
In the mind of an NPC

After reincarnating into the past as an NPC, Girisia was faced with two options, either fall into despair and continue to barely survive in the lowest drenches of the society or make a stand and find out who played this ugly game with his life. Now, if destiny is to be challenged, there should be nothing wrong in using the immortal resources that come in the form of Players. After all, "A hunter cannot be blamed for hunting a prey that willingly served itself." ***** Read my other work called "Jealous Nerd vs The Immortal Army". The story of an unlikely manipulative hero without shame or care for the world. Born with a vulgar mouth and equally cursed ability, the immortals will regret meeting him. If I have to say, he is polar opposite of the MC in ItmNPC.

GoGo · Fantaisie
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360 Chs

1.15.2 Tis pretty easy, my lady. - Part2

'At this rate of experience gain, I would catch up to that bastard in a few days!' Girisia walking on his two legs rejoiced with his happiness was through the roof. He recently recovered from his injuries and lost his dependency on the weird guy Tarkov left him with.

So even if he had two fewer limbs on his body, at least he can still walk with his legs properly.

He can't imagine what would have happened if he lost both of his legs instead of his hands.

"Well, I will probably do the same, I still have these bionic arms.: He said, swinging his robotic arms like a helicopter.

There was no one in his room at the moment, no players to hound him for a quest, no weird guys who kept watch of all his movement, and no old man like Yoshikov who kept trying to approach him.

Even the fake respect of the military guys in the compound annoyed him. Girisia knew if he wanted actual respect, he needed to earn it all. But he was never someone who cared for it anyways.

Instead, all this attention just caused him annoyance. Making it so, his room is the only respite from his current hectic life.

Still, he can't believe how far he had come from starting as a crazy beggar. Soon his beggar days will only remain as a memory to him, just like his life in the previous timeline.

"If only my brother could see me now." Girisia joked, knowing full well how his brother was putting his 'life' on the line to find all the gore nests and he could talk to him if he wanted to.

But his will was still not that strong to approach his family with the truth. Maybe he didn't know how to explain how he turned into an NPC or he may just be scared of what he may find about his other self if he talked to them.

Though he dreams one day to talk to them face to face.

*Knock *knock…

"Huh?" A light knock on the door woke Girisia from his blissful planning of the future. This was the middle of a knight and it is bizarre for one to approach someone as important as him this late at night.

"Who is it?" Girisia asked, his head creasing up in annoyance. 'That Slade had one job.' He cursed the man Tarkov had stuck him with.

"Tarkov!" Just this name and voice gave Girisia enough reason to open the door. He knew only Tarkov could get a free pass from Slade without him getting notified about it.

"So early…?" Though Girisia asked this question, he didn't delay in opening the door.

Girisia knew that Tarkov had taken a ten-day leave and from his experience, it would take around 7 days at the fastest if he didn't face any problems in the forest. But this was only the fifth day. And it seemed Tarkov had either over-performed from Girisia's expectation or failed at the task.

Of which, Girisia never wanted to come true.

"Did you get…" Girisia paused, his words getting stuck in his throat.

"No, I didn't… But I do believe the real Tarkov is on his way with whatever you want from him." Wilkis said, in his usual heavy voice.

'Fuck.' Was the only thought that remained in Girisia's head at this point.


"Who is watching me…!!" Tarkov, worried due to the scratched words on his jeep drove through the wasteland in full throttle.

The backside of his jeep was way emptier than when he was leaving for Hermat jungle. A sign that not all of his drones could escape the forest on time.

His body also donned a new set of clothes while his spare exo-armor was thrown in the back.

"Did I mess up?" He had asked this question again and again, though nothing had happened to him as of yet, he was not sure whether he was clean of any markings.

He was not even sure the words on the jeep spoke of the truth but taking the warning written on the marrow canister into account, something may be keeping a watch on him since he picked up that canister.

'Should I just throw it in the wild?' This thought also came into his mind a lot. Though he didn't follow up on any of it. He was not even sure if throwing it out will help him at all.

The best solution is to just hand it over to Girisia and be done with it. This is the best solution that comes to his mind.

But he is not so stupid to directly hand it over to Girisia, he won't speak of any of his experience to him nor warn Girisia of anything.

