
Sparring pt:2 Fixed

The arrow zooms towards me with great speed and power, aimed right between my eyes with great marksmanship. I knew I had to drop the act, even with my physical endurance where it's at I doubt that I could take the brunt of the arrow. I tried snatching the arrow out of the air and partially succeeding, swiping the arrow downwards. I feel the arrow head sink into my scales and making me clench my jaw, blood leaking from the wound. Mrs.Goodwitch was going to stop the fight before I pulled the arrow out and the entry point was already healed over, but now I knew Robin wasn't holding back. He let loose two more arrows and began knocking another. I slowed my breathing and begin to hear words for someone I feel I used to know,

???: "Remember that an archer has one fatal weakness, close combat. Daggers have one as well, they can't pierce armor. Dodge, get close and show this boy you aren't to be fucked with!"

These words rang through my head as the staff was back to my gauntlets, two wires in the air as I rushed forward towards the arrows. The wires extended out and grabbed an arrow each, knocking them off trajectory and into the crowd, the next arrow was a buzzing yellow as it sailed towards me. My eyes flashed as a gravity field was thrown up and I deactivated Self-Gravity. I set the gravity to five times, making the arrow fall to my feet and blow up into sparks of yellow. Lightning arcs off the explosion and glimpses off my scales, the beautiful glow jumping from the air to my scales, the discharge being absorbed by my scales. I can feel the energy corse through my veins and muscles, the gap between Robin and I closing faster as he lets another arrow loose. This time the arrow soars up into the air and comes plummeting down towards me, still within the range of Gravity. I tumble forward, tripping over my feet the arrow set on a dead path towards me with no avoidable. In a split second of thought I looked at the arrow and decided that I should at least test most combat capabilities, my tail uncurling and snatching the arrow from the air. A few audience members gasp as I rebound to my feet, Robin's eyes meet mine. These eyes are colder than the bubbly pastel Robin I've recently met, ones of someone who has a point to prove and doesn't plan on losing, eyes of someone who has had to fight for love and never received. These eyes were that of a fighter who wanted to go all out and was looking to push themselves, the silver green eyes and doorway. I can't hold back, if I did it wouldn't be fulfilling to him. Emotions began to conflict inside me as wanting to win and give Robin the fight he deserves pushed my control on not hurting him. I threw caution into the wind as I stopped dead in my tracks and let my aura flow forth, letting the raw energy dance across the battle before condensing it. I was prepared to not hold back as I dropped Self-Gravity and was ready to give Robin my fullest. This turn of events wasn't unnoticed as students hit the deck and begin to tremble, gazes fixated on the battle even more than before. My gauntlets entangled themselves back to my hands as I slowly walked towards Robin, his face still carrying a fighter's weight to it. He let loose three arrows, each aimed to have one hit a leg, arm and my midsection, flying true as they woul have met their mark. I swat away the one aimed at my arm and throw myself forward into a tumble, dodging the other two. As I roll I feel a sharp pain of an arrow embedding itself into my spine the pain overwhelming as from my waist down begins to feel numb, a deep chill spreading through my body as I tense up. I yelp out in pain but endure as I keep making headway towards Robin. Everything begins to feel faster but I feel slower, the chill spreading through my body. Robin launches another barrage of arrows with what feels like lightning speed, a blur of arrows being launched at me. I feel the impact as one or two bounce off but I feel more rip into me, a flashing red warning being thrown up as I get hit. Sam chimes in as I blink, for almost an eternity.

(WARNING: Body temperature dropping rapidly, source in T4 vertebrae. If the temperature continues to drop then you will most likely die due to being cold blooded. Best action would be giving up or death will occur.)

I grit my teeth and began to curse my reptilian blood before letting flames dance across my body, my vision returning to find I'm on the floor. Robin still having an arrow drawn back and ready to finish the fight. I try to stand but my body is unresponsive as my breath can be seen. I want to get up, I want to fight but Robin bested me. I sharply inhale and let out painful breath before a whistle is blown and Robin rushes over to me. I close my eyes for what seems like a second to awaken to a horrid pain. I can feel the crushing and grinding in my back before I feel the foreign object removed from my back. The cold still has its grasp on me as I close my eyes once more, opening them to find that Robin holds me in his arms with teary eyes. I can't help but smile as he says something but it's inaudible. I softly chuckle and wipe away the tears with terrible motor control,

"Cheer up kid, you beat me fair n square. I'd hug ya but I can't feel my body and I'm really tired. Smile, it looks better on ya!"

With that everything fades as I am plunged into the sea of darkness that I am ever so familiar with.

I think we were all upset with the last chapter, including myself. The criticism helps and will be effecting the novel from here on out. Sorry for all the trouble and please enjoy the fixed version!

TheLastD00Rcreators' thoughts
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