
In this life I WILL achieve the magic rank

The great magician Allmidus, has finally reached his limits. due to unfortunate mistakes, and pour decisions during his early years, his body became unable to reach the optimal state of being, and he hit a wall. But because of his obsession, in a desperate attempt to make things right, he destroyed his own body and released his consciousness to find a new container, to get reborn as the young prodigy Alfred. And now , with the knowledge from his previous life, he will climb the magicians ladder to achieve the perfect forme a magician can ever be, and become MAGIC it-self! And climb on some beds if you know what I mean.

Ayoub_Sbabti · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Death & Rebirth

In a rainy night on top of a tall mountain, the voice of a man could be heard screaming

" MASTER PLEASE ! you have to reconsider it, there must be another way!" that was the voice of a disciple begging his master.

" another way you say.... I'm sorry my child, but there's non" replied an older looking gentleman.


" YES WE DO !" yelled the older gentleman "I do. I've been searching for years now, and believe me, if this other way did truly exist, then I would have found it already"

"master, please, I'm begging you, don't go"

"I'm sorry my child, I won't ask you to forgive me, I know what I'm doing is selfish, but please, tell everyone I said good by" said the old man as he turned around and stepped into a magic circle.

"MASTER NOOOO !" the disciple ran at top speed hoping to stop his master from activating the spell, but unfortunately he hit a wall ! more precisely a magic barrier surrounding the whole magic circle.

Out of desperation, he begun banging at it, punching it, even throwing fire balls at it, all while screaming from the top of his longs, but it was hopeless, the master disciple wall was too big for anyone to overcome, he simply wasn't strong enough.

"Timothy" said the old man in a soft voice as he turned to face his disciple " my child, my pride and joy, you're strong, I'm sure you'll be fine without me, so live a good life, spread your name throughout the world as the hero that everyone loves, and surround yourself with the people you love, make sure to not end up like this old pile of bones of a master, and be happy. Tim, my son, good by"

As Allmidus Magnus, the most powerful magician of his time, finished his goodbye, the magic circle beneath him lit up, and with it his body as well, then within seconds, both the magic circle and his body turned into nothing but but particles floating in the air, leaving timothy all on his own, crying, screaming, banging his fists on the floor, wishing this all was a dream, a nightmare, hoping to wake up and see that his master was still there next to him.


After bedding farewell to his disciple, and letting his body disintegrate, Allmidus reopened his eyes with difficulty just to find himself flying at a high speed through the unknown, a dark empty space with nothing but the occasional light orbs flying at a similar high speed in all sorts of directions.

Fascinating was an understatement for the situation he was in, not only did he do all sorts of researches through all forms of literature available in the world while he was alive, he've also ran all sorts of experiments on every subject he couldn't understand, giving him all sorts of titles, like the royal wiseman, the smartest guy on the planet, the walking library and many more.

But not even he knew of such world existing "what is this place? what are those light orbs passing by? where do they com from? where do they go?" so many questions but no time to find the answers.

Because as he was observing his surroundings with the passion of a mad scientist, a strong force suddenly puled on him from the side, accelerating him to an incredible speed, applying a tremendous amount of pressure on his face forcing him to tightly close his eyes, but the pressure wasn't coming just from the front, it was coming from all directions, crushing him with so much force it left him with no other option but to scream.

" waaa waaa waaa"

"congratulations! it's a boy! and a healthy one at that!" said someone whom Allmidus could only assume was a woman from her voice.

"congratulation Martha, you're now a mother" said a man with a voice that was strangely familiar.

"hehe, you're also a father now John" said another woman with another strangely familiar voice.

'who are these people? where did they come from?' thought Allmidus to him self 'and why can't I open my eyes?'

But it wasn't only his eyes, his entire boy felt so heavy he could barely move 'seriously, what's going on?! just let me move!' he struggled and struggled just to barely open his eyes.

"look John! he's looking at you!" said Martha, she was a true beauty, with long brown hair and dark brown eyes.

"hey there little guy, how are you feeling" said John, he was what you could describe as a young adult, with blonde hair and blue eyes, the perfect match for his handsome face no woman would resist looking at him when he is passing by.

'now I'm really confused! who are these people ? and why do they sound so familiar? and how the hell are they so big!?' thought Allmidus to him self before he said " um, excuse me, can you tell me where are we exactly? and have we met before? you sound awfully familiar" or at least that was what he tried to say, what really came out was " ga ga goo, gi ga ah"

"aww, look at him John, he's trying to talk to you, isn't he just the cutest" said Martha.

"of course he is! he's my son! come on little guy, say dada. come on you can do it" said John in a childish voice.

"what do you mean dada!? he was just born! and plus, his first word will defiantly be mama, right sweetie?" said Martha in a similarly childish voice.

"you guys are unreal, I've never herd of a baby looking cute right as he leaves the womb , and technically his first word is gagagoo" said another man as he walked through the door, he was a tall, relatively muscular guy, with long black hair with some strands across his face, and a scar across his left eye.

