
In The Multiverse How The Sacred Treasure

The story of how a boy is given the opportunity to meet the worlds he most desires with the characters he thought were fictional. Being dead, he is given 5 options without further information, where he must choose which option. Where he chooses the option he most desires without thinking about the consequences it will have, although we don't know if it will be something good or bad. He has the opportunity to go to many worlds, but not as a human, but as a...

Yisus88 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Chapter-3 Resolving my doubts and my new self

[Good morning, it seems you are already calm and have checked your new home. So now let's proceed with the important stuff].

[First, I don't have a name or anything like that, so it's okay to tell me system].

[Second, you are currently in a secluded place, far away from everything. There is no one who can come or enter here without your permission].

[Third, this place is your own personal world, universe, pocket dimension or whatever you want to call it. Keep in mind that as long as you are here you are in no danger, as it is indestructible here].

[Fourth, when you choose the 5th option, there would be restrictions, which you already know, you can go to any world, universe, Multiverse or more.

The restriction is that you travel as the soul, spirit, or weapon owner, As you like to call it].

[Fifth, you decided as your partner Hinata Hyuga, who is the one selected to possess you, wield you or whatever you want to call it.

That the weapon you selected was chastiefol].

[Sixth, the wielder of whatever weapon or tool you are. You will receive advantages such as increasing your strength, stamina, stamina, regeneration, vitality, magic, chakra and more.

Such as decreasing the use of magic, chakra, energy and more. For example, not wasting chakra that is not used, as well as increasing the control of such energy that the user uses to avoid such waste of energy].

[Seventh, the previous one, are advantages that in general everyone can receive, but there are weapons or tools that have their specialty. 

In this case, the chastiefol, is more on the side of the wood element, like the senju clan. In this case, Hinata could use her chakra to act as vitality to help heal her wounds faster and depending on her ability to regenerate limbs. Of course, she could use these abilities for the benefit of others, either for good or evil. There could also be more special and totally different abilities that could help you evolve your bloodline].

[So far, do you have any questions?]

"Yes, this place then is my domain, but in the future then I will be able to put in animals, flora, and people."

[You could put in animals and flowers but without intelligence, of course, this restriction can be removed in the future, as you can improve this place. Although that's for later, so don't ask how, now talking about people, only people who have a connection with you through the tool are allowed to enter].

[In this case, currently only Hinata Hyuga, but they can only enter if she accepts].

"Ok, I got it, second question you say I will be like who says the weapon spirit, in this case the chastiefol spear spirit".

"But what benefits do I have, I will always be here locked up here."

[That I will explain to you now, another question you have].

"About the benefits that my users receive, in this case there is a way to increase or decrease it, another thing will be if the wearers of mine will be my masters, companions, or something else." As I ask that is what matters most to me, since if I am going to have my freedom restricted by the carrier I choose, I will have to think long and hard then who to choose later on. Since I don't want to have a person who just treats me like an object.

Although well, I must say that maybe I am now an object but with a soul.

[Ok, it seems that you only have these kinds of questions, in the second part they will be explained to you. Then I will proceed to explain the 2nd part to you].

[Eighth, you are free to decide what kind of person will possess you, which in this form you will be a weapon or some tool, in this case apart from the chastiefol that already has a user. There remain the other sacred treasures that you took from the roulette].

[Therefore, you are able to search for a new character, once done you decide the weapon that is available in your inventory, that person will only have access to receive the benefits and be able to use it].

[Ninth, the people you choose to be your users can refuse, in this case, when you choose a user who is a baby, this restriction can be ignored, as they are not giving their consent. But keep in mind that if you later want to separate from a user, you both have to agree for your separation to be valid. So think about it before selecting a new user].

[Tenth, the users you choose can be from the same world or different worlds, in this case you can choose 2 or more people from the same world. Weapons can vary as well as the power it gives to the user, but there are no restrictions on sending a powerful weapon to a user from a normal world. Only that also normal users with a strong weapon can't make use of you properly].

