
In, to thee

As I open my eyes, what lies in my view was anew. Different from what I have expect, a new life after a long and deep sleep. It is my new life.

JaRa_15 · Action
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: House of Blusia

Year 1501, January 15

"Chirp! Chirp! Chirp!" the sound of birds chirping on its nest

The wind blows, it is cold but feels refreshing, it somehow makes you feel alive and shivered after it.

The gust makes the flowers sweep along its sweet scents.

Accompanied by the chirping of birds, the tone fit perfectly with the flow of the wind and the sweet scent of the flowers.

It is the sound of nature, a music that calms the soul, it is pleasant to experience such a sensation.

"Hhmm! hhmm! hhmm!" a voice full of warmth was humming along the sound of nature

A certain lady was happily humming on the balcony.

She was a beautiful lady in her 20's with white skin similar to a snow yet her presence is quite warm, her golden hair was fluttering in the air and a pair of blue eyes just like an ocean with a calmly gaze yet raging with love

She was caressing her stomach while humming.

Those were the actions of a lovely mother awaiting for the baby who will be born into a lively and wonderful land.

"I can't wait to see you my child, I can't wait to hold you dearly"

Those were the words said with motherly love.

She is the Countess of the House of Blusia

She is Countess Anastasia Blusia


"Tak flip, tak flip, tak flip, tak tak..."

In the chair, a fierce man was seated seriously while carefully reading and signing the documents piled up on the table.

His stature is of prestige and exudes a noble presence.

He is 192 cm, with brownish hair and amethyst eyes.

He is checking all the documents, setting a top in the table, validating if there were discrepancies with the reports and inspecting all necessary parts with it.

On his right side, stands an old man who is the butler of the house.

The butler faithfully accompanies his Lord, serving the house with all of his capability until he meets his end.

The Butler was Mikael, who served almost 5 decades and will continue to do so.

"My Lord" Mikael spoke, interrupting the work of the Count.

".....hhmm, speak....."

"My Lord, it is already time to see the Countess"

"Ohhh... It is already time huh!"

The man moves in haste, wrapping up all documents in his table.

The man stand and fixed his suit and tie preparing to see his dearly wife

The man is the Count of the House Blusia

He is Count Roq Blusia

"Tok tok tok" a sudden knock have come into the door of the office of the Count

"Come in" said by the Count, the butler hastily opens the door and what is seen behind those doors is the maid with an anxious face.

"Apologies for the sudden intrusion my lord, my lady is… as of now… in her labor accompanied by the head maid" stuttered while delivering the information to the count

Count Roq checked his watch and the time set to 7 o'clock in the evening and he hurriedly made his way to his wife he dearly loved.

The Count reached the door where her wife is delivering her child, Count Roq is uneasy and continuously walking back and forth.

He is full of worries, for his wife and for his child

The mansion is busy, all of the maids are working nonstop entering and exiting from the room holding buckets loaded with water and pieces of clothes.

In the room, the groan of the Countess can be heard while in her labor which makes the Count feel anxious and uneasy

He kept on checking on his watch and every time a maid made an exit in the room, he questioned them about the updates and the conditions of his wife.

On the other hand, the butler was quite happy and excited as the heir of the house will be born today, the master that he will serve.

A smile can be seen on his face, and diligently waiting for the birth of his future master.

An hour passed by, an echoing cry broke the deepening silence.

"Uwaah! Uwaah! Uwaah!" the sound of babies can be heard on the other side of the door.

The Count quickly pushes the door to meet his wife and his child.

Tears filled in the eyes of the count, tears of joy and happiness.

"My dear hold them for me" said by the lady lying in the bed

"…..Uhhhm…..yeah" the Count hold his children, he hold the twin firmly.

He is carefully observing his son and daughter in his arms.

He spoke "Luk Blusias, Ahryna Blusias" He gave the twins a name that came wholeheartedly from his heart filled with love and affection.