


I sigh, running a hand through my hair as I had finished serving my last customer. Mopping the sweat off from my forehead, I turned around and head back into the kitchen only to literally bump into Mr. Harp on my way back.

"Oh, I'm sorry" I apologized as I stepped back and looked up to meet his eyes. He had the same serious expression on his face that was there ever since I've started working here. His eyes looking down at me, showing seriousness and his lips formed in a thin, straight line.

"Ms. Carson" he greeted, folding his arms and I send him a small smile before greeting him as well. Mr. Harp is my boss. He's not liked by many but I don't really blame them. I mean he's always serious all the time and having fun is just not something he would do.

"And where are you going?" He asked after, raising an eyebrow at me. I frown a little, giving him a confused look.

"I'm about to sign out from work," I answered, still frowning at him and he raised one of his eyebrows at me again before opening his mouth to speak.

"And who told you that you can leave?"

"But...there aren't any more customers and my shift is over. So why can't I leave? Unless you want me to serve the air" I asked, mumbling the last part which he somehow didn't hear and I was a little relief.

"Well...unfortunately, we have a few more guests coming. They are very important and are my very good friends so I couldn't say no to them. Now, they'll be arriving in a few minutes. I need you back in the kitchen with the rest and start preparing to serve them." he commanded me and I mentally groan in annoyance.

My work shift was over already so I don't need to be here. I was also exhausted. Very. I just wanted to go home, take a warm bath then lay in my warm cozy bed before falling asleep. Ad now I couldn't do that because I have to work overtime! And I couldn't say no. I couldn't even find an excuse because Mr. Harp will probably get mad and fired me. Trust me, I've seen him fired a few workers before just because the couldn't work overtime. Yeah, he's pretty crazy when he's angry.

"Ms. Carson, I hope you've heard everything that I just said" his voice pulled me out of my thoughts and I sigh as the thought of laying in my cozy bed left my mind.

"Yes Mr. Harp, I heard you"

"Good," he said letting a breath out then continued. "Now get working" he commanded me once more and I nodded my head before I turned my heels and began walking towards the kitchen but halt my steps when Mr. Harp spoke again. I turned around to show he had my attention.

"and...you better not f**k anything up or find yourself another job" he warned me before unfolding his hands and left in the opposite direction.

Anger slowly crept over me as I became more than annoyed at the man. He's seriously a damn asshole!

Silently cursing at him, I took a breath to calm myself before I turned around and walked angrily into the kitchen.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"When are they going to arrive? F**k! I can't wait anymore, I just wanna go home" said one of my co-workers and I sigh as well, feeling well-drained of my energy.

It was almost 10:30 PM in the night and Mr. Harp so-called important friends hadn't shown up as yet and I'm about to fall asleep from how tired I was. I'm really thinking of leaving at this moment and quit this damn job already but I couldn't. It's a good job that pays well and it really helps a lot with paying my bills, so I don't know If I'd ever find another job like this and even if I do, it might take me a while before I found one. So I couldn't quit.

The kitchen was quite silent with only the sound of exhausted sighs and yawns which filled the room. The majority of my co-workers we're all beginning to fall asleep as they struggled to keep their sleepy eyes open, some even excusing themselves to the bathroom to take a quick nap. We all just wanted this to be over so we can go home and sleep and our prayers were soon answered because a few minutes later, Mr. Harp showed up.

Everyone immediately stood up, sleepiness leaving their eyes and those who were in the bathroom came running out. No sign of exhaustion was presented in anyone as we now stood attentive, looking at Mr. Harp, who had a serious look on his face.

His eyes scanned the room, looking at all of us before he folded his arms, as he usually does and opened his mouth to speak. "My friends have just arrived and are waiting for one of you to take their order. Now, I must promise that whoever messes up anything will take their shit and leave so just don't" he said in a serious tone that made everyone gulp. "Now get to work," he said, shooing us away and we all want right to work.

"Okay, how about Ariana take their orders while we get everything ready?" Daniel, who's also my co-worker, suggested and I raised my brows at him.

"And why me?"

"Because you're great with customers. You can make anyone smile so I'm sure you won't mess up things and no one will get fired that way" he answered and I rolled my eyes at him but it was true though. I was good with customers and could make almost all of them smile, even if they were having a bad day.

"Fine...I'll do it," I said, snatching the note pad that he was holding in his hands from earlier and left the kitchen, walking towards the table that was filled with men in black.

I stopped for a moment, gulping as I looked at them then resumed, slowly walked toward their table. I came to a halt again when I was now standing in front of their table and they didn't seem to notice me as they were busily discussing something that was in a suitcase.

I bit my lips, lightly clearing my throat which got their attention. They quickly closed the suitcase, looking up to me and I literally froze when I really got a good look at their faces.

Some of their faces were covered in tattoos and scars and their eyes were the color of black. They looked very scary as if they were very dangerous people to mess with.

"Umm...H-hi, may I have y-your order?" I began stammering as fear took over me while they literally stared at me. I was starting to regret coming out here to take their orders.

"Yeah, we'll have a bottle of Sangiovese" one replied in a thick Italian accent and I nodded my head, writing his order down.

"O-okay, is there anything you would like to eat?" I asked again but this time a little braver than before.

"No, we'll have the wine alone for now" the same man answered. I replied with an 'okay' before turning around a walked hastily back into the kitchen.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Finally!" I sigh as I burst through the door, the cold air hitting me immediately, sending my hair flying to the back of my head. I took a deep breath, taking in the fresh night air then began walking to the bus stop.

It was already 11:00 PM in the night and I was exhausted than ever. My eyelids were heavy, daring to fall but I somehow kept it open.

I sigh again as I turned into the alley, the same alley I take to get to the bus stop every day, and hasten my footsteps, hoping that I'll catch the bus in time, so I can get home and rest my heavy eyes.

The alley was darker than usual tonight since it was later in the night and they were hardly anyone walking on the streets with not a shadow of anyone in the alley...or so I thought.

I slow down a bit when I suddenly began to hear voices that were speaking in a foreign language I could not understand but could guess. I think it was Italian.

"ti uccido, cazzo" one voice spoke and then the sound of someone struggling to breath was heard. My eyes widened in fear when I think I knew what was happening.

[Translation: I will f**king kill you]

I slowly started to walk backwards with my hand over my mouth, muffling any noise that I might make.


Two gunshots suddenly went off then a loud thud was heard making me yelp, removing my hands from my mouth I broke into a run. My breath became a little uneven as I dash towards the end of the alley and I was almost there too but before I could've meet the end, A hand suddenly grabbed me, slamming me into a wall which caused a loud scream to erupted from my throat.

I scream as loud as I could, hoping that someone will hear me and come to my rescue but it was soon muffled by a hand around my neck.

The hand suddenly got tighter around me and that's when I looked to his eyes and although it was hidden behind a dark shadow, I just knew he was looking me in the eyes as well.

And then he spoke.

"Who are you?"  his deep, husky voice asked, his hands gripping my neck tighter.
