
In This Corner Of The Multiverse

A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse. The catch? No cheats, no powers, no golden fingers. Watch as he crawls, schemes and bleeds for every inch of ground and every bit of power in a multiverse of world ending threats that could sneeze him out of existence. With science and technology, he will rise to new heights, conquer worlds and most importantly, have buttloads of fun. And Bon Voyage~ 7 ch/ week. 100 power stones = Extra chapter. Thanks to LordValmar for the cover fanart. First world : Rick And Morty. Second World : Heroes (TV) Third World : Star Wars Fourth World : Worm (Novel) Fifth World : One Piece (Anime) Sixth World : Marvel Cinematic Universe (Films) __________ If you feel like buying me a cup of coffee, you can support me here. Patr-eon.com/goldenfingers Thsnks for reading! __________ Doscord server : https://discord.gg/jWg6Eu6hFS

GoldFinger · Anime et bandes dessinées
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354 Chs

Back in the game.

Finally, I had it in my hands. A magical battery filled with ambient magic.

Now it was time to set up shop.

I pulled out a small fish tank from my bag of holding and began to reinforce it. First, let's shape it right.

I slapped my hands together, pulling them apart with lines of orange sparking mandalas spinning between them.

With a thought they split aparts, burning strands of orange weaving across my hands to form gloves of eldritch energy. Then using the gloves I applied transmutation magic to the glass, slowly changing it into a cylindrical one, open on the top.

Once I was done with that, I picked it up and inspected it, before smacking the bottom of the tank, blowing it off with ease.

Now I had in my hands a cylinder of glass.

Next I picked up the base I had just popped out, and began to reinforce it too, adding sealant and gaskets around the edges before reattaching it to the cylinder.

Next, I pulled out a protective wrap sheet and secured the glass with it further, ensuring there were no leaks and chances of breaking it.

With the tank ready, I filled it with a non corrosive coolant I had fixed up, attached conductive enchanted wires and tubes made of living metal to the incubus tail and dipped the filter into the coolant.

This would prevent the heat of the magical reaction from destroying the tail. After all, this is the only tail I have for the next few months until the incubus grows a new one or I can set up cloning vats.

That's another thing I need. Ideally, I would have liked to preserve the filter in hyperbaric quantum fluid but that needs a better setup to create. So for now, coolant will have to do.

Closing the lid on the tank, I pulled out a magical battery I had built and another that Pete had made for me, connected them to the filter I had prepped earlier and then placed them on a energy gathering formation I had created earlier.

I had drilled a hole into the windowsill, and extended out a little living metal prod, enchanted to gather and concentrate ambient into the formation and the fill up the ambient battery withput leaving an opening in the wards.

Finally, I attached a breaker to the whole thing, connected to a simple transmission setup and an array of sensors for better control.

With that, I flipped the switch on it and watched it come to life.

The magical batteries glowed a grayish blue and burning orange respectively as the current began to flow through them. A blue haze of magical energy rippled through the wires into the filter and out came an orange wisp, curling around the battery I had created.

In theory it was a simple process. It worked on the principle of osmosis. High concentration of magic in the ambient battery led through the filter which was always low on ambient, and got converted into eldritch energy.

This energy then fed into the other battery, one that I created, which in turn powered the wards around the room 24/7, securing me a base of operations where I could work without worry of being discovered. Now I could finally begin rearming myself.

Immediately I pulled up a database of all the resources I needed and marked them out as a smile spread on my face. Time to go resource hunting!


A week later, I was back to ship shape, armed and ready.

I checkmarked a list of the inventions I had on hand.

The ones that could basically be created via mundane processes and materials available on Earth at any given moment.

Starter armaments.

A basic power armor.


Nuetrino bombs.

My trusty 9 gauge laser pistol.

The particle beam watch.

My labcoat of levitation and the accompanying boots.

A basic healing serum too. Won't bring back the dead but short of that, it would heal most anything.

A forcefield generator for the lab as an added security measure and one for me, a clip-on, that I can carry around.

It was a weaker version too.

It couldn't stop time travel or spatial anomalies and it couldn't trap souls or cap a planet crashing into another, but it could still take a meteor strike before it broke and help me survive in space.

I will make the more advanced versions of it later when I have better stuff.

And instead of my usual contact lenses, a pair of augmented reality glasses with a primitive A.I. to help manage the lab.

It was also connected to the quantum supercomputer I had installed in the lab.

I had it set to a world scouring program already and it was at work probing through the multiverse outside of the Magicians verse for any signs of Wanda and other useful worlds.

In the workshop, I had also created a set of tools.

A nanoforge. Not as good as my cosmic forge but it would do for now.