"Tuker! are you trying to start a fight right now!" yelled John as he stood up "trust me I would love nothing more then to punch that ugly face of yours, but not today, my baby was just born and I would hate to ruin this happy occasion with a useless fight with you"

"relax, even I know not to ruin a little baby's birthday. so? what's the little guy's name?" asked Tuker.

Both John and Martha looked at each other for a second, before she cautiously replied ".....we were planning to name him Alfred"

"Alfred huh? alright, ATTENTION ! Alfred Johnathan, in accordance with our lord's orders, the esteemed maquis Oscar Greenville, you are herby declared as the apprentice of the swordmaster Tuker Vangrover, and you are to start your training as soon as you can walk properly, so if you know what's best for the both of us then I highly recommend you hurry up and grow fast so we can get this shit over with"

"what... wait hold on! what's the meaning of this?!" yelled John " why did the marquis order such thing all of a sudden? and why does Alfred have to become your apprentice of all people?!"

"oh did I forget to mention" said Tuker " just like how your wife gave birth to a child, the marquis's wife gave birth to a daughter a few hours ago. after he herd your child was born on the same day as his, he decided to make them playmates. if your child was a girl then she would have been taught how to be a proper maid so she could serve the young lady as her attendant, but sins he's a boy *sigh* then he will be taught swordsmanship by me and become the young lady's body guard"

"no way... just like that? and without even asking us?" said John in disbelieve

" hey, don't look at me like that, I'm not happy with this either" complained Tuker

"John, it's okay, even though his future have been decided for him by someone else, it's not completely bad, right? if he could become the young lady's body guard then his future would be secured" said Martha, trying her best to sound optimistic, despite the fact that her hands were shaking as she held tightly to her newborn baby.

"yeah IF " Tuker commented.

"what is that supposed to mean" said John with his patience running low.

"well it's not that big of a deal but, in case your son wasn't up to standers, then he would be banished from the marquis's territory, and you may or may no be able to see him ever again" said Tuker with a sinister smile as he left the room, leaving both John and Martha with a horrible expression on their faces, as if their whole world have just fallen appart.


As the whole shenanigans of becoming a body guard or getting banished was taking place, Allmidus, or Alfred as he's called now, was still in a trance from when he heard what kind of voice he made, the scenes he witnessed after his death were so mesmerizing, he completely forgot he was trying to get reborn.

And now after finding out he had successfully managed to turn him self into a baby, he became furious! not because something went wrong with his rebirth, but because he missed such an amazing once in a life time opportunity!

If he knew that a place like that did exist, then he would have greatly modified his spell to make him spend a lot more time there, if he could spend just a few years there then he was sure he would have been able to learn a ton from it!

But alas, it was too late to cry over spilled milk, if he wanted to go back there then he would have to work really hard for at least the next few decades, but by then it would be better for him to continue focusing on his main objective which is becoming a [MAGIC].

In this world, magicians are classified into five different ranks:

-[Apprentice magician] : learn how to control your Mana , INT +10%

-[Magician] : cast any magic spell you can , INT+20%

-[Great magician] : use two deferent types of magic at the same time , INT+30%

-[Mage] : cast magic without incantation , INT+40%

-[Arch-mage] : learn how to use all six basic elements , INT+50%

Usually, you would have to study at the magic academy for at least half a year before you can get the [Apprentice magician] title, and that's assuming you can get it in the first place, some people spend as much as three years before they can do it!

But even if you do, you might get stuck in the first grade for the next few years, after all, the one and only requirement to go to the next grade is getting the [Magician] title.

which is the only wall you need to worry about, as soon as you get it, you would be able to move on with your studies and eventually graduate after four to five years, by this time the average individual would be around 20 years or so.

"now take me for example, a few minutes old baby, if I were to close my eyes and focus my mana on my heart, then let it pump it to the rest of my body for a few seconds..."


*new title: [Apprentice magician]*


*skill learned: body strengthening: 10MP-> +10 STR , +10 DEX*

*new title: [Magician]*

"and voila! just like that, a 20years long journey have been completed before I could even learn how to walk -_- "

"now, it would be nice if I could get the [Great magician] title next, but let's take a look at my stats first, [status] "

name: Alfred Johnathan

race. : human

age. : 0

LV. : 1

HP. : 5/5

MP. : 5/5

VIT. : 1

INT. : 1 (+30%)

STR. : 1

DEX. :1

" I don't know if you have noticed it or not but, with so little mana, I can't even activate the body strengthening I just learned, let alone activate two different spells at the same time, if I want to do anything more then I need to first increase the size of my mana pool, and luckily for me, there are multiple ways to do so, like leveling up, taking elixirs..... or meditating...*yawn*... but before that..... I need to take a nap"

And with that, the world's best magician, Allmidus Magnus, have just taken both, his first step towards his dream, and his first nap in his new life as Alfred Johnathan.