[Just keep in mind that using the strongest weapons in your inventory on normal worlds, you may run short of strong weapons to send to the world with high level of power. So think before you do something, as there will be consequences].

[Eleventh, the weapons you currently have are available to decide a new user.

There are three ways currently available]

[the first is to select the user's name and know what world they are from, for that you need to have a ticket that allows you to search for the desired user and give the weapon you choose for them. Note that if it is still someone who can't think for himself. You can ignore the restriction to make a link].

[The second way is through a carrier you already have in the desired world. Thus being to look for a new carrier, and there are no restrictions for that, it just has to be someone who willingly agrees to be your carrier].

(Example, Hinata already has chastiefol, therefore, if she searches for terumi mei as a new user, Hinata will have to go to terumi's village. Of course, also our protagonist can do it himself, since he is something like a sword spirit and go out to look for a new user only he can't be separated from Hinata too much).

[Third way is to choose the weapon from your inventory, once you choose it you can throw it into the time-space portal which will then be stranded until it falls into a world, universe, Multiverse or etc.]

[Once someone or something has found such an item and touched it, you will immediately know who it is and if you choose to accept it as a carrier, as long as it chooses to be your carrier].

[Of course, you can also decide not to, then you will have to wait until someone else is lucky enough to find such an item, as for destroying the weapon, there is no need to worry about such a thing. All weapons are indestructible]

[as long as the item does not have a carrier, the weapon will be like a normal sword without anything special].

[Twelfth, in this case let's talk about Hinata the carrier of chastiefol, she can use the spear and use the forms it has but using chakra instead of magic power. But that's all, as for being able to transform like the Harlequin Fairy King she can't, because for that she needs to be a fairy king].

[But there is a special ability that in this case he spends a huge amount of chakra and will use it as fuel, in this case he can transform into an older and more experienced age. Also, the techniques he uses can evolve into a high level technique like banned or beyond that].

[He can also evolve in this case being able to use the byakugan in a more advanced form, even being able to use the tenseigan, even using a more advanced form of it.]

[Thirteenth, Hinata will be able to spend chakra by imbuing it in chastiefol to control the wood element. Depending on the chakra expended, she will be able to control the wood element to a greater extent].

[Fourteenth, in this case you who are the spirit of the sword you can do, currently being the spirit of chastiefol, you will have all the experience, techniques, and power of a king].

[Fifteenth, currently you will be able to use all the transformations, forms, or power of king and chastiefol but in your pocket dimension. Once you try to use the power in the outside world, you won't be able to, there are different ways to use it].

[First, chastiefol or any other weapon will be able to absorb or store chakra, natural energy and other surrounding energy. Where you will automatically know how to absorb, in this case you will be able to use chakra like the ninjas, as well as Naruto's sage mode. You just have to practice how to make use of that energy to achieve such techniques].

[You can also use chakra as fuel to generate magical energy and use the power of the Fairy King Harlequin. You can also use chakra, natural energy and other energy from the world of Naruto, and use the power of king being chakra attacks. Additionally, you can borrow chakra from your user as fuel]

[in this case let's say you want to use the ultimate form of king, and you occupy 10,000 units of chakra, your attacks, and forms will be chakra. In this case you want to use the magic power of the king's world, then you will have to use 20,000 units of chakra, using the magic power costs twice as much for transforming chakra into magic power].


By the way, Hinata Hyuga was just born and Naruto will be born two months after Hinata, so I will change the birthdate of both of them a little bit. 

I guess you already know what will happen on the day of Naruto's birth.

I've already given almost all the information about how the system works. Like the freedoms and restrictions that the protagonist can be given.

If you have new ideas that you want to contribute to the story, I would appreciate it.

I would appreciate it if you donate stones of power to motivate me to continue writing, thank you.

Yisus88creators' thoughts