A fabricator and 3D printer.

A matter replicator based on the simpler design I found in Gantz.

To be honest it was thanks to it that I managed to get the lab up and running in just over a week.

The ones Rick used were far more advanced and useful yes, but they also required vastly better materials.

For a basic lab, this design was actually better, especially since I want to avoid triggering that one quest on this world.

The quest for ascension to a higher plane.

It was hinted at in the later seasons of the show.

A 1293 step quest that rose humanity from flesh and blood creatures to beings of thought and energy.

I planned on completing it yes, if only as a second method to get to the realm of the old gods, the first being the Resonant Singularity Scroll hidden in the Poison Room of the Order Of The Library Of The Neitherlands, but not now. After all, once you start a quest around here, you can't stop it. It will drag you in, whether you want it or not. Hence my apprehension and the insane precautions that I took to get this lab made.

If the ambient mana touches any of my more advanced inventions it could trigger the last quest and fuck me over. Keyword, could.

Maybe it won't, who knows. But will I take that chance? Absolutely fucking not.

Finally, I had also created the portal gun. My final means of escape if shit went sideways.

I wasn't going to take it with me yet. I hadn't secured a method to hide it's use after all.

Don't want to reveal my trump card this early now do I?

But in due time, even that would be solved.

Everything was finally falling into place.

Just in time too. Classes started tomorrow.

And I was ready for it.

Just one more thing tonight.

A quick, short trip to Queen's country, Satan's moist asscrack.


To visit an author and steal a button.


"Hey guys. Miss me?" I asked as I walked up to the bar, carrying a demon sealing box under my arm.

"Nah. Barely noticed you were gone." Margo teased.

I acted deflated and sat down sulking.

Eliot scooted closer, hugging me by the shoulder.

"Dont be mean to him~" He chuckled, "Of course we missed you, Gary."

"You're doing this on purpose aren't you?" I huffed as Eliot handed me a drink.

"What do you think?" He asked.

"I think seawater is the worst kind of soup." I replied.

"What?" Margo asked, confused and I just smiled cheekily.

Absurdism. Works always, a 100 percent of the time.

One of my classic conversational tricks.

"He's fucking with us." She realized, her nose wiggling slightly in indignation.

It was cute.

"I expected as much." Eliot replied like a proud father, patting my back.

"So what have you been up to, cooped up in your room? You didn't even respond to our calls." He asked.

"Yeah. I was busy making stuff." I gestured at my coat and glasses.

"Yeah, I was wondering about those glasses." Eliot pulled them off and put them on.

"Augmented reality. Nice! What do they do?"

"Lots of stuff. Too much to list out. Play songs, check the weather, identify stuff." I explained.

"Is this about the quest?" Quentin asked.

"Yeah. Actually, I was about head out for it." I patted the demon sealing box, "Gotta fetch some stuff to advance the questline." I said.

"Can I- can we come?" He asked, "I had this dream-"

"Jane Chatwin. Clock trees. Blue glowing moths?" I asked.

"Yeah, how did you-"

"Yeah. She probably gave you the quest too." I lied, finishing my drink, " If you wanna come, you can. But I'm going to England, so I might miss the first couple of classes." I warned knowing full well Eliot and Margo had an alternative.

A nudge in the right direction.

"Not if we come along." Eliot interjected, "We have a permanent door to our favourite pub in London. We can just go from there."

"Yeah. But we want in on the quest."

"Sure. I was already asking you guys to come along. The more the merrier."

"Alright. Follow us." Margo nodded as she and Eliot led us to a room on the side.

Eliot walked up to an inconspicuous looking closet door at one end and pinched fingers, running them along the edges as they began to glow.

With a slight shimmer, I could see the other side of the door change as a small breeze blew under the seams of the door and the formerly dark closet turned began to glow with mild sunlight.

With a flourish, Eliot opened the door, and bowed, gesturing at the scene inside the closet. It now led outside, into a pub, as the patrons eyed us curiously before loosing interest.

"Come now. We don't have all day. Let's go." Eliot gloated seeing my expression of interest.

"Yeah, yeah. Do you even know where we are going?"

"I'm sure you're about to tell us." Margo snarked.

"Yup." I replied straight, throwing one of the demon sealing boxes to Margo, "Plover Estate. We're catching some ghosts."

And I swear I could hear Quentin squeak like a girl and have a nerdgasm as his eyes lit up.


I smiled.

He'll serve as a good distraction for the ghosts while I steal the real treasure.


MC is rearmed and ready to jump back into the game in full force.

Soon he will go to a new world and begin his journey to power at breakneck speeds.

Till then thanks for reading!

There are three more chapters on pat-reon, so go check it out.