He even planned to take off the warning label on the canister before handing it to Girisia. He needs to make sure a coward like Girisia doesn't back down from his promise.

"That Fedorov better keep his promise."


Race: Trogoldi

Class: None[9]

Trait: Lover of Insects

Racial Trait: Glutton Stomach

Title: None

[FSP:0 ] [KP: 0] [Exp: 19340]


STR: 2

CTS: 1

DEX: 3

INT: 1

SPR: 7

WIS: 7

[Vigor: 230]

[Health; 235]

Passive Skills: Sprinter lvl2

Active skills: none

Knowledge window: (minimize+4)

Elementary Spirit ink Engraving[null], Elementary Blood Pact[null], Elementary Dancing with the beast[null], Breathe like a beast and hunt like a warrior[null]

[Overview: You are not a hunter yet..]

"I now have enough experience to level up… thanks for your help everyone." Professor Oak said, looking at his status window with glistening eyes.

This was a level unheard of so early in the game but the Maple Syrup guild had done the impossible by giving their guild leader precedence over the experience by making him put in the last killing blow each time and with his strength increasing he could hunt on his own and his rate of experience gain increased too.

So while most of the players on Taurus were only around 4-5 while the players on Danav remained at 6-7, Professor Oak had reached the impossible rank of 9 and now had enough experience to level up once again.

And as everyone knew by this point in time, Level 10 is when their class unlock and they start their path of transcendence.

"So what are you waiting for… level up and show us how it's done." Su Yan said, recording this legendary moment that will be noted down in history.

ProfessorOak will become the first man to ever reach level ten.

And her words were also supported by others in their group, they can't handle how their guild leader was teasing them.

"Well if you say so!" Oak laughed, then he turned to Su Yan and announced to the whole world with pride spilling out of his gait.

"Now be witness to the legendary event… Where I become the first to level up to ten! Also Mayfly, I win this time."

He said, pressing down the level button.

And with a simple ding, his body blossomed with green light covering taking over his body. He felt his blood pump and his heart rate increase, he even felt how his perception came close to leaving his body and how the small air currents in the air were rejoicing and congratulating him on his advancement.

[You have met the basic requirements for shaman, you will now advance to transcendence.]

[Unlocked Class Skill Totem]

[Obtained Active skill: Blood pact.]

[Obtained Creation skill: Spirit Engraving]

[Obtained Passive skill: Dancing with the beast]

[Your Vigor had turned into Wild spirit.]

[Two stat points have been added to all your stats.]

[Gain 4 free stat points]

[Grade 2 achieved, 1.2 stat modifier has been activated.]

[Remark: Your remaining experience points have been divided by 100]

"Yess… We did it! The class-up is way stronger than I thought, we need to level up fast." Professor Oak announced to his guildmates. Then he turned towards the Su Yan and turned his profile window into public while hiding his trait. He was going to flex about it to the world.

"See this everyone."

Race: Trogoldi

Class: Novice[9]/Shaman[1]

Trait: ##########

Racial Trait: Glutton Stomach

Title: None

[FSP:4 ] [KP: 10] [Exp: 3]


STR: 4

CTS: 3

DEX: 5

INT: 3

SPR: 9

WIS: 9

[Wild spirit: 350]

[Health: 280]

Passive Skills: Sprinter lvl2 → Dancing with the beast[lvl2]

Active skills: Totem[0], Blood pact

Creation Skill : Spirit Ink engraving

Knowledge window: (Empty)

[Remark: Congratulations young hunter, you have started your journey on the path of transcendence. Now with this newfound strength, you should stop inviting death so much.]

Besides the upgrade of the sprinter skill to Dancing with beasts, all the skills he obtained were original. And all of them had the potential for greatness.

The blood pact was a simple skill that helped an individual contract with beasts. It was the reason why so many of the people who had been hunting them always had their beastly comrades helping them. Though it was not the skill Professor Oak was that interested in.

It was a Creation skill. The one that can help him create Totems on his body is called Spirit Ink engraving.

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Now ignoring the default author messages, lets talk about something else... like how for example, this story... I really need a feed back and by that I don't mean the reviews... Just some comments... I am really thirsty for those, they are sort of boost to my ego. For I am Crime Master GoGo.

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