
Incubus In Danmahci (rewrite)

(I wrote a fan fiction with the same idea a while ago but I horny wrote it and I think that I could do better this time around) This story is about some guy randomly getting transmigrated into the world of Danmachi he learns pretty fast that maybe everything is going to be alright anyway.

bananaphone · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Chapter 18

We joined up with the rest of the familia most weren't suspicious of anything out of the ordinary transpiring.

We made our way down the dungeon at a slow pace, one that was unhurried.

We reached the 28th floor and set up camp, at diner Finn made an announcement.

"We will slow down our descent a bit, and gather food and supplies in the Dense Forest Ravine, before making a charge for the 50th floor safe area."

It made sense, we will need more food going forward, it's better to get it now than super deep into the dungeon. We prepared to leave for the Dense Forest Ravine in the morning.

For the next whole day, we abided by Finn's plan and spent a lot of time foraging and hunting for food in the Dense Forest Ravine. For me, this served as some much-needed rest after what just happened with the Amphisbaena. 

There were still opportunities where I had to fight some monsters but the objective wasn't to so I strayed from it when it was possible.

After collecting the correct number of foodstuffs we started our charge down into the deep floors. As we got deeper my role within the team changed, it went from more of a vanguard to a part of the mage unit. I only really had one long-range spell but it was strong enough for my inclusion with the mages.

In the fight to get to the Boss of the 49th-floor Balor, we became surrounded by Fomoire, a big goat monster that kind of resembled a minotaur. In the fight, the executives made quick work of them, but one Familia member struggled to fight against the Fomoire and gave way, it made a headlong charge toward my group of mages, more specifically toward Lefiya. Lefiya froze like a deer in headlights, unable to continue her chant.

I jumped into action while trying to save Lefiya, I leveraged my superior speed to land several decisive blows to the foe, ending with a stab in the heart. It soon exploded into black dust.

Lefiya and I both understood that now was no time for appreciation and continued our duties as a member of the team.

When we arrived at the 50th floor which was the goal for today, we started setting up camp, it didn't take too long to finish up.

"Uhm! C-Cain!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me from behind.

"Thank you so much for saving me earlier!" Lefiya excitedly said, but soon her face turned more grim.

"I always end up getting protected by someone, I'm nothing but a burden" Lefiya says as small tears form in the corner of her eyes. Trying to hide them from me she puts her head down.

I reached my hand over to the top of her head and started patting her head like it was some new breed of house cat.

"People save others because they think they are important enough to save, simply by being saved I think it proves you are not a burden," I say sagely giving my advice to the lass.

She seems frozen after what I just said so I decided to help around the camp, but I am stopped soon after by two chocolate-skinned sisters. Both looked expectantly at me, soon their antics made sense to me, they wanted head pats too. So I went in for them but just as I was about to touch their heads I retreated my hands.

"Maybe next expedition, when you two are good girls!" I say waving them off.

Soon after I saw Riveria take Lefiya away and Ais enter Finn's tent. It's gonna happen soon right?

I ran over to where Raul was, he was guarding the exit to the 51st floor with two others, a long black-haired female and a blonde beastman. I approached and heard their discussion.

"From here on out only, first-class adventurers like Finn and the others, are capable of surviving." I hear the black-haired woman say.

Before the blonde beastman could respond I made my presence known.

"'Sup guys!" I waved at them. I was met with two indifferent nods.

"Oh! Cain, what brings you here?" Raul asked.

I sigh, "I wanted to check up on you guys."

"We are doing just fine. Thank you for checking up!" Raul said, but as we simmered in we heard a rush of heavy footsteps coming our way.

"Alert the camp!" I yelled at them not caring which one took my advice, I started preparing for the onslaught of enemies coming our way, by preparing a Fire Storm, I poured everything into ensuring that this attack should be strong enough to get some enemies.

Soon after I saw a group of about 3 black rhinos stampeding away from something, I jumped above them and they continued on a path to the camp. I continued working on my spell until.

I saw a horde of massive green caterpillar-like monsters right at the entrance of the 51st floor.

The monster at the front had a Black Rhino in its mouth, making quick work of it. Before they could advance anymore I used the Fire Storm I had prepared, engulfing some of the horde in a sea of white flames. The front monster was able to shoot some of its acid spit in my direction before it burnt to a crisp.

I moved out of the way to quickly avoid it and looked at the damage of my spell, I think I got 4 of them.

Now they are all concentrated on the entrance of the 51st floor, I took a deep breath and engaged without taking out Yin. I don't want to risk losing it to their acid, it's not likely it affects it but it's too important to risk.

I kept them in the relatively small entrance to the 51st floor by spamming Fire Wave and Flame Arrows, but it became obvious soon that Flame Arrows weren't able to keep up with the enemies I was facing now. While keeping the enemies at bay for now I started refining a basic idea I've had for a bit, but never implemented. I would have to prepare it while holding them off and avoiding their spit

By making the arrow bigger I might be able to do more damage, I call it Flame Lance. It should be able to pierce more and do more damage at the cost of not being able to spam it.

I was able to make my idea a reality and its results were not disappointing, my new pattern became holding them off with Fire Wave while preparing a powerful Flame Lance, launching said Flame Lance, and repeating with Flame Lance though I was able to find space to push forward keeping a bigger buffer for the others, eventually, the only light was the light from my fire. But I could only do this for so long I could feel my Mind reserves depleting fast.

I started retreating while dodging their spit until I could see the entrance once more, I saw the executives and some others waiting in front of it.

The light behind them blew out any expression on their face but the concern in their voices told me they were worried.



Not able to bask in the feeling of returning I prepare one last Flame Lance with everything I have left.

"Mind Zero!!" I shout, trusting they have my back as I shoot out my Flame Lance as I drift out of consciousness.