
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Films
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82 Chs


Armaan and Raj sit in the lavishly decorated living room of Armaan's mansion, discussing the intricate details of their high-stakes deal.

Raj: "To pull this off, I need 15 billion from you. I'll invest 5 billion of my own. That's the asking price for the person who will steal the Shroud of Turin."

As they continue their conversation, the doorbell rings. arman get up and welcome the covey pulling in his mansion tall, imposing figure step out.

Armaan: "Raj, meet Godfather Devraj. He practically owns this city.godfather, this is Raj, a friend and business partner."

Devraj: (shaking Raj's hand) "Pleasure to meet you, Raj."

Armaan and Devraj step aside for a private conversation. After a few moments, Armaan returns to Raj with a determined look.

Armaan: "Devraj has agreed to lend me the money, but on one condition: I must defeat his new champion in a cage fight."

Raj: "When's the fight?"

Armaan: "Saturday. Same time you'll be stealing the shroud."

Two days later, Alina rushes into Raj's hotel room, her face pale with fear.

Alina: "Raj, I need to talk to you."

Raj: "What's wrong?"

Alina: "Armaan planted the bomb in my car to kill me. I thought it was vikram , but now I realize my life could be forfeit at any time. I need your help."

Raj: (grimly) "I suspected as much. Don't worry, Alina. We'll make sure you're safe."

alina also tell raj that armaan know everything about him raj tell her not to worry as he himself has send RD to him .

Saturday arrives. Raj, disguised as a bomb disposal squad member, infiltrates the secure location where the Shroud of Turin is kept. RD, posing as his partner, helps him navigate through the high-security measures.

RD: (whispering) "We're in. Let's move fast."

Raj: (focused) "Stick to the plan. No improvisations."

They successfully steal the shroud, and make their escape.

Meanwhile, Armaan faces Devraj's champion in a brutal cage fight. The crowd roars as the fight intensifies. After a grueling battle, Armaan emerges victorious, having killed the champion.

Devraj: (impressed) "You have earned my respect and the money, Armaan."

Armaan secures the funds and to finalizes the deal with Raj.

Later that evening, Raj calls Omisha.

Raj: "Omisha, the plan is in motion. i will Store the real shroud at the airport and sell the fake shroud to Armaan. You'll meet with the dealer, and he will hand over the money to you. I'll join you later."

Omisha: "Got it. I'll be ready."


Raj, Alina, Armaan, and RD are gathered at a discreet meeting point, a quiet place on the outskirts of the city. The atmosphere is tense as they await the arrival of the courier. A sleek black car pulls up, and a man steps out, carrying a briefcase.

Courier: (approaching Armaan) "Here's the shroud. As agreed."

Armaan inspects the shroud carefully, nodding in satisfaction before handing over a suitcase full of money. The courier takes the money and walks back to the car, where Omisha is waiting inside. They drive off, and after a short distance, the courier transfers the money to Omisha, then switches cars and drives away.

Back at the meeting point, everyone raises their glasses for a toast.

Raj: "To a successful deal."

They clink glasses and drink, but soon after, raj begins to feel strange.

Raj: (dazed) "What...what's happening?"

Armaan: (calmly) "You've been poisoned, Armaan."

Raj: (staggering) "By whom?"

Armaan : "By Alina and RD. And even Omisha."

At that moment, Omisha's car pulls up. She steps out, walking confidently towards Raj.

Omisha: "You should know, Raj, I'm not Sonia's sister."

Raj eyes widen in shock and realization.

Raj: (smiling) "It's over, Armaan."

As everyone departs, RD collects his 10% cut and leaves swiftly. Armaan and Omisha make their way to the airport, carrying the shroud with them.

At the airport, Armaan and Omisha board their private Boeing airplane. Alina is already there, waiting for them. The plane takes off, and the tension in the cabin is palpable. Suddenly, Armaan pulls out a gun and points it at Alina.

Armaan: (coldly) "Sorry, sis. You've become a liability."

Alina looks at Armaan, a mix of fear and defiance in her eyes.

Alina: "You'd kill your own sister?"

Armaan: "This is business, Alina. You know how it works."

Omisha, seated nearby, watches the confrontation unfold with a steely expression.

Alina: "Armaan, think about what you're doing."

Armaan: "I've thought about it. This is the only way."

As the plane soars higher, the tension inside reaches its peak. 


Armaan, Omisha, and Alina are aboard a private Boeing airplane..

Armaan: (holding a gun at Alina) "You were always a liability."

Armaan: (pulling the trigger, but the gun doesn't fire) "What?"

Alina: (smiling) "Surprised, brother?"

Tensions are at their peak as Raj makes a dramatic entrance from the cabin

Raj: (stepping out of the cabin) "The game's over, Armaan."

Omisha: (shocked) "Raj? How…?"

