
1. Escaping Helgen

[ Initiating Summoning System ... 20 percent 40 percent 60 percent 80 percent 100 percent]

[System initiated.....]

[Grettings, user] [I am the summoning system granted by 'The One Above', my assigned task is to help you in whichever path you wish to follow.]

Immediately Liam started asking questions to the system, "How exactly will you help me, what can you accomplish"

[Missions and Side Quest will be assigned as well as rewards such as SP (System Points) which will allow the user to purchase heroes, soldiers, technology, building blueprints, skills, and equipment. Some rewards will be given as Septims( Skyrim Currency) after the completion of missions.

[Summomed System Troops can be customized, purchased must be made with septims and the troops' equipment must be purchased separately. Any troops from the system will be loyal to the user but beware that they are not robots and have feelings and emotions of their own, and if their morale falls under a specific percent, they will rebel and may murder you.]

"system, how did I get here"

[scanning memory...] [seem that after you fell asleep, you turned falling from the bed and hitting your temples with the bedside table]

"Well that's a dumb way to die"

"¿why bring me to the world of Skyrim?"

[creator seems to have chosen a world you may be familiar with]

"You mentioned the creator, ¿Who exactly is this creator?


Because the system chose not to answer the questions, Liam got a little irritated

"¿¡Not gonna answer, seriously!? is there anything you can tell me besides the answer to the questions asked previously"

[¿would the user like to change his current name and appearance?]

"¿¡I can do that!?" "won't it be strange for me to magically change my appearance in front of so many people"

[not at all, for this one-time system can rewind time before you enter this world and rewind it after your appearance has been changed]

"ok that's dope, so I can choose to look however I want without limitations"

[...yes but the system recommends selecting a usable form so that it won't hinder the progress of the missions such as a humanoid structured body]

"sounds reasonable, wouldn't be able to do battle without hands much less kill a dragon"

[what appearance will you choose]

"I always envied the life Bjorn live in the Viking series so why not pick his looks to live my new life, while I'm at it will also keep his name"


[system needs confirmation, do you select Bjorn Ironside's physical appearance as well as his name][Yes, No]


With that Liam started to feel a horrible headache and his body was going through extreme pain while his vision slowly darken... After regaining consciousness Liam now Bjorn could hear a man that he recognized as Hadvar asking the prisoner's names. (fast forward from here until hiding in the tower) while recovering from the attack from the dragon inside the tower Bjorn receives a system notification


[system has rewarded you with a starting kit]

15,000 System Points

5× Varangian Guards

"The Varangian guard is a pretty good unit taking into consideration their physical capabilities and the fact that their Northman makes the perfect unit to have in Skyrim which was founded by a northerner descendant of Ysgramor.

While Bjorn was lost in his thoughts rolof could be heard telling him that they needed to keep going further until they reached the fortress. Coming back to reality Bjorn and Ralof started running up the stairs, jumping buildings, and evading the fiery breath of the dragon ... After more running and evading we finally reached the fortress and entered. We went through the barracks, got the equipment that would be needed, cleared whatever soldier we saw, and kept going deeper until we reach a small room where a small battle was occurring.

After helping the stormcloacks win the battle Bjorn started looking inside a cell

Where there was the corpse of a mage, next to it was a spell book for sparks which wasn't the best but with the system, the possibility of making this spell stronger is there. We went through one or two battles more until finally getting out of the secret tunnel that leads to helgen, Bjorn decided to directly part ways with Ralof after they arrive at the Riverwood.

" Well seems we finally made it to your hometown Ralof, I know this may seem sudden but we are gonna gave to part ways, is there anything I can do for you before we part? I owe you one for saving me back there after all." " Riverwood is unprotected maybe if you go to whiter run and tell the jarl what happened at helgen he might send some men to protect this place, you just need to go straight down this path and you'll start seeing signs of whiterun.

"It's the least I can do, well it was an honor meeting you may destiny cross our paths in the future, and don't worry as I'll ask the jarl for help the moment I reach whiterun."

After parting ways with Ralof and on his way to whiterun Bjorn decided to look in his inventory and open his starting kit.

This is my first novel so please don't expect much from it at forst, I promise to make the story more entertaining as time passes. English isn't my native language so expect errors, I'll try using a correcting app and see how well it functions.

Hope you guys like the novel any comments on how to improve my writing or make the story more exciting please let me know all constructive comments are welcome.

Ericzenncreators' thoughts
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