
In Pokémon with a Production system

Auteur: Zachatack
Anime & Comics
Actuel · 2K Affichage
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What is In Pokémon with a Production system

Lisez le roman In Pokémon with a Production system écrit par l'auteur Zachatack publié sur WebNovel. This story is about a guy who saves a mother and her 2 children from a burning building. I know that's a big surprise right? Anyways after our star's heroic death he meets a ROB and gets reincarnate...


This story is about a guy who saves a mother and her 2 children from a burning building. I know that's a big surprise right? Anyways after our star's heroic death he meets a ROB and gets reincarnated into Pokémon with some cheats. To become a production magnet for Pokémon part's. In this story the Mc has a system and some other cheats. That will be shared with you the readers later on in the story.

7 étiquettes
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