
Chapter 1 : An Offer

"So, where were we? Oh, right I'am not a criminal, much less a lowly thief, because I'm not that kind of person. And…. what about my previous offer, are you interested?"

A man spoke casually to a young man in a white shirt in front of him with a lowered head, hiding his face from the man's view.

However, the young man was not as calm and relaxed as the man was. His downcast face was sweating profusely, his eyes were shaking, he was biting his lower lip tightly. He was experiencing great fear.

How come?

If someone you thought was a thief broke into your house in the middle of the night and your timid self took drastic steps that time, turning into someone brave at least once in his life and then you found the thief was not an ordinary thief, but a thief with magical powers. What would you feel?

Of course scared! He was a fricking afraid right now and then!

What's more when you see that he doesn't look like a human in general, but he is a human-like creature with skin as black as ink who issuing magic from his hands in the form of black shadows that resemble tendril of black tentacles grab your broom that was meant to be used as weapon against the so called "thief" and threw it across the room to smithereens in front of your eyes.

Who can resist being shocked and frightened when they experience this? Moreover, the young man had never seen a human like the man in front of him, a scary creature he did not know was in front of him talking casually as if this was his home was something the young man never imagined.

And now, the sound of his irregular breathing was the only sound that could be heard at this moment in this tiny room belonging to a young man who is now in fear, a young man named Langit, as both Langit and the unknown figure fall into silence.

His face and body were drenched in his own sweat, his erratic breathing and the sound of his own heart now beating very fast sounded like a bomb exploding in his ears.

His brain was still trying to figure out what had happened to him, the thief or what he thought at the time was using magic out of nowhere, making his bravest fight in his entire life seem like a joke.

And now, his weapon, a broom was flung into another part of his apartment room in a pathetic condition.

"Hey - hey, I told you before. I'm not a thief. I'm a Xenosian named Ken, and I'm here in front of you pathetic self just to give you an amazing deal that no human can even imagine!"

The strange creature named Ken said with an irritated tone in his voice.

He lifted his face slightly to look at Ken face from the corner of his eye, trying to keep himself from becoming the target of the creature named Ken's wrath in case he accidentally offended himself with his gaze. Who knows what the creature will do to him if he gets irritated. He didn't dare to go toe-to-toe with it.

Now he could see the person much more clearly than when he was in panic and fear, the bright neon lights also helped him to clearly see the appearance of "Ken", different from when the room was still pitch black. Black skin as black as ink, eyes and hair that are also black and clothes that are all black that can easily blend into the darkness. And if you look closely, there are two pairs of small black horns on his forehead. What is this, a cosplay? Well, he was denying what he just thought, a cosplayer at least couldn't control the shadowy tentacles to attack others.

"Hey, after all you have to look directly at the person you are talking to. Not look down and think something disrespectful towards him. And what you think is the same as the body shaming that you people often talk about, you know?"

Ken's words were like magic that he couldn't resist, he immediately found himself staring intently at the creature named Ken. It was Ken's broad smile that greeted him at that moment, making him shudder in horror.

"Ah, uh... Okay?"

He stammered.

Again his heartbeat didn't help him, because it was beating faster and faster just because of a little panic, this unlucky congenital disease was torturing him even at this crucial moment, it made it even more difficult for him to breathe and concentrate.

"Hey, it's not a stupid disease! It's a blessing for you challenge enthusiasts, a battle maniac, a crazy bxastard if I might say! Tsk..."

Again Ken replied what he thought. It seemed that what he was thinking was no longer a secret to him. So, no secrets heh.

And what does blessing mean? Well, it feels like this is a curse not a blessing, right now his chest feels like it's about to explode because of the fast beating of his heart.

"Whatever, now – now how about my offer huh? Are you interested? Of course, so come on say yes and reach out to shake hands with me. Your miserable life here will end and what you wish will come true!"

Ken said magnificently, making exaggerated movements with his hands like a character in a some anime he'd seen. But it managed to bring her attention to him once again and the last movement of Ken's hand opened his mind to drift off to a place that might not have existed at all, starting over as a new individual.

And the offer, like the devil's whisper again echoed in his mind. Weird and absurd as it sounded just like the magical power he had shown him in the beginning, made his mind boggle again.

He was right, he really wanted a new life away from his current "sad" life. However, will he live as he wants if he agrees to the deal?

Everything was still a mystery to him at the moment, however, he didn't want to miss the opportunity he was currently facing. Langit may not be a gambler, but let him gamble on fate and the people in front of him for the first and last time in his life. If he was a demon trying to plunge him into the seventh hell, then let fate do the cause, because that was the risk he had to face. To be better or worse is in front of him at this time it's his only chance.

"Is it true that you can grant my wish? Make me go from here to another world full of fantasy, full of opportunities?"

Langit said quietly in a voice like the buzz of a mosquito, eyes drooping down again. He just couldn't hear no, he could no longer accept a no from someone else, a false statement that could only make him hope and hope again, even though in the end it could only make him fall down because of rejection. Eh, sad boy huh.

No reply from Ken. Should he repeat what he said in a louder voice?

Langit lifted his face and looked at his companion once more.

He smiled. Like a hunter who found his prey right in his grasp, the smile of the creature in front of him made his body tremble violently like it had been scalded by ice water.

Did he make the wrong choice?

"Hahaha, Langit oh Langit! Don't worry! You've made the right decision to make a deal with me, Ken the Shadow God!"

His laughter made Langit speechless, God? I made a deal with God? Are gods real? Well, it seems possible with the magic and power that he displayed.

"And like I said from the start, this deal will make you thank me for the rest of your life, you'll find yourself in another world with endless opportunities and I'll get your life in this world. And I will get your current life. A win-win situation isn't it?"

Ken said again, now bringing his face closer to Langit's with his scary smile.

But he returned to his position, stretched out his long hand to Langit who looking at him in silent.

"Come on, reach out your hand and hold mine, then this deal will be fulfilled instantly!"

Langit swallowed its saliva and reached for the pitch-black hand. Warm, just like a normal human's. It seemed he wasn't the demon he had imagined. Langit tried to smile awkwardly and looked at Ken's face.


"It's just that it's going to hurt a lot," Ken said one last time before his body was covered in excruciating pain.

From the body around Ken suddenly appeared black shadows like the magic he used before, only this time the shadows reached and plunged into his body, it felt like millions of ants were forcing their way through the pores of his body while gnawing at every inch of his body.

Langit's eyes widened, he fell onto the cold tiled floor as his hands unsuccessfully tried to grab the edge of the table to help him up but his hand falling helplessly with him. The scream he wanted to let out got stuck in his throat refusing to come out. He was in extreme pain.

And what he saw last time was Ken faintly waving at him while saying something, something he didn't know.

Then everything went dark.