
In MHA with a Pokemon quirk

A normal guy has been waiting to get reincarnated and finally gets his wish. Follow him in his adventures in the world of MHA with his Pokemon quirk as he stumbles around ——————————————- This is my first time writing anything close to a story but i hope you enjoy and help me learn form my mistakes, you are also more than welcome to give me ideas or suggestions. ——————————————- I do not own MHA or the cover All rights go to their respective authors

Ivan_The_Terrible · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs


—————————- Cain pov:

Damn that felt better than what i expected.

I look up and i see a transparent screen with a red background with white accents that asks me if i'm a boy or a girl.

Well that's an obvious answer i'm a boy, and then it switches to a character creation screen that was very detailed. Oh boy! Am i going to have some fun with this!

A few minutes go by and i feel a sense of pride in how handsome i'll look when i eventually get into UA, because trust me i'm GETTING INTO UA, i can't help but feel excited at the prospects of what the future has in store for me.

'But first i have to confirm my lady killing body' i think with a giddy expression. I look at my perfect creation and i see a clone of Shiba Tatsuya the main protagonist of The Irregular in Magic High School. What can i say my creativity wasn't flowing today but oh well at least i'll look handsome and my name shall be Red just like the main character and legendary trainer from pokemon.

I finally select [COMPLETE] and i can't help but shout with excitement when faced with all of the new possibilities ahead of me.


————————— all for one pov:

That day was a strange day for All for one because he accidentally dropped his tea cup... and All for one never makes careless mistakes like that

All for one: "hmm.... a most unusual occurrence"

———————————Red pov:

And my mighty statement was cut short by a hard slap to my bottom that believe it or not made me wail like a lunatic, i mean it hurt ok!? Don't judge me!

I can't open my eyes yet and my ears haven't gotten adjusted to the world around me yet but i can feel the warmth of a hug caressing my whole body like shield that will protect me from all harm.

Damn i can't help...but..sleep.

———————————???? Pov:

???: "Look honey he is sleeping like a small little bundle of cuteness"

???: "hehe i know such a cute baby must have a good name, we can think about it later now let me and my baby rest" said the gorgeous woman with black hair and green eyes while releasing a murderous aura towards a tall muscular man that was standing near the bed with a gentle smile.

???: "yes yes izumi don't worry yourself i will wait outside" he said while rubbing his hands together and seemingly shrinking a few feet.

Izumi: "you better not do something stupid while me and my baby are sleeping you big buffoon because i swear on my life if i hear 1 more complaint about Sig the giant terrorising kids... i will *chopping motions*"

Sig: "yes yes honey" said the big man while sweating buckets and shivering while sprinting outside the room while slowly and quietly closing the door.

Izumi looks down towards his sleeping baby and smiles while saying " don't worry mama will protect you from that useless baboon and if anyone or anything harms my baby..." while her arms slowly become longer ,her muscles slowly become more defined, and a gleaming coat of brown fur slowly blooms on her skin while she lets out a low and deep growl that would make any grown man pee his pants.

This was her quirk: The Beast . She could transform into a wide variety of different animals and take on their properties, via a partial transformation or a complete one. The downside of the quirk is that the character of the animals affects the mind of the user so the use of this quirk takes practice and mastery.

————-Sig pov: in the hospital waiting room

*Sighh* what will i ever do with that woman? Still i can't believe i'm finally a father! I'm going to stive to be the best dad i can be. The mountain of a man says while making one of the kids in the waiting room cry because of his scary looks

Sig: " oh no no, please stop crying" the man panics and starts trying to do funny faces so the kid can stop his wailing " if Izumi finds out about this then i'm dead meat, my son will grow up without a father to look up to" determined to make the kid stop crying he decides to use his quirk.

Slowly the air around the man becomes grey while small clouds begin to form around him and a slow white snowfall begins to descend on the head of the snotty kid.

When the kid finally opens his eyes he is delighted by a small but beautiful mountain if snow that slowly accumulates on the ground. He suddenly looks towards the big scary ogre that wanted to eat him before but now all he sees is a friendly giant with a goofy smile on his face.

Sig's quirk is called: imagination . He can create small things directly from his imagination at he cost of great stamina. The only draw back of the quirk is the creativity of the user and the large stamina consumption.... and well let's just say that Sig is NOT the most creative man ever.

Suddenly a nurse comes up to Sig

Nurse: " excuse me sir but i need you to fill on some details for the data about your son"

Sig: " ah yes, what do i need to do?"

Nurse: " just sign some papers..."

But before Sig could be relieved he felt a bad omen loom on him

Nurse: " and decide on a name for the little cutie "

Sign just froze and cursed the Morgan Freeman above for this. "I will get you back one day you bastard" while using his quirk to create a stream of tears.

Sig: ' i only hope i live to see tomorrow, i'm sorry son but your old man is dead for sure ;-;'

Sig: ' Izumi is going to see red if she doesn't like the name i decide on... wait... that's it! RED!' With a quick use of his quirk he made a big light bulb on top of his head shine brightly.


Don't worry in the next chapter i'm starting the story hehe :P i just wanted to give some more personality to his parents since they wont really be as important in the chapters later on.

By the way i did a little easter egg with the names of his parents, from what anime are they?

Sorry the start is kinda slow but trust me it will get interesting soon. I’ll try to make the chapters longer :) like and share

Ivan_The_Terriblecreators' thoughts