
ch 15

It's been over a month since the altercation from the three stooges and Carl hasn't had a problem with them. In fact cause of carls mental suggestion they seem to be behaving for the most part. They're not model students by far but they seam to have cut out the bullying.

Besides navigating school life and hanging out with Peter and Ned. he has also kept in contact with Ahsoka and Rex via the holo terminal. They have begun building a base into one of the mountains on mars. It will take awhile till the base is fully automated but they told Carl once it is they will head out in search of morag for the power stone. Carl told them if they could they should set up something to extract the resources from Venus and asteroids. This is because there should be lots of metal, minerals and gasses they can use on Venus and along with metal they can find vibranium in asteroids. Rex and Ahsoka thought on this and said they can put up a small outpost on Venus that can collect materials and also program some droids to go to asteroids for mining and they can gather everything back at the main base to process. Carl agreed he just told them to make sure everything is well guarded before they head out in search of morag.

Carl has also been working on the droids. he has dismantled all the b1 and b2 battle droids and has started to upgrade the commando droids. He will be installing the shields like he has been doing on everything. Combining the coding from the Star Wars universe and marvel, Carl was able to upgrade their targeting and reaction time. He didn't bother with the b1 and b2 droids at all cause b1 were stupid and b2 were slow and clunky. Building more commando droids even tho it will be less, they will be more helpful.

It was during this time when he was working on one of the droids that HK-47 came up to Carl, {master, one of the events you have mentioned has happened} Carl has given HK a list of probable events that may happen and for him to let him know when they occur.

Carl gets up, "what happened?" He asked HK.

HK then reports, {the meatbag called Tony stark has gone missing. It's on the news now master.}

Carl then made his way into the house where the tv was and after getting to it he turns it on and switches it to the news then turns up the volume. "Again we report after a weapons demonstration in the Middle East Tony Stark CEO of Stark Enterprises has gone missing after an attack on the convoy he was part of. The convoy was almost to base when they were attacked. That's all we were able to get from the military but we hope to hear more soon and we will report on it here first." Carl then turned off the tv.

'So the first iron man movie is starting' Carl thought to himself. With this everything changes. He's contemplating on getting involved. He knows he will have to sooner or later but right now it's probably good to lay low and build up his strength. Maybe after the next reality he will get more involved. He then went to go work on his force powers, feeling himself getting stronger with the force as his connection grows.

The next day during lunch Carl was sitting with Peter and Ned as usual. "Did you hear about Mr. Stark?" Peter asked the group.

Ned nodded his head, "ya I heard. That's crazy right? I mean he's Tony stark. How can something like that happen to someone as famous as him." Ned said as if being famous makes u immune to bad things happening to you.

Carl was about to say something to placate the both of them till someone els butted in saying, "just because he's a celebrity doesn't mean he's exempt from a bad day." Carl, Peter and Ned all look over at the other occupant of their table, Liz Allan. She took up the other end of the table they were at and she would frequently eat at their table commenting every now and then on their discussions. When she felt all their eyes on her she looked over and said, "he's probably being tortured or dead." And at the horrified expressions of both Ned and Peter she seamed to have a satisfied look on her face.

Carl looked over at Liz and wondered what was up with her? He doesn't remember much of the Spider-Man story line cause he watched them only once he vaguely remembers Liz's dad being a villain? Vulture if he remembered correctly. "That's a possibility but I would be willing to bet he would be held ransom, cause everyone knows he has the money for it." They all looked at Carl and both Peter and Ned seam to be a little relieved that Tony stark would most likely survive, even Liz had a thoughtful look at what Carl said and nodded saying that could also be a likely outcome. Liz isn't mean she just likes to sow chaos when she can.

Another Three months went by with Carl practicing his force ability's and lightsaber skills. He also has a small army of commando droids with his modifications all capsuled up ready to go.

Carl hasn't been neglecting his social life. He hangs out with Ned and Peter often going to the mall and such. Carl has even been over to Peter's house where he met aunt May and uncle Ben. It surprised Carl that uncle Ben was alive but didn't dwell too much on it.

Because Peter will become Spider-Man in the future and Carl vaguely remembers that Ned knows Peter is spider man, Carl has been showing Peter and Ned some of the things he's making and even gifted some things to them. Nothing to out there just small things and most they think are replicas or inspired by Star Wars, which they're kinda right. He gifted them some clone gauntlets that Carl customized. They had the function for communication between the three they each had and also for a defensive feature he added a stun gun on both Peter and Ned's. He also gifted them a small droid each that were no bigger than someone's palm. It had the function of rolling into a ball and could climb any surface. It also had the capability of plugging into computers and display data through a holo screen.

Ned thought all Carl made were just really advanced toys but Peter could see what they really were. Peter was amazed by what Carl made them and asked him questions and how he made it and such. Carl, not wanting to deal with the endless questions, just gave Peter the design schematics for what he gave and Peter was grateful and going straight into them looking them over.

One day Carl was working on things in the living room of his house when the tv that was on the news suddenly had breaking news, "we report live now that Tony stark has been found and is on route to New York. We'll give you more as the situation unfolds."

'So iron man has arrived.' Carl thought to himself As he finished working on his clone wrist communicator gauntlets adding the blasters from the B2 droids and a grappling hook. He needed to get ready cause there's a limited window for what he's planning to do next.

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