Raj: "Alina never poisoned my drink. And Omisha, I knew from the start you weren't Sonia's sister. Sonia is still alive, and her real sister is Amulya. Tanya was just a childhood nickname."

Omisha: (stammering) "But..."

Raj: "Armaan, the shroud you hold is a fake. The original is still in the church and will soon be discovered. I tipped off the authorities before boarding this plane. You've tried to kill me and my family for too long. Today, it ends."

Armaan: (furious) "Only one of us leaves this plane alive."

Raj and Armaan face off, the tension palpable. Armaan charges first, throwing a wild punch that Raj barely dodges.

Raj: (thinking) "I need to stay sharp."

Armaan: (taunting) "You've always been a thorn in my side!"

Raj ducks under a punch, landing a quick jab to Armaan's ribs. Armaan grunts but recovers quickly, grabbing Raj by the collar and slamming him against the wall. Raj groans in pain but uses the momentum to kick Armaan's knee, making him stumble.

Armaan: (smirking) "Is that all you've got?"

Raj: (determined) "Not even close."

They trade blows, each hit more brutal than the last. Raj manages to get Armaan in a headlock, but Armaan elbows him hard in the stomach, forcing him to release the grip. Armaan then swings a heavy fist, catching Raj on the jaw and sending him sprawling to the floor.

Armaan: "You're going to die today, Raj."

Raj: (spitting blood) "Not before I take you down."

As Armaan moves in for the kill, Raj sweeps his legs, causing Armaan to fall. Raj scrambles to his feet, his eyes burning with resolve. He lands a series of quick punches, driving Armaan back.

Armaan: (angry) "You think you can win? You're nothing!"

Armaan corners Raj, panting heavily.

Armaan: "The lorry attack on your father, the bomb attack on you—those were ordered by Devraj. He wanted your company gone."

Raj: (eyes narrowing) "Thank you for confirming that."

Raj finds renewed strength and fights back with precision. He disarms Armaan, twisting his arm and sending the bottle skittering across the floor. Armaan retaliates with a headbutt, but Raj rolls with the impact, landing on his feet.

Raj: "Get ready to die, Armaan."

In a final surge, Raj outmaneuvers Armaan, delivering a series of devastating blows. Armaan stumbles back, bleeding and gasping for air.

Armaan: (desperate) "No... this can't be happening."

At the last moment, Armaan grabs a glass shard from the floor and lunges at the pilot, killing him.

Armaan: (maniacal) "If I go down, we all go down."

Raj: (horrified) "No!"

Raj rushes towards Armaan, pushing him towards the open door of the plane. They grapple violently, each trying to gain the upper hand.

Raj: (struggling) "This ends now!"

With a final, powerful shove, Raj pushes Armaan out of the plane. Armaan screams as he falls into the void below. Raj collapses to the floor, exhausted and bloodied.

Alina and Omisha, both shaken and on the brink of collapse, stare at Raj. The plane is now in a nosedive, alarms blaring.

Raj: (breathing heavily) "We need to land this plane."

Alina: (frantic) "The pilot's dead, Raj. We're going to crash."

Omisha: "i can't die now"

Omisha: (getting on her knees, clutching Raj's leg, tears streaming down her face) "Raj, please save me! I'm so sorry. I only followed Armaan because of his money. I never wanted to hurt anyone. I just wanted to earn a living."

raj look at alina who nooded at raj

raj then said got up and follow me 

They make their way to Armaan's car, equipped with an emergency parachute system. Raj quickly checks the controls and activates the parachute as they speed off the runway. The parachute deploys smoothly, and they glide down to a safe landing spot nearby.

At the airport, Raj and Alina stand near the boarding gate, while Omisha waits a few steps away, looking repentant.

Raj: (sincerely) "Take care, Alina. Where are you headed now?"

Alina: (shrugging, a hint of sadness in her eyes) "I don't know. I need to find a new path."

Raj: (smiling) "Come with me. We can figure it out together."

Alina: (smiling back) "I appreciate it, but I need some time. I'll visit you in Waji City when I'm ready. Goodbye, Raj."

Raj: (nodding) "Goodbye, Alina."

Alina boards her plane, glancing back one last time before disappearing into the crowd. Raj watches her go, a mixture of hope and determination on his face.

Scene: The Drive Away

Raj walks outside to his car, the sleek Koenigsegg One:1. Omisha is already in the passenger seat, looking apprehensive but hopeful.

Omisha: (tentatively) "Where to, hero?"

Raj: (smiling as he starts the engine) "Let's find you a new beginning, Omisha."

Omisha: (relieved) "Thank you, Raj. I won't let you down."

Raj: (determined) "We've got a lot of work to do. Let's go."

The car roars to life as they drive off into the horizon, leaving the past behind and ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. The road stretches out before them, a symbol of the new journey and opportunities that await.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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