thoughtfully) That's good to hear. Actually, I had an idea. How would you feel about a new job? Something with more responsibility and better prospects at ARK Enterprise?

Bittu: (smiling but shaking his head) Thanks, Raj, but I really like where I am right now. I want to climb my way up myself.

Raj: (raising an eyebrow) Are you sure? I can assure you, you'd have a good position. I'm actually a partner in Pack Your Bags, so I can make sure you're placed well.

Bittu: (firmly) I appreciate the offer, Raj, but I want to earn my place there on my own terms. Climbing the ladder myself is important to me.

Valmiki: (angrily) Bittu, don't be foolish! You should accept Raj's kindness. It's not every day someone gets such an opportunity.

Bittu: (staying cheerful) Dad, I understand, but I need to do this my way. It's important to me.

Raj: (placing a hand on Valmiki's shoulder) It's okay, Valmiki. I respect Bittu's decision. It takes a lot of courage and self-belief to want to make your own way.

Bittu: (grinning) Thanks, Raj. That means a lot coming from you.

Raj: (smiling) Just know that the offer stands if you ever change your mind. I admire your determination, Bittu. Keep up the good work, and I'm sure you'll do great things.

Raj watches as Valmiki and Bittu prepare to leave on their motorcycle. At this moment, Jayaram and Yashoda enter the courtyard, curious about the visitors.

Scene: Meeting with Parents

Jayaram: (noticing the motorcycle) Raj, who was that with Valmiki?

Yashoda: (curious) Yes, we saw them as we were coming out. Who was the young man?

Raj: (turning to them) That was Bittu, Valmiki's son. I called him here to discuss a potential job opportunity.

Jayaram: (raising an eyebrow) Valmiki has a son? I didn't know that.

Yashoda: (smiling softly) It's nice to see that Valmiki's family is involved. What was the job opportunity?

Raj: (explaining) I offered Bittu a position at AK Enterprise. He's currently working at Pack Your Bags, and I thought it might be a good idea to bring him into the family business. But he wants to climb the ladder on his own.

Jayaram: (impressed) That's commendable. It's not easy to turn down an opportunity like that.

Yashoda: (nodding) It shows he has determination and a strong will. What made you think of offering him a job here?

Raj: (thoughtfully) I believe in giving people chances, especially those who want to work hard and prove themselves. Bittu seems like he has the potential, and I wanted to support him in any way I could.

Jayaram: (patting Raj on the back) I'm proud of you, Raj. You handled that situation well. It's important to encourage people to find their own path.

Yashoda: (smiling warmly) You've grown so much, Raj. It's wonderful to see how you're supporting others and thinking about their future.

Raj: (smiling) Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad. It's all part of learning and growing. By the way, Bittu's father, Valmiki, was quite strict with him. But I told Valmiki to respect Bittu's wishes and that I support his decision.

Jayaram: (nodding) Sometimes, it's hard for parents to let go and let their children make their own choices. But it's a crucial part of their growth.

Yashoda: (looking at Raj with pride) You're not just learning about business, Raj, but also about people and relationships. That's invaluable.

Raj: (smiling) I'm trying my best. Speaking of relationships, how are things going between you two?

Jayaram: (glancing at Yashoda) We're taking it one day at a time. It's been better lately, thanks to you.

Yashoda: (smiling at Jayaram) Yes, we're working through things. Slowly but surely.

Raj: (smiling) I'm glad to hear that. If you need anything, I'm always here for you both.

Jayaram: (smiling) We know, Raj. And we're proud of the man you're becoming.

Yashoda: (nodding) Absolutely. Keep doing what you're doing, Raj. You're making a difference.

As Raj stands with his parents in the courtyard, he feels a sense of contentment and pride. His efforts to support both his family and others around him are paying off, and he knows he's on the right path.

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